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WIP: Refresh generated files after abiname bump

Most of the files already got updated with the abiname bump, but the maintscript have been left behind.

For this reason, the generated binaries are not shipping any maintscript, causing all kind of breakage: for instance, the linux-image packages miss the postinst script that trigger the generation of the initrd, breaking boot.

To fix them I ran:

for i in debian/*$OLD*; do sed -i -e "s/$OLD/$NEW" "$i" && mv "$i" "${i/$OLD/$NEW}"; done
git add -f debian/

Which is roughly analogous to running the commands below, but less noisy:

debian/rules maintainerclean
git ls-files --deleted --directory | grep -v ^debian | xargs git checkout
dquilt push -a
debian/rules setup
dquilt pop -a

This MR is based on !7 (merged).

Test build on OBS:

Edited by Emanuele Aina

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