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  1. Oct 19, 2020
    • Martyn Welch's avatar
      Move developer images to correct folder · 02faa07f
      Martyn Welch authored and Emanuele Aina's avatar Emanuele Aina committed
      Following the tweaks to the pages the images need to be moved to their new
      expected location under images.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>
    • Martyn Welch's avatar
      Move developer to · e156cd2c
      Martyn Welch authored and Emanuele Aina's avatar Emanuele Aina committed
      The developer documentation is now in it's own temporary section. Move the
      index page to the correct name for a section index.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>
    • Martyn Welch's avatar
      Convert HotDoc formatting for Hugo · 3bb17562
      Martyn Welch authored and Emanuele Aina's avatar Emanuele Aina committed
      The existing metadata and some inline codes need converting to work with
       - Remove authors as we don't have an equivalent for that in Hugo
       - Add in fields that the existing metadata doesn't have
       - Include aliases to allow us to point to the new pages from a
         redirect on
       - Ensure we have a title (based on filename if one not present)
       - Convert hotdoc code blocks to Hugo equivalent
       - HotDoc allowed a `[][link]` format that Hugo doesn't understand
       - HotDoc allowed relative links without text, which Hugo doesn't handle
       - The location of the images and other media has changed
       - The format used for internal page references has is different
      Additionally, fix up touched links to other Apertis pages to use the
      Hugo "ref" shortcode, which reduces the risk of leaving hanging links.
      All frontmatter created in toml format to stay consistent with existing
      Converted using the following python script:
      import os
      import re
      import subprocess
      import sys
      import toml
      import yaml
      def url_munge(match):
          url ='url').strip('.')
          if url[0] != "/":
              url = "/%s" % url
          url = url.replace("media", "images")
          link = ("![](%s)" % url)
          return link
      def link_munge(match):
          link ='link')
          new = link.replace("(", "")
          new = new.replace(")", "")
          new = new.replace("`", "")
          new = new.replace("?", "")
          new = new.replace(":", "")
          new = new.replace(",", "")
          new = new.replace("–", "")
          new = new.replace("“", "")
          new = new.replace("”", "")
          new = new.replace(".", "")
          new = new.replace(" ", "-")
          new = new.lower()
          new = (" [%s]( {{< ref \"#%s\" >}} )" % (link, new))
          return new
      def link_munge_2(match):
          link ='link')
          new = link.replace("#", "")
          new = new.replace("-", " ")
          new = new.replace(".md", "")
          if not "http" in link:
              link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % link
          new = (" [%s](%s)" % (new, link))
          return new
      for filename in os.listdir("."):
          if ".md" not in filename:
          print("%s: " % filename)
          with open(filename, 'r+') as file:
              contents =
              if contents[0:3] == "+++":
                  # We have toml
                  data = toml.loads(contents.split("+++")[1])
                  doc = "+++".join(contents.split("+++")[2:])
              elif contents[0:3] == "---":
                  # We have yaml
                  data = yaml.load(contents.split("---")[1])
                  doc = "---".join(contents.split("---")[2:])
                  # No frontmatter
                  data = {}
                  doc = contents
              if not "title" in data.keys():
                  data["title"] = filename.split(".")[0].replace('_', ' ').capitalize()
              data["weight"] = 100
              data["aliases"] = ["/old-developer/latest/%s" % filename.replace(".md", ".html")]
              # Add aliases
              latest = data['aliases'][0]
              for version in ['v2019', 'v2020', 'v2021pre', 'v2022dev0']:
                  versioned = latest.replace("/latest/", "/%s/" % version)
              data["outputs"] = ["html", "pdf-in"]
              # Remove authors
              if "authors" in data.keys():
                  del data["authors"]
              # Switch HotDoc code blocks to hugo code blocks
              pattern = re.compile("^---", re.MULTILINE)
              doc = pattern.sub("```", doc)
              # Hotdoc uses `[][Internal Title]` for internal links whilst Hugo uses `[](#internal-title)`
              pattern = re.compile("\[\]\[(?P<link>.*?)\]")
              doc = pattern.sub(link_munge, doc)
              # Hotdoc allows empty links like `[](url)`
              pattern = re.compile("[^!]\[\]\((?P<link>.*?)\)")
              doc = pattern.sub(link_munge_2, doc)
              # Media links not working
              pattern = re.compile("!\[\]\((?P<url>.*?)\)")
              doc = pattern.sub(url_munge, doc)
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>
    • Martyn Welch's avatar
      Change front matter trailing marker for Hugo · 453977a1
      Martyn Welch authored and Emanuele Aina's avatar Emanuele Aina committed
      The documentation pulled from, which utilises HotDoc
      document generation uses a `...` marker at the end of it's leading
      metadata whilst Hugo (as used on the website) expects `---`. change
      instances of this string.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>
    • Martyn Welch's avatar
      Add documents from · 286d5488
      Martyn Welch authored and Emanuele Aina's avatar Emanuele Aina committed
      This is the initial import of documents and media from It will need tweaks to make it build properly.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>
  2. Oct 15, 2020
  3. Oct 13, 2020
  4. Oct 12, 2020
  5. Oct 11, 2020
  6. Oct 05, 2020
    • Emanuele Aina's avatar
      gitlab-ci: Reduce cost and latency of jobs · 9892fdf0
      Emanuele Aina authored
      Add the `lightweight` tag to run jobs on the GitLab runners set up for
      jobs that do not need large amounts of resources (max 2GB of RAM) and do
      not need privileged containers.
      The former makes jobs cheaper because they user smaller VM instance
      types, the latter improves latency as there's no strong need to spin
      separate VMs to keep each job isolated and existing instances can be
      re-used instead.
      Signed-off-by: Emanuele Aina's avatarEmanuele Aina <>
  7. Oct 02, 2020
  8. Oct 01, 2020
  9. Sep 30, 2020
  10. Sep 28, 2020
  11. Sep 25, 2020
  12. Sep 24, 2020
  13. Sep 23, 2020
  14. Sep 22, 2020
  15. Sep 21, 2020
    • Martyn Welch's avatar
      Don't add anchors to page titles · 932647cf
      Martyn Welch authored
      We are currently adding anchor links to all headings. This includes the
      page titles, which is the one heading to which we really don't need a
      link. The page title is also centered and the addition of the anchor
      causes the normally visible part of the title to be nudged to rendered off
      center. This is visually unappealing, so stop adding anchors to the page
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>