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    Import Debian version 1.29 · 8f3a81a5
    Helmut Grohne authored
    sgml-base (1.29) unstable; urgency=medium
      * QA upload.
      * Mark sgml-base m-a:foreign, because dpkg is m-a:foreign already and the
        maintainer scripts do not induce architecture dependency.
    sgml-base (1.28) unstable; urgency=medium
      * QA upload.
      * Fix missing catalog update introduced in dpkg 1.17.0. (Closes: #825002)
        + Declare trigger interest on /usr/share/sgml, /usr/share/xml and
          update-sgmlcatalog (for pending debhelper change).
    sgml-base (1.27) unstable; urgency=medium
      * QA upload.
      * Set Debian QA Group as maintainer. See #802381.
      * Acknowledge NMU. Thanks to Helmut Grohne <>.
          (Closes: #674898)
      * Migrations:
          - debian/copyright to 1.0 format.
          - debian/rules to new (reduced) format.
          - DebSrc to 3.0 format (native).
          - DH level to 9. (Closes: #817667)
      * debian/control:
          - Added the ${misc:Depends} variable to Depends field.
          - Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.8.
          - Dropped the (now) unnecessary Conflicts field.
          - Removed the duplicate fields Section and Priority from binary.
          - Removed the ${perl:Depends} variable from Depends field. See
            more information above (debian/rules).
      * debian/copyright: updated all information.
      * debian/lintian-overrides: created to override some false positives.
      * debian/sgml-base.install: no longer needed. Removed.
      * debian/rules: used "dh_perl -d" to drop unnecessary "perl" dependency.
          Thanks to Martin Pitt <>. (Closes: #602125)
    sgml-base (1.26+nmu4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * update-catalog --update-super ignores catalogs referencing non-existent
        files. (Closes: #676717) Thanks to Jakub Wilk for contributing the parser.
      * Remove warning about rebuilding packages as it may confuse users.
      * Quieten update-catalog during trigger and postinst, to avoid warnings for
        packages in "rc" state.
      * Pre-Depend on dpkg >= 1.16.4 (Closes: #678902). Removed dependency on
        dpkg >= 1.14.18. sgml-base highlights a bug in dpkg's trigger processing. 
    sgml-base (1.26+nmu3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * "--" may not appear in comments. (Closes: #674933)
    sgml-base (1.26+nmu2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * Generate the super catalog from /etc/sgml directory contents.
        This does not solve #477751, but the upcoming debhelper changes will solve
        that bug based on this work.
      * Do not truncate the manual pages during build.
    sgml-base (1.26+nmu1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload
      * Applied patch from Hideki Yamane adding a check whether directories exist
        before removing them on purge 
        (closes: Bug#576445)
      * Moved debhelper from Build-Depends-Indep to Build-Depends as it is used in
        the clean target, as per Policy section 7.7.
    sgml-base (1.26) unstable; urgency=low
      * Removed creation of the transitional catalog in a installation
        - debian/sgml-base.postinst
        - debian/sgml-base.prerm
        - tools/install-sgmlcatalog
    sgml-base (1.25) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/sgml-base.postinst: fixed transitional SGML catalog initialization
        (closes: Bug#255627)
    sgml-base (1.24) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/sgml-base.*inst: moved SGML root catalog initialization from the
        preinst to the postinst
        (closes: Bug#255472)
    sgml-base (1.23) unstable; urgency=low
      * Removed support for '/usr/lib/sgml'
        - debian/sgml-base.p*: remove support for '/usr/lib/sgml/catalog'
        - debian/sgml-base.p*: moved transitional SGML catalog to /etc/sgml
        - tools/install-sgmlcatalog: updated accordingly
        - tools/install-sgmlcatalog.8: updated accordingly
      * debian/control: rewrote short and long description
      * README: updated
      * Added README.Debian
      * debian/copyright: updated
    sgml-base (1.22) unstable; urgency=low
      * Added SGML infrastructure directories
        - Makefile: created the SGML infrastructure directories under
          /usr/share/sgml and under /usr/share/local/sgml
        - debian/rules: updated to use 'dh_usrlocal'
      * Moved 'update-catalog*', 'install-sgmlcatalog*' and SGML catalog
        templates to 'tools' directory
      * Added Makefiles to 'tools' subdirectory and put all the common parts
        in 'MAKE/include'
      * tools/update-catalog: absorbed manual page in POD format
      * tools/install-sgmlcatalog: absorbed manual page in POD format
      * debian/control: changed 'Maintainer' to 'Debian XML/SGML Group
        <>' and added current
        maintainer to 'Uploaders'
      * debian/control: upgraded to Debian Policy 3.6.1 (no changes)
    sgml-base (1.21) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/sgml-base.prerm: updated to remove the transitional catalog from the
        super catalog also during package upgrade per current sgml-base practice
    sgml-base (1.20) unstable; urgency=low
      * Added examples
      * debian/sgml-base.p*:various cosmetic changes
      * debian/control: upgraded to Debian Policy 3.6.1 (no changes)
    sgml-base (1.19) unstable; urgency=low
      * install-sgmlcatalog: re-added '--quiet' option
        (closes: Bug#204891)
    sgml-base (1.18) unstable; urgency=low
      * install-sgmlcatalog: marked '--install' option as deprecated
        (closes: Bug#174831)
      * debian/rules: moved debhelper compatibility level setting to
        'debian/compat' per latest debhelper best practices
      * debian/control: changed build dependency on 'debhelper' to '(>= 4.1)'
      * debian/copyright: updated
      * debian/control: upgraded to Debian Policy 3.6.0 (no changes)
    sgml-base (1.17) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/control: updated short description and long description
    sgml-base (1.16) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/rules: upgraded to debhelper v4
      * debian/control: changed build dependency on debhelper accordingly
      * debian/rules: migrated from 'dh_movefiles' to 'dh_install'
      * debian/rules: split off 'install' target from 'binary-indep' target
      * debian/copyright: added pointer to license
    sgml-base (1.15) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/control: removed explicit and versioned dependency on 'sed'
    sgml-base (1.14) unstable; urgency=low
      * '/usr/share/sgml-base/catalog' -> '/usr/share/sgml-base/catalog.super'
        (closes: Bug#135279)
    sgml-base (1.13) unstable; urgency=low
      * Moved documentation into a separate package
        (closes: Bug#130208)
    sgml-base (1.12) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/sgml-base.prerm: split into prerm and postrm to remove catalog
        files properly upon purge
    sgml-base (1.11) unstable; urgency=low
      * Removed explicit dhelp support since doc-base now takes care of this
      * debian/control: added build dependency on sp
      * Added documentation in PDF format
      * debian/control: added build dependency on 'libpaperg', 'tetex-bin'
        and 'tetex-extra'
      * debian/control: removed obsolete build dependency on 'perl'
      * debian/control: upgraded to Debian Policy 3.5.6
    sgml-base (1.10) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/postinst: corrected install of ''
        (closes: Bug#96163)
      * debian/prerm: added purge handling
        (closes: Bug#93036)
    sgml-base (1.09) unstable; urgency=low
      * Moved the transitional catalog from '/etc/sgml' to '/usr/lib/sgml'
        (closes: Bug#87943, Bug#90164)
    sgml-base (1.08) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/control: added Conflicts with 'sgmltools-2 (< 2.0.2-5)'
        (closes: Bug#88078)
      * debian/postinst: remove circular catalog
        (closes: Bug#86603, Bug#88009, Bug#88339, Bug#89538, Bug#90766)
      * debian/postinst: no conffiles anymore
        (closes: Bug#88003)
      * debian/control: updated dependencies
      * debian/control: upgraded to Debian Policy 3.5.2
      * debian/control: upgraded to Debian Perl Policy 1.17
    sgml-base (1.07) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/postinst: forgot to `mkdir -p /usr/lib/sgml`
      * debian/postinst: put various steps in correct order
        (closes: Bug#87704)
    sgml-base (1.06) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/postinst: forgot to `mkdir -p /etc/sgml`
    sgml-base (1.05) unstable; urgency=low
      * Install '/etc/sgml/catalog' and '/etc/sgml/' as
        templates from '/usr/share/sgml-base'
        (closes: Bug#86600)
      * debian/rules: updated to install to 'debian/tmp' and use 'dh_movefiles'
    sgml-base (1.04) unstable; urgency=low
      * First steps in migrating '/usr/lib/sgml' to '/usr/share/sgml'
      * Moved '/etc/sgml.catalog' to '/etc/sgml/'
      * install-sgmlcatalog: updated to reflect catalog change
      * install-sgmlcatalog.8: updated to reflect catalog change
      * Added empty super catalog '/etc/sgml/catalog'
      * /usr/lib/sgml/catalog: updated to point to the super catalog
      * Added template for centralized catalogs
      * Added `update-catalog` for maintaining the super catalog and
        centralized catalogs
      * Added various policy documents
      * README: updated
      * Added TODO
    sgml-base (1.03) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/rules: split functionality between 'Makefile' and 'debian/rules'
      * Makefile: cleaned-up
      * debian/rules: cleaned up and migrated to debhelper
      * debian/control: upgraded to Debian Policy 3.2.1
      * Added doc-base support
        (closes: Bug#31188)
    sgml-base (1.02) unstable; urgency=low
      * New maintainer.
      * debian/rules: moved manpage to /usr/share/man
        (closes: Bug#80768)
    sgml-base (1.01) unstable; urgency=high
      * Arrgh. It was creating the link in /usr/lib/sgml-base/catalog! My
        bad. closes: Bug#19873
    sgml-base (1.00) unstable; urgency=low
      * New maintainer.
      * Added the SGML entity management document (thanks to,
        and normalized the sgml (I like normalized sgml), and modified and
        expanded the document. Since an agreement has been reached about the
        location of declaration files (and, by extension, notations), I
        incorporated them as such in the document)
      * Changed the rules file to conform to my standard rule file
      * Imported to CVS using cvs-inject
      * Use cvs-buildpackage to update
      * Put the text and HTML versions of the Entity Management docs in
    sgml-base (0.4.2) unstable; urgency=low
      * changed usr/lib/sgml/catalog into an absolute link
        (reported by Lintian)
      * debian/control: Upgraded to Standards Version (no changes)
    sgml-base (0.4.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/rules: Don't use debstd anymore
      * debian/rules: Compress changelog file (fixes:#15403)
      * debian/control: Upgraded to Standards Version
      * debian/control: Removed perl dependency (perl-base is tagged
    sgml-base (0.4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Don't fail if /etc/sgml.catalog does not exist when removing an entry
        (fixes #13937)
      * Upgraded to Standards Version
    sgml-base (0.3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Use absolute path spec for conffile "/etc/sgml.catalog" (fixes #9755)
      * Conflict with sgml-data <= 0.02 (fixes #9941)
    sgml-base (0.2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Removed symlink /usr/lib/sgml/sgml.catalog .
      * Wrote README.debian (Guidelines for SGML packages). 
    sgml-base (0.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Initial release.