More cleanup
Adjust system bus socket to
- In Debian system bus socket moved from
, a symlink exists from/var/run/...
but let's use the real path.
- In Debian system bus socket moved from
Give more time to polkitd to be ready
- For unknown reasons (race conditions?), pkaction randomly fails with: "Error enumerating actions: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying" So, to mitigate this issue give it some more time to be ready, although this should be the aim of "gdbus wait"
Improve cleanup() to catch unexpected failures and to ignore expected one since polkitd should already be killed in the script body.
Drop 'set -x' in cleanup() to reduce noise in the log
Edited by Dylan Aïssi