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Release firmware-nonfree version 20220913-0~git20221012.07a853b6+apertis1

firmware-nonfree 20220913-1 is unreleased on the Debian side, I am importing the current status of the salsa repo.

To avoid sync issues, I lowered the debian revision from 20220913-1 to 20220913-0 and added the ~git20221012.07a853b6 suffix to clarify which commit was used to do the snapshot.

Before generating the source package from salsa, I had to modify debian/rules.defs and debian/bin/ to make it compatible with the kernal we have in Apertis. In order to reflect this change I added a 20220913-0~git20221012.07a853b6 entry in debian/changelog before importing in Apertis.

Edited by Dylan Aïssi

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