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Commit 9cb79dc3 authored by Julian Bouzas's avatar Julian Bouzas
Browse files

modules: replace session-settings with default-metadata

parent 453f9a34
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......@@ -89,16 +89,16 @@ shared_library(
dependencies : [wp_dep, pipewire_dep],
# shared_library(
# 'wireplumber-module-session-settings',
# [
# 'module-session-settings.c',
# ],
# c_args : [common_c_args, '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="m-session-settings"'],
# install : true,
# install_dir : wireplumber_module_dir,
# dependencies : [wp_dep],
# )
c_args : [common_c_args, '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="m-default-metadata"'],
install : true,
install_dir : wireplumber_module_dir,
dependencies : [wp_dep],
/* WirePlumber
* Copyright © 2020 Collabora Ltd.
* @author Julian Bouzas <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <wp/wp.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define STATE_NAME "default-metadata"
#define SAVE_INTERVAL_MS 1000
#define direction_to_dbg_string(dir) \
((dir == WP_DIRECTION_INPUT) ? "sink" : "source")
#define default_endpoint_key(dir) ((dir == WP_DIRECTION_INPUT) ? \
"default.session.endpoint.sink" : "default.session.endpoint.source")
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (WpDefaultMetadata, wp_default_metadata, WP,
struct _WpDefaultEndpoints
WpDefaultMetadata *self;
gchar *group;
WpProperties *props;
typedef struct _WpDefaultEndpoints WpDefaultEndpoints;
struct _WpDefaultMetadata
WpPlugin parent;
WpState *state;
WpDefaultEndpoints default_endpoints[2];
WpObjectManager *metadatas_om;
WpObjectManager *sessions_om;
guint metadata_id;
GSource *timeout_source;
G_DEFINE_TYPE (WpDefaultMetadata, wp_default_metadata, WP_TYPE_PLUGIN)
static gboolean
timeout_save_callback (gpointer p)
WpDefaultEndpoints *d = p;
WpDefaultMetadata *self = d->self;
if (!wp_state_save (self->state, d->group, d->props))
wp_warning_object (self, "could not save default endpoints in %s",
static void
timeout_save_default_endpoints (WpDefaultMetadata *self, guint dir, guint ms)
g_autoptr (WpCore) core = wp_plugin_get_core (WP_PLUGIN (self));
g_return_if_fail (core);
/* Clear the current timeout callback */
if (self->timeout_source)
g_source_destroy (self->timeout_source);
g_clear_pointer (&self->timeout_source, g_source_unref);
/* Add the timeout callback */
wp_core_timeout_add (core, &self->timeout_source, ms, timeout_save_callback,
self->default_endpoints + dir, NULL);
static void
on_default_metadata_changed (WpMetadata *m, guint32 subject,
const gchar *key, const gchar *type, const gchar *value, gpointer *d)
WpDefaultMetadata * self = WP_DEFAULT_METADATA (d);
g_autoptr (WpSession) session = NULL;
g_autoptr (WpEndpoint) ep = NULL;
const gchar *session_name = NULL, *ep_name = NULL;
/* Get the direction */
if (!g_strcmp0 (key, default_endpoint_key (WP_DIRECTION_INPUT)))
else if (!g_strcmp0 (key, default_endpoint_key (WP_DIRECTION_OUTPUT)))
/* Find the session */
session = wp_object_manager_lookup (self->sessions_om, WP_TYPE_SESSION,
WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_G_PROPERTY, "bound-id", "=u", subject, NULL);
if (!session)
/* Find the endpoint */
ep = wp_session_lookup_endpoint (session, WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_G_PROPERTY,
"bound-id", "=u", atoi (value), NULL);
if (!ep)
/* Get the session name and endpoint name */
session_name = wp_session_get_name (session);
g_return_if_fail (session_name);
ep_name = wp_endpoint_get_name (ep);
g_return_if_fail (ep_name);
/* Set the property and save state */
wp_properties_set (self->default_endpoints[dir].props, session_name, ep_name);
timeout_save_default_endpoints (self, dir, SAVE_INTERVAL_MS);
static guint32
find_highest_prio (WpSession * session, WpDirection dir)
g_autoptr (WpIterator) it = NULL;
g_auto (GValue) val = G_VALUE_INIT;
gint highest_prio = 0;
guint32 id = 0;
it = wp_session_iterate_endpoints_filtered (session,
WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_PW_PROPERTY, "media.class", "#s",
(dir == WP_DIRECTION_INPUT) ? "*/Sink" : "*/Source",
for (; wp_iterator_next (it, &val); g_value_unset (&val)) {
WpProxy *ep = g_value_get_object (&val);
const gchar *prio_str = wp_pipewire_object_get_property (
WP_PIPEWIRE_OBJECT (ep), "endpoint.priority");
gint prio = atoi (prio_str);
if (prio > highest_prio || id == 0) {
highest_prio = prio;
id = wp_proxy_get_bound_id (ep);
return id;
static void
reevaluate_default_endpoints (WpDefaultMetadata * self, WpMetadata *m,
WpSession *session, guint dir)
guint32 ep_id = 0;
const gchar *session_name = NULL, *ep_name = NULL;
g_return_if_fail (m);
g_return_if_fail (self->default_endpoints[dir].props);
/* Find the default endpoint */
session_name = wp_session_get_name (session);
ep_name = wp_properties_get (self->default_endpoints[dir].props, session_name);
if (ep_name) {
g_autoptr (WpEndpoint) ep = wp_session_lookup_endpoint (session,
WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_PW_PROPERTY, "media.class", "#s",
(dir == WP_DIRECTION_INPUT) ? "*/Sink" : "*/Source", NULL);
if (ep)
ep_id = wp_proxy_get_bound_id (WP_PROXY (ep));
/* If not found, use the highest priority one */
if (ep_id == 0)
ep_id = find_highest_prio (session, dir);
if (ep_id != 0) {
/* block the signal to avoid storing this; only selections done by the user
* should be stored */
g_autofree gchar *value = g_strdup_printf ("%d", ep_id);
g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (m, on_default_metadata_changed, self);
wp_metadata_set (m, wp_proxy_get_bound_id (WP_PROXY (session)),
default_endpoint_key (dir), "Spa:Int", value);
g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (m, on_default_metadata_changed, self);
wp_info_object (self, "set default %s endpoint with id %d on session '%s'",
direction_to_dbg_string (dir), ep_id, session_name);
static void
on_endpoints_changed (WpSession * session, WpDefaultMetadata * self)
g_autoptr (WpMetadata) metadata = NULL;
/* Get the metadata */
metadata = wp_object_manager_lookup (self->metadatas_om, WP_TYPE_METADATA,
WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_G_PROPERTY, "bound-id", "=u", self->metadata_id, NULL);
if (!metadata)
wp_trace_object (session, "endpoints changed, re-evaluating defaults");
reevaluate_default_endpoints (self, metadata, session, WP_DIRECTION_INPUT);
reevaluate_default_endpoints (self, metadata, session, WP_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
static void
on_session_added (WpObjectManager * om, WpSession * session,
WpDefaultMetadata * self)
g_signal_connect_object (session, "endpoints-changed",
G_CALLBACK (on_endpoints_changed), self, 0);
static void
on_metadata_added (WpObjectManager *om, WpMetadata *metadata, gpointer d)
WpDefaultMetadata * self = WP_DEFAULT_METADATA (d);
g_autoptr (WpCore) core = wp_plugin_get_core (WP_PLUGIN (self));
g_return_if_fail (core);
/* Only handle the first available metadata and skip the rest */
if (self->metadata_id > 0)
self->metadata_id = wp_proxy_get_bound_id (WP_PROXY (metadata));
/* Handle the changed signal */
g_signal_connect_object (metadata, "changed",
G_CALLBACK (on_default_metadata_changed), self, 0);
/* Create the sessions object manager */
self->sessions_om = wp_object_manager_new ();
wp_object_manager_add_interest (self->sessions_om, WP_TYPE_SESSION, NULL);
wp_object_manager_request_object_features (self->sessions_om, WP_TYPE_SESSION,
g_signal_connect_object (self->sessions_om, "object-added",
G_CALLBACK (on_session_added), self, 0);
wp_core_install_object_manager (core, self->sessions_om);
static void
wp_default_metadata_activate (WpPlugin * plugin)
WpDefaultMetadata * self = WP_DEFAULT_METADATA (plugin);
g_autoptr (WpCore) core = wp_plugin_get_core (plugin);
g_return_if_fail (core);
/* Create the metadatas object manager */
self->metadata_id = 0;
self->metadatas_om = wp_object_manager_new ();
wp_object_manager_add_interest (self->metadatas_om, WP_TYPE_METADATA, NULL);
wp_object_manager_request_object_features (self->metadatas_om,
g_signal_connect_object (self->metadatas_om, "object-added",
G_CALLBACK (on_metadata_added), self, 0);
wp_core_install_object_manager (core, self->metadatas_om);
static void
wp_default_metadata_deactivate (WpPlugin * plugin)
WpDefaultMetadata * self = WP_DEFAULT_METADATA (plugin);
g_clear_object (&self->metadatas_om);
g_clear_object (&self->sessions_om);
static void
unload_default_endpoints (WpDefaultMetadata * self, WpDefaultEndpoints * d)
g_clear_pointer (&d->props, wp_properties_unref);
g_clear_pointer (&d->group, g_free);
d->self = NULL;
static void
load_default_endpoints (WpDefaultMetadata * self, WpDefaultEndpoints * d,
const gchar *group)
d->self = self;
d->group = g_strdup (group);
d->props = wp_state_load (self->state, d->group);
if (!d->props)
wp_warning_object ("could not load default endpoints from %s",
static void
wp_default_metadata_finalize (GObject * object)
WpDefaultMetadata * self = WP_DEFAULT_METADATA (object);
/* Clear the current timeout callback */
if (self->timeout_source)
g_source_destroy (self->timeout_source);
g_clear_pointer (&self->timeout_source, g_source_unref);
unload_default_endpoints (self, self->default_endpoints + WP_DIRECTION_INPUT);
unload_default_endpoints (self, self->default_endpoints + WP_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
g_clear_object (&self->state);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (wp_default_metadata_parent_class)->finalize (object);
static void
wp_default_metadata_init (WpDefaultMetadata * self)
self->state = wp_state_new (STATE_NAME);
load_default_endpoints (self, self->default_endpoints + WP_DIRECTION_INPUT,
default_endpoint_key (WP_DIRECTION_INPUT));
load_default_endpoints (self, self->default_endpoints + WP_DIRECTION_OUTPUT,
default_endpoint_key (WP_DIRECTION_OUTPUT));
static void
wp_default_metadata_class_init (WpDefaultMetadataClass * klass)
GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
WpPluginClass *plugin_class = (WpPluginClass *) klass;
object_class->finalize = wp_default_metadata_finalize;
plugin_class->activate = wp_default_metadata_activate;
plugin_class->deactivate = wp_default_metadata_deactivate;
wireplumber__module_init (WpModule * module, WpCore * core, GVariant * args)
wp_plugin_register (g_object_new (wp_default_metadata_get_type (),
"name", "default-metadata",
"module", module,
/* WirePlumber
* Copyright © 2020 Collabora Ltd.
* @author George Kiagiadakis <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* This module selects "default" source & sink endpoints for each session
* and when the user modifies them, it stores the user preference in text
* files in $XDG_CONFIG_DIR, similarly to pulseaudio
#include <wp/wp.h>
#include <errno.h>
G_DEFINE_QUARK (wp-session-settings-sink-file, session_settings_sink_file)
G_DEFINE_QUARK (wp-session-settings-source-file, session_settings_source_file)
#define direction_to_dbg_string(dir) \
((dir == WP_DIRECTION_INPUT) ? "sink" : "source")
struct _WpSessionSettings
WpPlugin parent;
WpObjectManager *sessions_om;
gchar *config_dir;
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (WpSessionSettings, wp_session_settings,
G_DEFINE_TYPE (WpSessionSettings, wp_session_settings, WP_TYPE_PLUGIN)
static void
wp_session_settings_init (WpSessionSettings * self)
self->config_dir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_config_dir (),
"wireplumber", NULL);
if (g_mkdir_with_parents (self->config_dir, 0755) < 0) {
wp_warning_object (self, "failed to create '%s': %s", self->config_dir,
strerror (errno));
static void
wp_session_settings_finalize (GObject * object)
WpSessionSettings * self = WP_SESSION_SETTINGS (object);
g_free (self->config_dir);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (wp_session_settings_parent_class)->finalize (object);
static void
on_default_endpoint_changed (WpSession * session, WpDirection dir,
guint32 id, WpSessionSettings * self)
GFile *file = NULL;
g_autoptr (GFileOutputStream) out_stream = NULL;
g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL;
g_autoptr (WpEndpoint) ep = NULL;
wp_debug_object (self, "default %s on " WP_OBJECT_FORMAT " changed (%u), "
"storing", direction_to_dbg_string (dir), WP_OBJECT_ARGS (session), id);
file = g_object_get_qdata (G_OBJECT (session),
session_settings_sink_file_quark () :
session_settings_source_file_quark ());
g_return_if_fail (file);
ep = wp_session_lookup_endpoint (session,
WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_G_PROPERTY, "bound-id", "=u", id, NULL);
if (!ep) {
wp_warning_object (self, "default %s (%u) on " WP_OBJECT_FORMAT " not found",
direction_to_dbg_string (dir), id, WP_OBJECT_ARGS (session));
out_stream = g_file_replace (file, NULL, FALSE, G_FILE_CREATE_NONE, NULL,
if (out_stream) {
/* write the name plus its terminating null byte */
const gchar *name = wp_endpoint_get_name (ep);
if (!g_output_stream_write_all (G_OUTPUT_STREAM (out_stream),
name, strlen (name) + 1, NULL, NULL, &error)) {
wp_warning_object (self, "error writing %s: %s", g_file_peek_path (file),
static guint32
find_highest_prio (WpSession * session, WpDirection dir)
g_autoptr (WpIterator) it = NULL;
g_auto (GValue) val = G_VALUE_INIT;
gint highest_prio = 0;
guint32 id = 0;
it = wp_session_iterate_endpoints_filtered (session,
WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_PW_PROPERTY, "media.class", "#s",
(dir == WP_DIRECTION_INPUT) ? "*/Sink" : "*/Source",
for (; wp_iterator_next (it, &val); g_value_unset (&val)) {
WpProxy *ep = g_value_get_object (&val);
const gchar *prio_str = wp_proxy_get_property (ep, "endpoint.priority");
gint prio = atoi (prio_str);
if (prio > highest_prio || id == 0) {
highest_prio = prio;
id = wp_proxy_get_bound_id (ep);
return id;
static void
reevaluate_defaults (WpSessionSettings * self,
WpSession * session, WpDirection dir)
guint32 id = 0;
GFile *file;
g_autoptr (GFileInputStream) in_stream = NULL;
g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL;
gchar buffer[128];
/* try to read the default endpoint's name from the settings file */
file = g_object_get_qdata (G_OBJECT (session),
session_settings_sink_file_quark () :
session_settings_source_file_quark ());
in_stream = g_file_read (file, NULL, &error);
if (in_stream) {
gsize bytes_read = 0;
g_autoptr (WpEndpoint) ep = NULL;
if (!g_input_stream_read_all (G_INPUT_STREAM (in_stream), buffer,
sizeof (buffer), &bytes_read, NULL, &error)) {
wp_warning_object (self, "error reading %s: %s", g_file_peek_path (file),
} else {
/* the file should have a null byte, but let's not trust it */
buffer[MIN (bytes_read, sizeof (buffer) - 1)] = '\0';
ep = wp_session_lookup_endpoint (session,
WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_PW_PROPERTY, "media.class", "#s",
(dir == WP_DIRECTION_INPUT) ? "*/Sink" : "*/Source",
if (ep)
id = wp_proxy_get_bound_id (WP_PROXY (ep));
else if (error) {
/* this is an expected condition if no settings are stored; just debug */
wp_debug_object (self, "file read error (%s): %s", g_file_peek_path (file),
/* if not found by settings, find the highest priority one */
if (id == 0)
id = find_highest_prio (session, dir);
wp_debug_object (self, "selecting default %s for " WP_OBJECT_FORMAT ": %u",
direction_to_dbg_string (dir), WP_OBJECT_ARGS (session), id);
/* block the signal to avoid storing this on the file;
only selections done by the user should be stored */
g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (session, on_default_endpoint_changed, self);
wp_session_set_default_endpoint (session, dir, id);
g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (session, on_default_endpoint_changed, self);
static void
on_endpoints_changed (WpSession * session, WpSessionSettings * self)
wp_trace_object (session, "endpoints changed, re-evaluating defaults");
reevaluate_defaults (self, session, WP_DIRECTION_INPUT);
reevaluate_defaults (self, session, WP_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
static void
on_session_added (WpObjectManager * om, WpSession * session,
WpSessionSettings * self)
GFile *sink_file;
GFile *source_file;
gchar *filename;
filename = g_strdup_printf ("%s%c%s-default-sink", self->config_dir,
G_DIR_SEPARATOR, wp_session_get_name (session));
sink_file = g_file_new_for_path (filename);
g_free (filename);
filename = g_strdup_printf ("%s%c%s-default-source", self->config_dir,
G_DIR_SEPARATOR, wp_session_get_name (session));
source_file = g_file_new_for_path (filename);
g_free (filename);
g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (session),
session_settings_sink_file_quark (), sink_file, g_object_unref);
g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (session),
session_settings_source_file_quark (), source_file, g_object_unref);
g_signal_connect_object (session, "default-endpoint-changed",
G_CALLBACK (on_default_endpoint_changed), self, 0);
g_signal_connect_object (session, "endpoints-changed",
G_CALLBACK (on_endpoints_changed), self, 0);
on_endpoints_changed (session, self);
static void
wp_session_settings_activate (WpPlugin * plugin)
WpSessionSettings * self = WP_SESSION_SETTINGS (plugin);
g_autoptr (WpCore) core = wp_plugin_get_core (plugin);
g_return_if_fail (core);
self->sessions_om = wp_object_manager_new ();
wp_object_manager_add_interest (self->sessions_om, WP_TYPE_SESSION, NULL);
wp_object_manager_request_proxy_features (self->sessions_om, WP_TYPE_SESSION,
g_signal_connect_object (self->sessions_om, "object-added",
G_CALLBACK (on_session_added), self, 0);
wp_core_install_object_manager (core, self->sessions_om);
static void
wp_session_settings_deactivate (WpPlugin * plugin)
WpSessionSettings * self = WP_SESSION_SETTINGS (plugin);
g_clear_object (&self->sessions_om);
static void
wp_session_settings_class_init (WpSessionSettingsClass * klass)
GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
WpPluginClass *plugin_class = (WpPluginClass *) klass;
object_class->finalize = wp_session_settings_finalize;
plugin_class->activate = wp_session_settings_activate;
plugin_class->deactivate = wp_session_settings_deactivate;
wireplumber__module_init (WpModule * module, WpCore * core, GVariant * args)
wp_plugin_register (g_object_new (wp_session_settings_get_type (),
"name", "session-settings",
"module", module,
......@@ -64,9 +64,8 @@ load-module C libwireplumber-module-device-activation
# Automatically suspends idle nodes after 3 seconds
load-module C libwireplumber-module-node-suspension
# Sets endpoint defaults on each session and stores default endpoint
# user settings in XDG_CONFIG_DIR
#load-module C libwireplumber-module-session-settings
# Grants functionality to store and restore default metadata such as default endpoints
load-module C libwireplumber-module-default-metadata
# Implements static objects creation based on TOML configuration files
load-module C libwireplumber-module-config-static-objects
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