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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. May 06, 2021
  2. Apr 29, 2021
    • Arnaud Ferraris's avatar
      Enable table of contents for relevant pages · baf9ff9a
      Arnaud Ferraris authored
      This commit enables the generation and display of the ToC on all pages
      where it's relevant due to the content size.
      More pages could have been included but left aside due to inconsistent
      use of heading levels leading to rendering/visual glitches.
      The pages' content has not been modified, except for the "Terms of use"
      page which included a manually-generated ToC.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarArnaud Ferraris <>
  3. Apr 08, 2021
  4. Dec 22, 2020
  5. Dec 08, 2020
  6. Nov 19, 2020
  7. Nov 17, 2020
  8. Oct 30, 2020
  9. Oct 23, 2020
    • Martyn Welch's avatar
      Align contribution process document · 2cf4b711
      Martyn Welch authored and Emanuele Aina's avatar Emanuele Aina committed
      The contribution process document has some out of date sections, tweak
      these to make it aligned to current expectations:
      - Secure Boot document is now not a design document but an architectural
        document. Remove the reference as it's no longer helpful. Point to
        Concepts section instead.
      - Designs is a section that's being removed. Point to Architecture and
        Guides for current implementations.
      - We no longer tag releases manually, remove that as example of manual
      - There's much less need for OBS accounts make this clearer.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>
  10. Oct 15, 2020
  11. Sep 08, 2020
  12. Aug 27, 2020
  13. Aug 26, 2020
  14. Jul 29, 2020
    • Martyn Welch's avatar
      Updating old links · ee26b8cf
      Martyn Welch authored and Emanuele Aina's avatar Emanuele Aina committed
      After moving the documents from designs.a.o to www.a.o, there were
      quite a few links from the designs.a.o docs pointing to wiki.a.o and
      quite a few links from www.a.o pointing to designs.a.o. Replace these
      links with Hugo ref shortcodes to avoid hammering the redirects.
      This was achieved with the following script:
      import os
      import re
      import sys
      import toml
      from urllib.parse import urlparse
      def get_aliases(filename):
          #print("%s: " % filename)
          with open(filename, 'r') as file:
              contents =
              if not contents[0:3] == "+++":
              if "" in filename:
                  filename = filename.strip(".")
                  filename = filename.split("/")[-1]
              data = toml.loads(contents.split("+++")[1])
              if not "aliases" in data.keys():
              for alias in data["aliases"]:
                  if "/old-wiki/" in alias:
                      wiki_aliases[alias.replace("/old-wiki/", "/")] = filename
                  if "/old-designs/" in alias:
                      # We're dropping the per-release links from designs.a.o, so match on shorter path
                      design_aliases[alias.replace("/old-designs/latest/", "/")] = filename
      def fix_link(url):
          link ='link')
          url = urlparse(link)
          if url.netloc == "":
              if url.path in wiki_aliases.keys():
                  url = url._replace(scheme="")
                  url = url._replace(netloc="")
                  url = url._replace(path=wiki_aliases[url.path])
                  link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % url.geturl()
          if url.netloc == "":
              # We're dropping the per-release links from designs.a.o, so match on shorter path
              path = "/%s" % url.path.split('/', 2)[-1]
              if path in design_aliases.keys():
                  url = url._replace(scheme="")
                  url = url._replace(netloc="")
                  url = url._replace(path=design_aliases[path])
                  link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % url.geturl()
          return "](%s)" % link
      def fix_ref(url):
          link ='link')
          url = urlparse(link)
          if url.netloc == "":
              if url.path in wiki_aliases.keys():
                  url = url._replace(scheme="")
                  url = url._replace(netloc="")
                  url = url._replace(path=wiki_aliases[url.path])
                  link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % url.geturl()
          if url.netloc == "":
              # We're dropping the per-release links from designs.a.o, so match on shorter path
              path = "/%s" % url.path.split('/', 2)[-1]
              if path in design_aliases.keys():
                  url = url._replace(scheme="")
                  url = url._replace(netloc="")
                  url = url._replace(path=design_aliases[path])
                  link = " {{< ref \"%s\" >}} " % url.geturl()
          return "]: %s" % link
      def correct_links(filename):
          #print("%s: " % filename)
          with open(filename, 'r+') as file:
              contents =
              if not contents[0:3] == "+++":
              fm = contents.split("+++")[1]
              doc = contents.split("+++",2)[2]
              # Hotdoc allows empty links like `[](url)`
              pattern = re.compile("\]\((?P<link>.*?)\)")
              doc = pattern.sub(fix_link, doc)
              pattern = re.compile("\]: (?P<link>.*)")
              doc = pattern.sub(fix_ref, doc)
      wiki_aliases = {}
      design_aliases = {}
      for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
          for file in files:
              if ".md" in file:
                  get_aliases("%s/%s" %(root, file))
      for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
          for file in files:
              if ".md" in file:
                  correct_links("%s/%s" %(root, file))
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>
  15. Jul 24, 2020
    • Martyn Welch's avatar
      Move contribution process from designs.a.o to policies · ab8bc548
      Martyn Welch authored and Emanuele Aina's avatar Emanuele Aina committed
      We have a stub in guidelines for the contribution process. Move the
      content over from designs.a.o and move to policies.
      Add in alias for `old-designs` to record the location used on
      designs.a.o that we can be used once we've dropped all the contents
      of designs.a.o as a redirect to the website.
      Flag file to be generated as PDF since it's a document from
      Remove `guidelines` from the main page as it's now empty.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>