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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jan 22, 2021
  2. Jan 15, 2021
  3. Dec 21, 2020
  4. Dec 18, 2020
  5. Dec 08, 2020
  6. Nov 17, 2020
  7. Nov 16, 2020
  8. Nov 09, 2020
  9. Oct 23, 2020
  10. Oct 22, 2020
  11. Oct 19, 2020
  12. Oct 13, 2020
  13. Oct 12, 2020
  14. Oct 02, 2020
    • Martyn Welch's avatar
      Add index pages to official sections · 33729c52
      Martyn Welch authored and Emanuele Aina's avatar Emanuele Aina committed
      Add a basic description to the index page for each of the "official"
      sections (as laid out inthe websites This provides visitors to
      the site with some guidance as to what to expect to find in each section,
      somewhere to point out to related polices (such as the release schedule and
      flow from the releases section) and a way to add aliases (such as the
      missing alias to Guides for the "Guidelines" section that was found on the
      old wiki).
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>
  15. Sep 24, 2020
  16. Aug 03, 2020
  17. Jul 29, 2020
    • Martyn Welch's avatar
      Updating old links · ee26b8cf
      Martyn Welch authored and Emanuele Aina's avatar Emanuele Aina committed
      After moving the documents from designs.a.o to www.a.o, there were
      quite a few links from the designs.a.o docs pointing to wiki.a.o and
      quite a few links from www.a.o pointing to designs.a.o. Replace these
      links with Hugo ref shortcodes to avoid hammering the redirects.
      This was achieved with the following script:
      import os
      import re
      import sys
      import toml
      from urllib.parse import urlparse
      def get_aliases(filename):
          #print("%s: " % filename)
          with open(filename, 'r') as file:
              contents =
              if not contents[0:3] == "+++":
              if "" in filename:
                  filename = filename.strip(".")
                  filename = filename.split("/")[-1]
              data = toml.loads(contents.split("+++")[1])
              if not "aliases" in data.keys():
              for alias in data["aliases"]:
                  if "/old-wiki/" in alias:
                      wiki_aliases[alias.replace("/old-wiki/", "/")] = filename
                  if "/old-designs/" in alias:
                      # We're dropping the per-release links from designs.a.o, so match on shorter path
                      design_aliases[alias.replace("/old-designs/latest/", "/")] = filename
      def fix_link(url):
          link ='link')
          url = urlparse(link)
          if url.netloc == "":
              if url.path in wiki_aliases.keys():
                  url = url._replace(scheme="")
                  url = url._replace(netloc="")
                  url = url._replace(path=wiki_aliases[url.path])
                  link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % url.geturl()
          if url.netloc == "":
              # We're dropping the per-release links from designs.a.o, so match on shorter path
              path = "/%s" % url.path.split('/', 2)[-1]
              if path in design_aliases.keys():
                  url = url._replace(scheme="")
                  url = url._replace(netloc="")
                  url = url._replace(path=design_aliases[path])
                  link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % url.geturl()
          return "](%s)" % link
      def fix_ref(url):
          link ='link')
          url = urlparse(link)
          if url.netloc == "":
              if url.path in wiki_aliases.keys():
                  url = url._replace(scheme="")
                  url = url._replace(netloc="")
                  url = url._replace(path=wiki_aliases[url.path])
                  link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % url.geturl()
          if url.netloc == "":
              # We're dropping the per-release links from designs.a.o, so match on shorter path
              path = "/%s" % url.path.split('/', 2)[-1]
              if path in design_aliases.keys():
                  url = url._replace(scheme="")
                  url = url._replace(netloc="")
                  url = url._replace(path=design_aliases[path])
                  link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % url.geturl()
          return "]: %s" % link
      def correct_links(filename):
          #print("%s: " % filename)
          with open(filename, 'r+') as file:
              contents =
              if not contents[0:3] == "+++":
              fm = contents.split("+++")[1]
              doc = contents.split("+++",2)[2]
              # Hotdoc allows empty links like `[](url)`
              pattern = re.compile("\]\((?P<link>.*?)\)")
              doc = pattern.sub(fix_link, doc)
              pattern = re.compile("\]: (?P<link>.*)")
              doc = pattern.sub(fix_ref, doc)
      wiki_aliases = {}
      design_aliases = {}
      for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
          for file in files:
              if ".md" in file:
                  get_aliases("%s/%s" %(root, file))
      for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
          for file in files:
              if ".md" in file:
                  correct_links("%s/%s" %(root, file))
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>
  18. Jul 27, 2020
  19. Jul 24, 2020
  20. Jul 19, 2020
  21. Jul 15, 2020