- May 06, 2021
Martyn Welch authored
We have added the new Terms of Use and Privacy Policy to the website and in-line with the existing policies we state we will give 30 days notice of change. Note: These changes will switch to the new policies and should not be merged until the 6th May 2021. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
- Apr 29, 2021
Arnaud Ferraris authored
This commit enables the generation and display of the ToC on all pages where it's relevant due to the content size. More pages could have been included but left aside due to inconsistent use of heading levels leading to rendering/visual glitches. The pages' content has not been modified, except for the "Terms of use" page which included a manually-generated ToC. Signed-off-by:
Arnaud Ferraris <arnaud.ferraris@collabora.com>
- Apr 08, 2021
Apertis now has open registration on it's GitLab instance. Update the documentation to reflect this. Correct some spelling mistakes and grammatical issues noticed when reading documents. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
- Dec 22, 2020
We state that authors of submissions to extend existing components could be asked to submit the change upstream, however we do not cover the option of using a dedicated project area for tweaked components should changes not be of general applicability to Apertis. Highlight that dedicated project areas may be made available for this purpose. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
- Dec 08, 2020
Missing word making sentence clunky. Fix it. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
- Nov 19, 2020
Martyn Welch authored
Take into account that maintainers may take resposibility for a single component. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
Martyn Welch authored
A basic template has been formulated to aid with writing concept documents. Add this to the contributions policy and checklist. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
- Nov 17, 2020
Martyn Welch authored
The Apertis documentation refers to the role of maintainer in a number of places, but never defines what the role entails. Add a section to cover this role, linking to it from places where it is relevant. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
Martyn Welch authored
The "contribution process" as much details Apertis' policies with regards to contributions as laying out a process. Rename the page to simply "contributions" to make the scope of the document a bit clearer. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
Martyn Welch authored
The contribution checklist currently covers only a very narrow subset of possible submissions, primarily new Apertis specific code and APIs. This is no longer a major part of what Apertis is providing and many of the requirements do not reflect current practice. Remove the existing checklist and provide a new one that covers points to be covered for code, component and design submissions, breaking down when and where responsibility lies during the development and submission process. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
Martyn Welch authored
The contribution process document contains both policy information as well as more of a development guide. Split the development guide section out as it's own document in guides rather than having it contained in the policy document. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
- Oct 30, 2020
Peter Senna Tschudin authored
This patch adds a contribution template for an ideal first email that proposes a description for a design document and ask for help and ask about suitability for the Apertis project. Signed-off-by:
Peter Senna Tschudin <peter.senna@collabora.com>
- Oct 23, 2020
The contribution process document has some out of date sections, tweak these to make it aligned to current expectations: - Secure Boot document is now not a design document but an architectural document. Remove the reference as it's no longer helpful. Point to Concepts section instead. - Designs is a section that's being removed. Point to Architecture and Guides for current implementations. - We no longer tag releases manually, remove that as example of manual process. - There's much less need for OBS accounts make this clearer. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
- Oct 15, 2020
Ritesh Raj Sarraf authored
For external developers, they may not have access right to push branches into default repositories. We encourage users to fork the repository and then prepare a merge request. So updating the documentation accordingly. Signed-off-by:
Ritesh Raj Sarraf <ritesh.sarraf@collabora.com>
- Sep 08, 2020
This patch extends the Contribution process document and the contribution checklist for adding new designs to Apertis. Signed-off-by:
Peter Senna Tschudin <peter.senna@collabora.com>
- Aug 27, 2020
Martyn Welch authored
The old designs.a.o site holds versioned copies of the designs. We are not going to present these any more, so where appropriate, link to the latest copy of the document rather than returning 404. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
- Aug 26, 2020
A number of documents had previously been copied over from designs.a.o. Tweak the contribution process document to correct broken titling (discovered during comparison) and remove duplicates. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
- Jul 29, 2020
After moving the documents from designs.a.o to www.a.o, there were quite a few links from the designs.a.o docs pointing to wiki.a.o and quite a few links from www.a.o pointing to designs.a.o. Replace these links with Hugo ref shortcodes to avoid hammering the redirects. This was achieved with the following script: ``` import os import re import sys import toml from urllib.parse import urlparse def get_aliases(filename): #print("%s: " % filename) with open(filename, 'r') as file: contents = file.read() if not contents[0:3] == "+++": return if "_index.md" in filename: filename = filename.strip(".") else: filename = filename.split("/")[-1] data = toml.loads(contents.split("+++")[1]) if not "aliases" in data.keys(): return for alias in data["aliases"]: if "/old-wiki/" in alias: wiki_aliases[alias.replace("/old-wiki/", "/")] = filename if "/old-designs/" in alias: # We're dropping the per-release links from designs.a.o, so match on shorter path design_aliases[alias.replace("/old-designs/latest/", "/")] = filename def fix_link(url): link = url.group('link') url = urlparse(link) if url.netloc == "wiki.apertis.org": if url.path in wiki_aliases.keys(): url = url._replace(scheme="") url = url._replace(netloc="") url = url._replace(path=wiki_aliases[url.path]) link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % url.geturl() if url.netloc == "designs.apertis.org": # We're dropping the per-release links from designs.a.o, so match on shorter path path = "/%s" % url.path.split('/', 2)[-1] print(path) if path in design_aliases.keys(): url = url._replace(scheme="") url = url._replace(netloc="") url = url._replace(path=design_aliases[path]) link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % url.geturl() return "](%s)" % link def fix_ref(url): link = url.group('link') url = urlparse(link) if url.netloc == "wiki.apertis.org": if url.path in wiki_aliases.keys(): url = url._replace(scheme="") url = url._replace(netloc="") url = url._replace(path=wiki_aliases[url.path]) link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % url.geturl() if url.netloc == "designs.apertis.org": # We're dropping the per-release links from designs.a.o, so match on shorter path path = "/%s" % url.path.split('/', 2)[-1] print(path) if path in design_aliases.keys(): url = url._replace(scheme="") url = url._replace(netloc="") url = url._replace(path=design_aliases[path]) link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % url.geturl() return "]: %s" % link def correct_links(filename): #print("%s: " % filename) with open(filename, 'r+') as file: contents = file.read() if not contents[0:3] == "+++": return fm = contents.split("+++")[1] doc = contents.split("+++",2)[2] # Hotdoc allows empty links like `[](url)` pattern = re.compile("\]\((?P<link>.*?)\)") doc = pattern.sub(fix_link, doc) pattern = re.compile("\]: (?P<link>.*)") doc = pattern.sub(fix_ref, doc) file.seek(0) file.truncate() file.write("+++") file.write(fm) file.write("+++") file.write(doc) wiki_aliases = {} design_aliases = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]): for file in files: if ".md" in file: get_aliases("%s/%s" %(root, file)) print("wiki_aliases:") print(wiki_aliases) print("design_aliases:") print(design_aliases) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]): for file in files: if ".md" in file: correct_links("%s/%s" %(root, file)) ``` Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>
- Jul 24, 2020
We have a stub in guidelines for the contribution process. Move the content over from designs.a.o and move to policies. Add in alias for `old-designs` to record the location used on designs.a.o that we can be used once we've dropped all the contents of designs.a.o as a redirect to the website. Flag file to be generated as PDF since it's a document from designs.a.o. Remove `guidelines` from the main page as it's now empty. Signed-off-by:
Martyn Welch <martyn.welch@collabora.com>