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  • Edmund Smith's avatar
    Add a tool to generate test pipelines · 30c3e29e
    Edmund Smith authored and Sjoerd Simons's avatar Sjoerd Simons committed can replace The latter will
    submit a batch of test files to Lava, and return the ids for further
    monitoring as required. This model, however, prevents the Lava jobs
    themselves from making use of short-lived tokens like CI_JOB_TOKEN,
    because the job tokens available at the point of submission will
    expire with the completion of the submit job.
    This new tool produces a Gitlab YAML pipeline file, suitable for use
    in a subsequent trigger job. Each test file will have its own Gitlab
    job in the pipeline, and that Gitlab job will run using the Lava
    runner, which means live logs will be available, and all tokens will
    remain valid for the duration of the job.
    Note that we are still generating this pipeline in a job that has
    already terminated before the Lava jobs begin, so we cannot use our
    own CI_JOB_TOKEN in the test files. However, we can use the new
    templating feature of the lava runner to request that the individual
    test job's ow...