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Bump upstream version sync git and OBS

Emanuele Aina requested to merge wip/em/bump-upstream-version into apertis/v2020dev0

Fix the versioning of the builds on Jenkins by bumping the upstream release number.

At the moment build-snapshot is appending the git commit hash because the last upstream tag is v0.1706.2 and git diff --name-only --no-renames -z v0.1706.2..HEAD shows changes outside of debian/, 65970809 and 83071ea3.

Since those are changes outside of debian/ a packaging could not sensibly carry them, and it seems they are missing from the version currently on OBS.

Fix this weird situation by properly issuing an upstream release and tag it with the v0.2019.0 tag which I already pushed but is currently not part of the release branches, and apertis/0.2019.0-0co1 as well.

If this MR is landed unchanged, Jenkins should do the right thing and open a submit request to apertis:v2020:target, which will need to be copypac'ed to v2019. If changes are needed, the tags mentioned above will need to be refreshed.

Merge request reports
