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Disable flaky testWaitForSlotEvent and testGetFunctionList

Dylan Aïssi requested to merge wip/daissi/disable-flaky-test into apertis/v2024pre

Disable flaky testWaitForSlotEvent and testGetFunctionList

 These tests randomly fail on OBS and on with this error:
  1) test: InfoTests::testWaitForSlotEvent (F) line: 79 TestsNoPINInitBase.cpp
  setUp() failed
  - assertion failed
  - Expression: CRYPTOKI_F_PTR( C_GetTokenInfo(*i, &tokenInfo)==CKR_OK )
 1) test: InfoTests::testGetFunctionList (F) line: 124 TestsNoPINInitBase.cpp
 setUp() failed
 - equality assertion failed
 - Expected: 0
 - Actual  : 48


Merge request reports