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Commit 9e1b5de9 authored by George Kiagiadakis's avatar George Kiagiadakis
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object-manager: port to WpObjectInterest and add more useful API based on it

parent db40a593
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......@@ -46,23 +46,15 @@
/* WpObjectManager */
struct interest
GType g_type;
WpProxyFeatures wanted_features;
GVariant *constraints; // aa{sv}
struct _WpObjectManager
GObject parent;
GWeakRef core;
/* array of struct interest;
pw_array has a better API for our use case than GArray */
struct pw_array interests;
/* element-type: WpObjectInterest* */
GPtrArray *interests;
/* element-type: <GType, WpProxyFeatures> */
GHashTable *features;
/* objects that we are interested in, without a ref */
GPtrArray *objects;
......@@ -93,7 +85,9 @@ static void
wp_object_manager_init (WpObjectManager * self)
g_weak_ref_init (&self->core, NULL);
pw_array_init (&self->interests, sizeof (struct interest));
self->interests =
g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify) wp_object_interest_free);
self->features = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
self->objects = g_ptr_array_new ();
self->installed = FALSE;
self->changed = FALSE;
......@@ -104,19 +98,14 @@ static void
wp_object_manager_finalize (GObject * object)
WpObjectManager *self = WP_OBJECT_MANAGER (object);
struct interest *i;
if (self->idle_source) {
g_source_destroy (self->idle_source);
g_clear_pointer (&self->idle_source, g_source_unref);
g_clear_pointer (&self->objects, g_ptr_array_unref);
pw_array_for_each (i, &self->interests) {
g_clear_pointer (&i->constraints, g_variant_unref);
pw_array_clear (&self->interests);
g_clear_pointer (&self->features, g_hash_table_unref);
g_clear_pointer (&self->interests, g_ptr_array_unref);
g_weak_ref_clear (&self->core);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (wp_object_manager_parent_class)->finalize (object);
......@@ -276,17 +265,137 @@ wp_object_manager_add_interest (WpObjectManager *self,
GType gtype, GVariant * constraints,
WpProxyFeatures wanted_features)
struct interest *i;
g_autoptr (WpObjectInterest) interest = NULL;
g_autoptr (GVariant) c = NULL;
GVariantIter iter;
WpObjectManagerConstraintType ctype;
const gchar *prop_name, *prop_value;
g_return_if_fail (WP_IS_OBJECT_MANAGER (self));
g_return_if_fail (constraints == NULL ||
g_variant_is_of_type (constraints, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("aa{sv}")));
/* grow the array by 1 struct interest and fill it in */
i = pw_array_add (&self->interests, sizeof (struct interest));
i->g_type = gtype;
i->wanted_features = wanted_features;
i->constraints = constraints ? g_variant_ref_sink (constraints) : NULL;
interest = wp_object_interest_new_type (gtype);
if (constraints) {
g_variant_iter_init (&iter, constraints);
while (g_variant_iter_next (&iter, "@a{sv}", &c)) {
GVariantDict dict = G_VARIANT_DICT_INIT (c);
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (&dict, "type", "i", &ctype)) {
g_critical ("Invalid object manager constraint without a type");
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (&dict, "name", "&s", &prop_name)) {
g_critical ("property constraint is without a property name");
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (&dict, "value", "&s", &prop_value)) {
g_critical ("property constraint is without a property value");
wp_object_interest_add_constraint (interest, (WpConstraintType) ctype,
prop_name, WP_CONSTRAINT_VERB_EQUALS, g_variant_new_string (prop_value));
g_variant_dict_clear (&dict);
g_clear_pointer (&c, g_variant_unref);
wp_object_manager_add_interest_full (self, g_steal_pointer (&interest));
if (wanted_features != 0)
wp_object_manager_request_proxy_features (self, gtype, wanted_features);
* wp_object_manager_add_interest_1:
* @self: the object manager
* @gtype: the #GType of the objects that we are declaring interest in
* @...: a list of constraints, terminated by %NULL
* Equivalent to:
* |[
* WpObjectInterest *i = wp_object_interest_new (gtype, ...);
* wp_object_manager_add_interest_full (self, i);
* ]|
* The constraints specified in the variable arguments must follow the rules
* documented in wp_object_interest_new().
wp_object_manager_add_interest_1 (WpObjectManager * self, GType gtype, ...)
WpObjectInterest *interest;
va_list args;
g_return_if_fail (WP_IS_OBJECT_MANAGER (self));
va_start (args, gtype);
interest = wp_object_interest_new_valist (gtype, &args);
wp_object_manager_add_interest_full (self, interest);
va_end (args);
* wp_object_manager_add_interest_full: (rename-to wp_object_manager_add_interest)
* @self: the object manager
* @interest: (transfer full): the interest
* Declares interest in a certain kind of object. Interest consists of a #GType
* that the object must be an ancestor of (g_type_is_a must match) and
* optionally, a set of additional constraints on certain properties of the
* object. Refer to #WpObjectInterest for more details.
wp_object_manager_add_interest_full (WpObjectManager *self,
WpObjectInterest * interest)
g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL;
g_return_if_fail (WP_IS_OBJECT_MANAGER (self));
if (G_UNLIKELY (!wp_object_interest_validate (interest, &error))) {
wp_critical_object (self, "interest validation failed: %s",
wp_object_interest_free (interest);
g_ptr_array_add (self->interests, interest);
* wp_object_manager_request_proxy_features:
* @self: the object manager
* @proxy_type: the #WpProxy descendant type
* @wanted_features: the features to enable on this kind of proxy
* Requests the object manager to automatically prepare the @wanted_features
* on any managed object that is of the specified @proxy_type. These features
* will always be prepared before the object appears on the object manager.
wp_object_manager_request_proxy_features (WpObjectManager *self,
GType proxy_type, WpProxyFeatures wanted_features)
g_autofree GType *children = NULL;
GType *child;
g_return_if_fail (WP_IS_OBJECT_MANAGER (self));
g_return_if_fail (g_type_is_a (proxy_type, WP_TYPE_PROXY));
g_hash_table_insert (self->features, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (proxy_type),
GUINT_TO_POINTER (wanted_features));
child = children = g_type_children (proxy_type, NULL);
while (*child) {
WpProxyFeatures existing_ft = (WpProxyFeatures) GPOINTER_TO_UINT (
g_hash_table_lookup (self->features, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (*child)));
g_hash_table_insert (self->features, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (*child),
GUINT_TO_POINTER (existing_ft | wanted_features));
......@@ -305,6 +414,7 @@ wp_object_manager_get_n_objects (WpObjectManager * self)
struct om_iterator_data
WpObjectManager *om;
WpObjectInterest *interest;
guint index;
......@@ -321,10 +431,15 @@ om_iterator_next (WpIterator *it, GValue *item)
struct om_iterator_data *it_data = wp_iterator_get_user_data (it);
GPtrArray *objects = it_data->om->objects;
if (G_LIKELY (it_data->index < objects->len)) {
g_value_init_from_instance (item,
g_ptr_array_index (objects, it_data->index++));
return TRUE;
while (it_data->index < objects->len) {
gpointer obj = g_ptr_array_index (objects, it_data->index++);
/* take the next object that matches the interest, if any */
if (!it_data->interest ||
wp_object_interest_matches (it_data->interest, obj)) {
g_value_init_from_instance (item, obj);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
......@@ -341,13 +456,16 @@ om_iterator_fold (WpIterator *it, WpIteratorFoldFunc func, GValue *ret,
len = it_data->om->objects->len;
while ((obj - base) < len) {
g_auto (GValue) item = G_VALUE_INIT;
g_value_init_from_instance (&item, *obj);
if (!func (&item, ret, data))
return FALSE;
/* only pass matching objects to the fold func if we have an interest */
if (!it_data->interest ||
wp_object_interest_matches (it_data->interest, obj)) {
g_auto (GValue) item = G_VALUE_INIT;
g_value_init_from_instance (&item, *obj);
if (!func (&item, ret, data))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
......@@ -387,6 +505,75 @@ wp_object_manager_iterate (WpObjectManager * self)
return it;
* wp_object_manager_iterate_filtered:
* @self: the object manager
* @gtype: the #GType of the objects to iterate through
* @...: a list of constraints, terminated by %NULL
* Equivalent to:
* |[
* WpObjectInterest *i = wp_object_interest_new (gtype, ...);
* return wp_object_manager_iterate_filtered_full (self, i);
* ]|
* The constraints specified in the variable arguments must follow the rules
* documented in wp_object_interest_new().
* Returns: (transfer full): a #WpIterator that iterates over all the matching
* objects of this object manager
WpIterator *
wp_object_manager_iterate_filtered (WpObjectManager * self, GType gtype, ...)
WpObjectInterest *interest;
va_list args;
g_return_val_if_fail (WP_IS_OBJECT_MANAGER (self), NULL);
va_start (args, gtype);
interest = wp_object_interest_new_valist (gtype, &args);
va_end (args);
return wp_object_manager_iterate_filtered_full (self, interest);
* wp_object_manager_iterate_filtered_full: (rename-to wp_object_manager_iterate_filtered)
* @self: the object manager
* @interest: (transfer full): the interest
* Iterates through all the objects managed by this object manager that
* match the specified @interest.
* Returns: (transfer full): a #WpIterator that iterates over all the matching
* objects of this object manager
WpIterator *
wp_object_manager_iterate_filtered_full (WpObjectManager * self,
WpObjectInterest * interest)
WpIterator *it;
struct om_iterator_data *it_data;
g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL;
g_return_val_if_fail (WP_IS_OBJECT_MANAGER (self), NULL);
if (G_UNLIKELY (!wp_object_interest_validate (interest, &error))) {
wp_critical_object (self, "interest validation failed: %s",
wp_object_interest_free (interest);
return NULL;
it = wp_iterator_new (&om_iterator_methods, sizeof (struct om_iterator_data));
it_data = wp_iterator_get_user_data (it);
it_data->om = g_object_ref (self);
it_data->interest = interest;
it_data->index = 0;
return it;
static gboolean
find_proxy_fold_func (const GValue *item, GValue *ret, gpointer data)
......@@ -423,137 +610,78 @@ wp_object_manager_find_proxy (WpObjectManager *self, guint bound_id)
return NULL;
static gboolean
check_constraints (GVariant *constraints,
WpProperties *global_props,
GObject *object)
* wp_object_manager_lookup:
* @self: the object manager
* @gtype: the #GType of the object to lookup
* @...: a list of constraints, terminated by %NULL
* Equivalent to:
* |[
* WpObjectInterest *i = wp_object_interest_new (gtype, ...);
* return wp_object_manager_lookup_full (self, i);
* ]|
* The constraints specified in the variable arguments must follow the rules
* documented in wp_object_interest_new().
* Returns: (type GObject)(transfer full)(nullable): the first managed object
* that matches the lookup interest, or %NULL if no object matches
wp_object_manager_lookup (WpObjectManager * self, GType gtype, ...)
GVariantIter iter;
GVariant *c;
WpObjectManagerConstraintType ctype;
const gchar *prop_name, *prop_value;
WpObjectInterest *interest;
va_list args;
g_variant_iter_init (&iter, constraints);
while (g_variant_iter_next (&iter, "@a{sv}", &c)) {
GVariantDict dict = G_VARIANT_DICT_INIT (c);
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (&dict, "type", "i", &ctype)) {
g_critical ("Invalid object manager constraint without a type");
goto error;
switch (ctype) {
if (!global_props)
goto next;
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (&dict, "name", "&s", &prop_name)) {
g_critical ("property constraint is without a property name");
goto error;
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (&dict, "value", "&s", &prop_value)) {
g_critical ("property constraint is without a property value");
goto error;
if (!g_strcmp0 (wp_properties_get (global_props, prop_name), prop_value))
goto match;
/* pipewire properties are contained in a GObj property called "properties" */
g_autoptr (WpProperties) props = NULL;
if (object &&
g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object), "properties"))
g_object_get (object, "properties", &props, NULL);
if (!props)
goto next;
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (&dict, "name", "&s", &prop_name)) {
g_critical ("property constraint is without a property name");
goto error;
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (&dict, "value", "&s", &prop_value)) {
g_critical ("property constraint is without a property value");
goto error;
if (!g_strcmp0 (wp_properties_get (props, prop_name), prop_value))
goto match;
if (!object)
goto next;
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (&dict, "name", "&s", &prop_name)) {
g_critical ("property constraint is without a property name");
goto error;
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (&dict, "value", "&s", &prop_value)) {
g_critical ("property constraint is without a property value");
goto error;
if (!g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object), prop_name))
goto next;
if (({
g_auto (GValue) value = G_VALUE_INIT;
g_auto (GValue) str_value = G_VALUE_INIT;
g_return_val_if_fail (WP_IS_OBJECT_MANAGER (self), NULL);
g_object_get_property (object, prop_name, &value);
g_value_init (&str_value, G_TYPE_STRING);
va_start (args, gtype);
interest = wp_object_interest_new_valist (gtype, &args);
va_end (args);
g_value_transform (&value, &str_value) &&
!g_strcmp0 (g_value_get_string (&str_value), prop_value);
goto match;
return wp_object_manager_lookup_full (self, interest);
g_critical ("Unknown constraint type '%d'", ctype);
goto error;
* wp_object_manager_lookup_full:
* @self: the object manager
* @interest: (transfer full): the interst
* Searches for an object that matches the specified @interest and returns
* it, if found. If more than one objects match, only the first one is returned.
* To find multiple objects that match certain criteria,
* wp_object_manager_iterate_filtered() is more suitable.
* Returns: (type GObject)(transfer full)(nullable): the first managed object
* that matches the lookup interest, or %NULL if no object matches
wp_object_manager_lookup_full (WpObjectManager * self,
WpObjectInterest * interest)
g_auto (GValue) ret = G_VALUE_INIT;
g_autoptr (WpIterator) it =
wp_object_manager_iterate_filtered_full (self, interest);
g_variant_dict_clear (&dict);
g_clear_pointer (&c, g_variant_unref);
g_variant_dict_clear (&dict);
g_clear_pointer (&c, g_variant_unref);
return TRUE;
g_autofree gchar *dbgstr = g_variant_print (c, TRUE);
g_critical ("offending constraint was: %s", dbgstr);
goto next;
if (wp_iterator_next (it, &ret))
return g_value_dup_object (&ret);
return FALSE;
return NULL;
static gboolean
wp_object_manager_is_interested_in_object (WpObjectManager * self,
GObject * object)
struct interest *i;
gint i;
WpObjectInterest *interest = NULL;
pw_array_for_each (i, &self->interests) {
if (g_type_is_a (G_OBJECT_TYPE (object), i->g_type)
&& (!i->constraints ||
check_constraints (i->constraints, NULL, object)))
for (i = 0; i < self->interests->len; i++) {
interest = g_ptr_array_index (self->interests, i);
if (wp_object_interest_matches (interest, object))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
......@@ -561,19 +689,19 @@ static gboolean
wp_object_manager_is_interested_in_global (WpObjectManager * self,
WpGlobal * global, WpProxyFeatures * wanted_features)
struct interest *i;
pw_array_for_each (i, &self->interests) {
if (g_type_is_a (global->type, i->g_type)
&& (!i->constraints ||
check_constraints (i->constraints, global->properties,
G_OBJECT (global->proxy))))
*wanted_features = i->wanted_features;
gint i;
WpObjectInterest *interest = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < self->interests->len; i++) {
interest = g_ptr_array_index (self->interests, i);
if (wp_object_interest_matches_full (interest, global->type,
global->proxy, NULL, global->properties)) {
gpointer ft = g_hash_table_lookup (self->features,
GSIZE_TO_POINTER (global->type));
*wanted_features = (WpProxyFeatures) GPOINTER_TO_UINT (ft);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include <glib-object.h>
#include "proxy.h"
#include "iterator.h"
#include "object-interest.h"
......@@ -27,10 +28,10 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
* property of the managed object
typedef enum {
} WpObjectManagerConstraintType;
} WpObjectManagerConstraintType G_GNUC_DEPRECATED;
......@@ -44,10 +45,22 @@ G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (WpObjectManager, wp_object_manager, WP, OBJECT_MANAGER, GO
WpObjectManager * wp_object_manager_new (void);
void wp_object_manager_add_interest (WpObjectManager *self,
GType gtype, GVariant * constraints, WpProxyFeatures wanted_features);
void wp_object_manager_add_interest_1 (WpObjectManager * self,
void wp_object_manager_add_interest_full (WpObjectManager * self,
WpObjectInterest * interest);
void wp_object_manager_request_proxy_features (WpObjectManager *self,
GType proxy_type, WpProxyFeatures wanted_features);
guint wp_object_manager_get_n_objects (WpObjectManager * self);
......@@ -55,8 +68,24 @@ WP_API
WpIterator * wp_object_manager_iterate (WpObjectManager * self);
WpIterator * wp_object_manager_iterate_filtered (WpObjectManager * self,
GType gtype, ...);
WpIterator * wp_object_manager_iterate_filtered_full (WpObjectManager * self,
WpObjectInterest * interest);
WpProxy * wp_object_manager_find_proxy (WpObjectManager *self, guint bound_id);
gpointer wp_object_manager_lookup (WpObjectManager * self,
gpointer wp_object_manager_lookup_full (WpObjectManager * self,
WpObjectInterest * interest);
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