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  • Ben Finney's avatar
    Import Debian version 1.1.0 · 4e6d8db8
    Ben Finney authored
    dput (1.1.0) unstable; urgency=medium
      * The “Abinta Kabir” release.
      * Correct processing of config file for ‘dh_bash-completion’.
        Closes: bug#921662. Thanks to Antoine Beaupre for the report.
      * Correct URL to documentation in security warning.
        Closes: bug#913865. Thanks to Dima Kogan for the report.
      * Consistent ‘dput’ command-line parsing regardless of ‘--check-only’.
      * Farewell to transition handling of obsolete ‘gluck_delayed’ host.
        The DELAYED queue has been on ‘’ since 2009.
      * Rename default Git branch in official repository, to ‘main’.
      * Remove redundant dependency on ‘debhelper’.
        The ‘debhelper-compat’ dependency brings the correct packages.
      * Declare conformance to “Standards-Version: 4.5.1”.
      * Declare Debhelper compatibility level 13.
      * Specify the package build system does not require root privilege.
      * Replace dependency on HTTPretty with custom Python mock code.
      * Mark as “superficial” those autopkgtest cases with no coverage.
        Closes: bug#974447. Thanks to Sudip Mukherjee for the report.
      * Emit the response body as a debug message, when HTTP error response.
        Closes: bug#900545. Thanks to Alexandre Viau for the report.
      * Update publication years in copyright notices.
    dput (1.0.3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * The “سعد راشد محمد الفقيه‎‎ (Sa'ad Rashed Mohammad al-Faqih)” release.
      [ Ben Finney ]
      * Specify current VCS for this code base.
      * Declare “Standards-Version: 4.3.0”. No additional changes needed.
      * Declare Debhelper compatibility level 12.
      * debian/compat:
        * Remove obsolescent configuration file.
      * Update publication years in copyright notices.
      [ Ondřej Nový ]
      * Remove specification of minimum Python versions.
        The required versions are now in all supported Debian releases.
    dput (1.0.2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * The “Rezaul Karim Siddique” release.
      * Parse custom port value as integer from FQDN value text.
        Closes: bug#876382. Thanks to Marc Haber for the report.
      * Declare “Standards-Version: 4.1.3”. No additional changes needed.
      * Declare Debhelper compatibility level 11.
      * Update copyright years.
      * Update reference URLs to HTTPS scheme, where appropriate.
      * Define custom report behaviour for Reportbug.
      * Declare EditorConfig settings for the code base.
      * Change ‘incoming’ for ‘mentors’ host in default configuration.
        Closes: bug#891268. Thanks to Mattia Rizzolo for the report and patch.
    dput (1.0.1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Upload to “unstable”.
        Thanks to testers of the Python 3 migration.
      * Declare “Standards-Version: 4.1.0”. No additional changes needed.
      * Use current HTTPS URL for copyright format reference.
      * Remove declaration of Python 2 support.
    dput (1.0.0) experimental; urgency=medium
      * The “Nazimuddin Samad” release.
      * Convert code base to run on Python 3.
        Closes: bug#830879. Thanks to Emilio Pozuelo Monfort for the report.
      * Remove the obsolete conffile ‘/etc/bash_completion.d/dput’.
        Closes: bug#866230. Thanks to Laurent Bigonville for the report.
      * Defer getting the uploader until after processing command-line options.
      * Declare “Standards-Version: 4.0.1”. No additional changes required.
      * Revise documentation to remove outdated material.
      * Upgrade license grant to GNU GPL v3-or-later for the whole work.
      * Remove unused GPL v2 license text.
    dput (0.12.1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * The “Imran Sarker” release.
      * Specify current recommended archive host for security updates.
        Closes: bug#863348. Thanks to Ansgar Burchardt for the report.
      * Specify current VCS for this code base.
    dput (0.12.0) unstable; urgency=medium
      * The “Oyasiqur Rhaman” release.
      * Upload to unstable.
        Thanks to testers of the ‘gpg’ library migration.
      * Bash completion improvements:
        * Correct matching of filenames for ‘dput’ commands.
        * Add script for ‘dcut’ command completion.
        * Declare replacement of files in versions of ‘devscripts’ that
          install Bash command completion for ‘dcut’ (bug#850684).
      * Specify current VCS for this code base.
        Closes: bug#845490. Thanks to Daniel Kahn Gillmor for the report.
      * Remove unused build dependency on ‘debconf-utils’.
      * Force a dependency on ‘pkg_resources’ because it is not yet
        distributed separately.
        Closes: bug#836710. Thanks to Ben Burton for the report.
      * Update copyright information.
      * Manual pages:
        * Remove deprecated “authors” section.
        * Remove superfluous sections.
        * Format for standard idioms.
        * Correct descriptions to match the current program behaviour.
          Closes: bug#849687. Thanks to Russ Allbery for the report.
    dput (0.11.1) experimental; urgency=medium
      [ Daniel Kahn Gillmor ]
      * Migrate to ‘python-gpg’ for interacting with GnuPG.
        * Add dependency on ‘python-gpg’ package.
        * Remove package name mapping, ‘gpg’ is correct in PyPI.
        * Remove dependency on ‘python-gpgme’ package.
        Closes: bug#846311. Thanks to Daniel Kahn Gillmor for the patch.
    dput (0.11.0) unstable; urgency=medium
      * The “Asif Mohiuddin” release.
      * Upload to unstable.
        Thanks to testers of the GPGME migration.
      * Correct my email address for Debian work.
      * Correct copyright information for Distutils configuration script.
      * Correct copyright information for Debian packaging files.
      * Correctly record license grant and license conditions.
      * Explicitly handle Bash command completion script.
    dput (0.11.0~3) experimental; urgency=medium
      * Add autopkgtest smoke tests to verify the commands will run.
      * Migrate to GPGME for interacting with GnuPG.
        * Add dependency on ‘python-gpgme’ package.
        * Declare explicit package name mapping for ‘gpgme’ dependency.
        * No longer invoke the ‘gpg’ command.
        * Remove dependency on ‘gnupg’ package.
        * Verify GnuPG signature using Python library.
          Closes: bug#835598.
    dput (0.10.3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * The “Shafiul Islam” release.
      * Special-case streams that are the Python 2 brute ‘file’ type.
        Closes: bug#836456. Thanks to Alessandro Ghedini for the report.
    dput (0.10.2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * The “Xulhaz Mannan” release.
      * Complete the transfer of maintainer hat to myself.
        Thank you for your work, Y Giridhar Appaji Nag.
        * Remove configuration for obsolete ‘’.
          Closes: bug#795650. Thanks to Adrien Cunin for the report.
      * debian/rules, FAQ:
        * Correct spelling of initialism “APT”.
      * debian/rules:
        * Explicitly declare a UTF-8 encoding for terminal output.
    dput (0.10.1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * The “Atena Farghadani” release.
      [ Richard Hartmann ]
      * dput.1,
        * Correct typographical errors.
      [ Ben Finney ]
      * dcut.1:
        * Correct a typographical error.
    dput (0.10) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Ben Finney ]
      * Add myself to Uploaders, at suggestion of Y Giridhar Appaji Nag.
      * Reformat code base for maintainability and PEP 8 conformance.
      * Convert obsolete idioms to forward-compatible Python style.
      * Reformat existing copyright statements.
        Add new copyright statements and license grants.
        * Store license texts in explicitly named files.
      * Makefile:
        * Add ‘clean’, ‘test’, and related actions.
      * LICENSE.GPL-2, copyright, dput, dcut:
        * Update text of license to latest official GPLv2 text.
      * copyright, debian/copyright, debian/rules:
        * Move the copyright file to where the packaging tools expect it.
        * Conform to copyright format version 1.0.
      * THANKS:
        * Add myself as a contributor.
        * Update set of recent contributors.
      * debian/control:
        * Declare “Standards-Version: 3.9.8”. No additional changes required.
        * Add a Homepage field, to be read during Python package build.
        * Set “VCS-*” fields to URLs for encrypted Alioth services.
      * debian/compat, debian/control, debian/rules:
        * Migrate to Debhelper 9 style package build.
      * TODO:
        * Note intention to convert to Python 3.
      * *.1, *.5, debian/dput.manpages, debian/rules:
        * Format manpage dates in ISO standard format.
        * Install manpages using Debhelper.
      * bash_completion, debian/dput.bash-completion, debian/rules:
        * Move Bash completion configuration to Debhelper expected location.
        * Install Bash completion configuration using Debhelper.
      * debian/, debian/rules:
        * Install package documentation using Debhelper.
      * debian/conffiles, debian/dput.install, debian/rules:
        * Install configuration file using Debhelper.
        * Install helper script using Debhelper.
      *, debian/control, debian/rules:
        * Add Distutils script for installing Python packages.
        * Use Debhelper to build and install Python packages.
        * Build package using UTF-8 encoding.
        * Specify private directory for this package's Python modules.
        * Install command-line programs as “console script” entry points.
        * Specify Python 3 for Debian packaging.
      * debian/dput.links:
        * Link command-line programs to ‘/usr/bin/’.
      * debian/postinst, debian/prerm:
        * Remove unused custom maintainer scripts.
          Closes: bug#503129. Thanks to Håkon Stordahl for the report.
          Closes: bug#643599. Thanks to Jakub Wilk for the report.
      * README:
        * Reformat as reStructuredText.
      * Restructure modules into Python packages.
      * Add test suite for existing behaviour.
      * Use standard library ‘subprocess’ API for calling external commands.
        Closes: bug#687659. Thanks to Ansgar Burchardt for the report.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
      * Add missing space in printed sentence after lintian checks.
      [ Y Giridhar Appaji Nag ]
      * dcut honours ssh_config_options, thanks Luca Falavigna (Closes: #656692)
      * Allow quote in DEBFULLNAME, thanks Thomas Preud'homme (Closes: #578617)
      * Fix HTTPS auth urllib2 failures, thanks Chow Loong Jin (Closes: #580505)
      * Merge NUMs to git, thanks Thijs Kinkhorst and Alberto Á. Fuentes
      * Remove jp server from, thanks Hideki Yamane (Closes: #703858)
      * Check for execute perms of /usr/bin/gpg instead of read, thanks Richard
        Laager (Closes: #595505)
      * Add missing stdout flush between "Uploading" and "done." for ftp, thanks
        Thorsten Glaser (Closes: #664685)
      * Apply patch from Jan Hauke Rahm to catch exception if there is no section
        in the config file for a given default_host (Closes: #621507)
      * Apply Andrew Shadura's patch for various manpage fixes (Closes: #695175)
      * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.4 (add build-arch and build-indep etc.)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * Update to deal with being integrated into
        the main archive (Closes: #704228).
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * Discourage people to upload packages to the wrong archive (Closes: #561678)
      * Deleted obsolete comment about gluck (Closes: #674585)
      * Use case and example about dcut added to man page. Thanks
        Hideki Yamane <>  (Closes: #688871)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * volatile archive has been discontinued (Closes: #661374)
      * Change Vcs-Browser to anonscm.d.o from git.d.o
      * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no changes required)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      [ Gerfried Fuchs ]
      * Remove .org from the backports target name.
      [ Y Giridhar Appaji Nag ]
      * Change the default backports configuration (Closes: #595726)
      * Clarify the -m option in dcut.1 (Closes: #608634)
      * Don't suggest yaclc, it is no longer in the archive
      * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.1 (no changes required)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Use hashlib instead of md5/sha modules for Python 2.6 (Closes: #517831)
      * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.0 (no changes required)
    dput (0.9.6) unstable; urgency=low
      * Correct bash completion for --delayed
      * Use %s to print HTTP response reason string (not a number)
      * Compute md5sums to fix lintian I: no-md5sums-control-file, thanks
        Loïc Minier <> (Closes: #564783)
      * Mark self.closed = 1 to prevent messing up of display with setting
        progress_indicator=2, thanks Kan-Ru Chen <> for
        the patch (Closes: #488316)
      * Add allow_cut = 1 to security-master-* (Closes: #574506)
      * Fix handling of version for multi-digit epochs (Closes: #577825)
      * Update Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes required)
      * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (native) format
      * Don't warn about a DELAYED/0-day upload, just print (Closes: #553198)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Fix lintian (pedantic) warnings and info messages
        + I: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign in dcut(1)
        + P: maintainer-script-without-set-e
        + P: copyright-refers-to-symlink-license
      * set method = ftp as applicable in default (Closes: #544360)
      * Initialize options['changes'] in dcut, include the changes file itself
        when using dcut -i.  Thanks gregor herrmann <> for the
        report and fix (Closes: #544440)
    dput (0.9.5) unstable; urgency=low
      * Better (hopefully) language in default messages.  Thanks Andre
        Klapper <> for the bug report(Closes: #521281)
      * Add the new upload queue in Europe to as "ftp-eu"
      * Fix URL to the dev-ref section on "Handling security-related bugs".
        Thanks Mauro Lizaur <> (Closes: #529770)
      * Implement a -i option to dcut that reads a changes file to create a
        commands file removing the files uploaded via the changes file.  Thanks
        Dinesh Shanbhag <> (Closes: #302292)
      * Update Standards-Version to 3.8.3 (no changes required)
    dput (0.9.4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Don't display "Not running dinstall." message, thanks Mark Brown
        <> for the suggestion (Closes: #520186)
      * Update Standards-Version to 3.8.1 (no changes required)
      * Don't mix tabs and spaces for indentation (Closes: #506433)
      * dcut tries $EMAIL before using pwent from getpwuid if $DEBEMAIL is
        not available (Closes: #520694)
      * Fix rsync upload method to dereference symlinks (Closes: #507634)
      * Add -U option to prevent writing an upload log (Closes: #454289)
    dput (0.9.3) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Thomas Viehmann ]
      * debian/control: Remove Thomas from uploaders, he cannot upload
      [ Y Giridhar Appaji Nag ]
      * Integrate patch from Ansgar Burchardt to reduce memory usage while
        computing file checksum (Closes: #514388)
      * Change version number format to x.y.x for dput and x.y for dcut
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      [ Y Giridhar Appaji Nag ]
      * Remove "DM-Upload-Allowed: yes"
      * Add "allow_dcut = 1" to the stanza (Closes: #507170)
      * Thanks Cyril Brulebois <> for miscellaneous usability
        and documentation patches.
      * Indicate 'Uploading ' for clarity when a file upload is to start.
        Thanks "Nelson A. de Oliveira" <> for the report and
        Cyril Brulebois <> for the suggestion (Closes: #504614)
      * Continue despite an FTP 553 and indicate that the file may have been
        uploaded partially.  Based on a patch from "Steve M. Robbins"
        <> (Closes: #481947)
      [ Thomas Viehmann ]
      * debian/control: Doing most work makes Giridhar the maintainer.
        That is awesome, thanks!
      * Add Thanks to Thanks.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Change Uploader to official Debian ID.
      * :s/ thanks to Євгеній
        Мещеряков <> for the report (Closes: #500024)
      * Correct progname that was misspelt as prodname.  Thanks "Nelson A.
      * de Oliveira" <> for the report (Closes: #504612)
      * Catch exceptions during ftp QUIT, patch based on fix in Ubuntu from
        Cody Somerville <> (Closes: #484244)
      * Change 'login = username' to 'login = *' in the default config
        (Closes: #505451)
      * Add repository to the .upload filename to allow upload to different
        repository on the same host.  Thanks Loïc Minier <> for
        the bug report (Closes: #500701)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * add ssh-upload pointing to
        Closes: #499731.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      [ Thomas Viehmann ]
      * Fix typo in description.
      * Disable gluck_delayed. Take out warning about delayed
        and ftp and put in warning about gluck_delayed. Closes: #497921.
      * dcut: Remove temporary files and not break on debsign failure.
        closes: #485711
      * dcut: Adapt to new command interface.
      [ Y Giridhar Appaji Nag ]
      * Fix typo in dcut.1 (:s/commads/commands/g)
      * Change Debian upload queue README URL from that on to
      * Fix lintian W: command-with-path-in-maintainer-script
      * Add a 'allow_dcut' option for queues that can[not] handle dcut
        changes files (Closes: #481013)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Leave progress_indicator as the default for mentors stanza
      * Rename ubuntu-revu to revu and add a new stanza for Ubuntu PPAs
      * Suggests: yaclc, thanks to Thijs Kinkhorst <> for the
        suggestion.(Closes: #377335)
      * Change revu fqdn from to
      * Mention dcut in the package description, thanks Steffen Moeller
        <> for the suggestion (Closes: #491716)
      * Fix syntax error in that causes a traceback to be shown when an
        HTTP upload fails.  Thanks Jonny Lamb <> for the
        bug report and the patch (Closes: #486555)
      * For dcut with scp, try to use $USER and user login ID (in that order) if
        login config variable it set to 'username'.  Thanks Guido Trotter
        <> for the bug report and the patch (Closes: #490838)
      * Update Standards-Version to 3.8.0 (no changes required)
      * Add 'delayed = 7' to the gluck_delayed stanza, thanks Gerfried Fuchs
        <> for the suggestion (Closes: #489194)
      * Add a simple dcut usage example to dcut.1 (Closes: #486366)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=high
      * don't use python2.5-only <str>.partition. Closes: #479320
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      Welcome the new co-maintainer!
      [ Y Giridhar Appaji Nag ]
      * Maintain dput in collab-maint on alioth in git.  Add Vcs-Browser and
        Vcs-Git headers in debian/control
      * Catch EOFError.  In default Pure-FTPd configuration, server closes the
        connection for anonymous FTP logins (Closes: #473558)
      * Fix lintian I: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign in and lintian W:
        manpage-has-errors-from-man in dput.1 (.P.SH changed to .SH)
      * Add Y Giridhar Appaji Nag <> to Uploaders and add a
        DM-Upload-Allowed: yes header.
      * Allow port in FTP fqdn (defaults to 21), based on a patch submitted
        from Ubuntu by Daniel Hahler <> (Closes: #464600)
      * Add a stanza (called mentors) to
      * dput Suggests mini-dinstall because it is used for the local method.
        Thanks Daniel Hahler for the patch (Closes: #464596)
      * Add "-o plusdirs" to "complete" in bash_completion, so that directories
        are also used in filename completion.  Thanks Daniel Hahler for the patch
        (Closes: #464592)
      [ Thomas Viehmann ]
      * Allow -u to override running the gpg signature check implied by
        --check-only. Closes: #405269
      * Switch getopt function to allow optional arguments.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Fail if pre_upload_command (or post_upload_command) exits with
        an error code.
      * Add warning to the configuration of the security upload queues.
        Closes: #458628
      * Add allowed_distributions field. The default configuration in is to refuse UNRELEASED. Closes: #384702
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Rework http(s) upload module to better deal with authentication
        (not send everything twice) and not read whole files for uploading.
        Closes: #458381
      * Add [security-master], [security-master-unembargoed], [ubuntu], and
        [ubuntu-revu] stanzas, thanks to Steve Langasek for bug and patch.
        Closes: #457250
      * Check number of words in .changes Files: line. Closes: #453821
      * Remove non-us stuff. Based on patch by Thijs Kinkhorst, thanks!
        Closes: #376843
      * Add better error message when .upload cannot be written to.
        Closes: #433840
      * Add delayed config option. Thanks to Sean Finney for bug and patch.
        Closes: #444464
      * dcut: Add -kkeyid option. Thanks to Christoph Berg for bug and
        patch. Closes: #329823
      * Bump standards version to 3.7.3 (no changes needed)
      * Officially retire Christian Kurz and Steve Kowalik from uploaders.
        Thank you for your contributions!
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Add support for guessing distribution. Thanks to Christoph Berg
        for bug report and patch. Closes: #348755
      * Don't use login name to scp command if empty.
        Closes: #427554, #237448
      * Fix check_version to work with packages not in working dir.
        Closes: #426915
      * Add [options] to help string. Thanks to Thijs Kinkhorst for bug
        and patch. Closes: #424910.
      * Mention dcut in dput(1) man page. Closes: #405620.
      * Add [volatile] and [] stanzas. Thanks to
        Martin Zobel-Helas and Steve Langasek. Closes: #420694, #433057
      * Align = in Closes: #418758
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * http(s)/WebDAV uploads thanks to Ross Burton. Closes: #142023
      * dcut: Don't leave stray directories. Closes: #380356
      * dput:
        - Don't recommend -ol when -ol is passed. Closes: #376877
        - Don't throw traceback when config file cannot be parsed.
          Closes: #376796
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Only try to analyze error code for ftplib.Error
                exceptions. Closes: #378579
      * Drop debconf note about configuration file change five years ago.
        Closes: #388887
      * Convert debian/changelog to utf8.
      * Bump standards to 3.7.2, no changes necessary.
      * Suggest openssh-client in debian/control. Closes: #394074.
        Thanks Julien Danjou.
      * Fix typos in documentation, thanks to Thijs Kinkhorst and
        Lars Wirzenius.
        Closes: #377334, #375454.
      * Show upload target. Closes: #316319.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Relax dependency on python. Several people have pointed out that
        caring about .pycs in dput is the overkill it seems to be. dput is
        thus installable with python 2.3 again.
        Closes: #374336.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Bump python dependency for the transition.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Don't include paths in .upload. Closes: #369885.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      This is the best dput ever. And it took quite long to upload, too.
      * Change python version detection in postinst. Closes: #342330.
      * Christoph Berg sent in a whole lot of great patches. Thanks a lot!
        They contain
        - fixes for --help for delayed/0-day,
        - a minor fix for the synopis,
        - fixes for some typos in the README
        - removal of the tabs in the uploading code, making the code more
        - adding of debugging output in scp change_mode
        - suppresion of progress information when the output is not a
        The two patches for wishlist bugs are still being considered,
        but this round closes #366923.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      Let's fix some bugs while thinking about how to fix some others.
      * dcut: Use default host when appropriate. Closes: #340668.
      * Fix delayed queue comment. Closes: #332764.
        Thanks to Florian Ernst for the correction.
      * dcut.1: Update description to be more precise. Closes: #340670.
        Thanks to Eduard Bloch for his patch.
      * Added Swedish translation by Daniel Nylander. Tack! Closes: #331337.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Add | debconf-2.0 to debconf-dependency.
        Thanks to Joey Hess for the reminders.
      * Use debsign to sign command files (so you can use devscripts.conf
        for key selection). Closes: #324183.
      * Add Vietnamese translation of debconf template.
        Thanks, Clytie Siddall. Closes: #313571.
      * Added Czech translation of debconf template.
        Thanks, Miroslav Kure. Closes: #315824.
      * Mention default_host in dput.1. Closes: #309934.
      * Describe the overriding of [host] in a later definition in Closes: #309975.
      * Remove old and unused ports of python functions from source.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Fix dcut's handling of DEBEMAIL when it contains the full name.
        Closes: #302139.
      * Sorry, no wishlist today.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Update bash_completion to skip commented hosts and reflect the
        delayed range. Bug report and patch by Johannes Berg. Thanks!
        Closes: #301247.
      * Print dcut hint if ftp upload fails with 553 (wrong filename).
        Closes: #285568.
      * Add guessing of maintainer name and email to dcut.
        Note that the actual bug (traceback) had been fixed before by
        printing out a more or less neat error message.
        Closes: #267649.
      * Switch roles with Christian in debian/control so people can
        find out faster who to put the blame on.
      * Updated copyright notices.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Allow 0-day delayed upload. Yeah, some people want this, as it
        Closes: #273957.
        Fix manpage entry for the delayed option.
      * Recommend gluck_delayed for delayed uploads.
        Change the maximum delay to 15. Closes: #288436.
      * Add myself to Uploaders.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Switch back to using passive ftp by default (as it was prior to and change the documentation accordingly.
        Also try some guessing to instruct the user when we suspect that
        passive vs. active ftp is the problem.
        Closes: #283370
      * Don't output the traceback when the ftp upload fails.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * More verbose error message for ftp uploads. And also use active
        ftp per default. (Closes: #268489)
      * Fix user name selection.
      * dcut: gracefully fail if no uploader was specified.
        (Closes: #268489)
      * Again thanks to Thomas Viehmann for providing the patches
      * Applied a patch from Matthew Palmer to improve the parsing of
        comma-seperated values by dput. (Closes: #279975)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Added Dutch debconf translation. Thanks to Luk Claes. This will
        address his bugreport #245920.
      * Added support for passing additional ssh_config options. This is
        based on a suggestion (and loosely on a patch) by Stefan Völkel.
      * Very minor cleanup of
      * Fixed the debug message output for ftp connections. A patch for
        dcut was provided by Dann Frazier. The change for dput was based
        on it. Thanks!
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Added Japanese debconf translations. This fixes the bugreport #227825.
      * Added duct and duct.1 manpage to create and upload .command files. This
        will address the wishlist request #224524. Thanks to Thomas Viehmann
        for contributing that code.
      * dput will now recognize the options -P and --passive for passive ftp.
        This fixes the bug report #228826.
      * This also includes a patch from Thomas Viehmann to fix an incorrect
        debug message. #224404
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * And another release for which I've to add a big THANK YOU Thomas.
      * Changed python dependency. This will fix the bug reported as
      * Added an option fqdn to the local defintion. This will address
        the problem reported as #210322.
      * Fixed a broken debug message, that was reported as bug #224404.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Removed the host chiark from the configuration file, since it's
        not available anymore according to Ross Burton. This will fix
        the bug that he reported as #190744.
      * Increased the allowed range of days for the delayed argument. This
        wil address the bugreport #196561.
      * Applied a patch from Thomas Viehmann to reformat the warning about
        lintian and the option -o. This issue was reported as bug #199905.
      * Applied a patch from Thomas Viehmann to support the usage of ~ for
        the local upload method. This issue was reported as bug #199912.
      * From now on, this package will use po-debconf for managing the
        translation of the debconf note. This change was introduced due
        to the work of Christian Perrier. This will address the issue
        reported as #200127.
      * Applied another patch from Thomas Viehmann to output an error
        message if the execution of an external command fails. This will
        address the issue reported as #172528.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Thanks to the offer from Thomas Viehmann, dput will now have two
        maintainers taking care of it.
      * Included a patch from Thomas Viehmann suppress error messages from
        dpkg which happened when the installed check was used. This will
        close the problem reported as #154960.
      * The option -o will now reliable simulate a normal run thanks to
        another patch from Thomas Viehmann. This will address the issue
        reported as #149711.
      * dput will now check the architecture in the installed packages
        check thanks to a patch from Thomas Viehmann. So the bug #154959
        will now also be solved.
      * Also dput will now not fail when trying to use a delayed directory,
        but instead report an error. And again thanks to Thomas Viehmann
        for the patch to solve the bug #182922.
      * Fixed bare debug statement that should have been caught earlier. This
        will now finally solve bug #133287.
      * Changed dependency on python to also include python 2.3 as requested by
        Robert Millan. He also verified that the basic functionality still works
        fine with the newer python version. So this will address the issue
        reported as bug #182800.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Another bugfix, because something broke the rsync upload method.
        A dummy variable will take care of this. (Closes: #171006)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Bah, Christian doesn't need to be in Uploaders.
      * Fix one case I missed in the local method doesn't need a fqdn set
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Add myself to Uploaders, which Christian's permission.
      * Bump Standards-Version to 3.5.7.
      * Change code that picks the method. It makes sense now.
      * Apply 2 small hacks so that hosts that use the local method don't need to
        specify a fqdn. (Closes: #165634)
      * Change /etc/ to reflect the above.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * And another NMU, with shorty's blessing.
      * Add a slash to non-US. (Closes: #162363)
      * Fix up most of the string.{r,}find and string.split madness.
      * Apply a rather large patch from Roland Mas <>. His
        changes are below:
        - Added a (very simple) module called (derived from by
          Roland Mas <>), to install to local incoming dirs.
          This can be useful to users of mini-dinstall.
        - Added a French translation to the Debconf template.
        - Fixed a Lintian error.
        - A few grammar fixes in the FAQ and README files.
        - Added a /etc/bash_completion.d/dput file, to make dput easier to use
          to <TAB>-addicteb people like me.
        - Thanks Roland! (Closes: #164385)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Another NMU.
      * Don't set /usr/doc symlink.
      * Update version reported by 'dput --version' from
      * Use readlink in postinst. (Closes: #162392)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-Maintainer Upload.
      * debian/templates: split into individual templates, and add a
        Russian translation (thanks, Ilgiz Kalmetev; closes: #137640).
      * debian/rules: use debconf-mergetemplates to install the templates.
      * debian/control:
        + transition to python2.2 (closes: #158312).
        + add a build dependency on debconf-utils (>= 1.1.1).
      * dput: patch from Mark Brown to make dput call dinstall from the
        correct install directory, when doing delayed uploads (closes: #155038).
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Yet another NMU.
      * Fix up the call to getopt. (Closes: #155847) (thanks, Joey Hess.)
      * Don't assume ftp-master and non-us are the only hosts that have a
        delayed queue. (thanks, Robert McQueen.)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Another NMU.
      * Fix up dput -h, and the manpage.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * NMU, with shorty's blessing.
      * Apply my own patch to add DELAYED support. (-e command line argument,
        no support for config file.)
      * Thanks to Moshe Zadka for his last minute help getting it working.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * NMU
      * Moving to main.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Changed lstat to stat for calculating file size.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Fixed -o option.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Included "--copy-links" to rsync.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      *  Check for NODATA tag in GnuPG output. (Closes: #140646)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Changed error message for simulate process. (Closes: #138191)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Changed output of -H option. (Closes: #118735)
      * Fixed typos in manpage. (Closes: #119343)
      * Integrated a patch from Steven Baker to parse the GnuPG output
        instead of depending on the exit value. (Closes: #122821)
    dput (0.9.2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Bug fixed, that never occured during tests. (Closes: #118579)
      * Heading heavily towards a 1.0 release, which means ConfigParser2
        and spawnvef are finally removed, since newer python don't need
        need this files anymore.
    dput (0.9.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Fixed explanation of dinstall checks in description. (Closes: #118134)
      * Rewrote module import code. (Closes: #118579)
      * New Option to list hosts with their handle and fqdn. (Closes: #118659)
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Applied patch from Steven Kowalik to fix the postinst.
        (Closes: #118483)
    dput (0.9.0) unstable; urgency=low
      * Added support for verifying sha checksums.
      * Added passive ftp support.
      * Updated documentation.
      * Removed upload queue giano. (Closes: #113297)
      * Ensured that anon-ftp uploads are really anon-ftp uploads.
      * Introduced new option to active passive ftp from the command line.
      * Minor Code fixes, changes and cleanups.
      * Fixed Dependency according to suggestion in the forth-coming
        python policy.
      * Modified postinst according to the sample from python2.1-base.
      * Added the FAQ as new document.
    dput ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Moved package to non-US instead. (Closes: #113156)
    dput (0.8.9) unstable; urgency=low
      * Changed output comment for lintian. (Closes: #110568)
      * Fixed wrong code to execute upload method. (Closes: #110807)
      * Applied patch from Steve Kowalik to support using compression on
        scp uploads.
      * Now we added a dependency on GnuPG. (Closes: #110913)
      * Changed a bit the code for executing GnuPG. (Closes: #109662)
      * Initializing now all variables. (Closes: #111564)
    dput (0.8.8) unstable; urgency=low
      * Included a message to show that lintian is running.
        (Closes: #105257
      * Changed code to call dinstall to work correctly. This has been reported
        by Martin Michlmayr. (Closes: #105481)
      * Rewrote login and method changing function. (Closes: #107559)
      * Added Brazilian portuguese debconf translation from Andre Luis Lopes.
        (Closes: #108520)
      * Small typo fixes.
    dput (0.8.7) unstable; urgency=low
      * Included another "ugly" hack to guess the right upload host. Since
        no policy enforces one true writing, maybe some of the checks should
        be made case-insensitive. (Closes: #103247)
      * Included a patch from Martin Michlmayr to remove one exception.
        (Closes: #98002)
      * Fixed the path in the postinst to be hardcoded to the debian python one
        because we use a which is different from the upstream.
        (Closes: #103721)
    dput (0.8.6) unstable; urgency=low
      * Now we also check the size of the binary files to upload.
      * Added some comments to the code.
      * Rewrote version_check.
      * Fixed broken code to calculate and test the package size.
      * Fixed broken, which has been noticed by JP Sugarbroad.
        (Closes: #102277)
    dput (0.8.5) unstable; urgency=low
      * Incorporated an idea from Steve M. Robbins to define a default host
        for main and non-us with some fall back.
      * Fixed a typo in the scp upload which has been noted by Decklin
        Foster. (Closes #100476)
      * Included some hacks to make everything work smooth again.
    dput (0.8.4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Added --progress to rsync to some progress indicator.
      * Fixed now upload_logfile_creation. (Closes: #98947)
      * Fixed scp upload definitely now. Thanks to JP Sugarbroad for catching
        the wrong fix. (Closes: #99300)
      * Fixed the broken chown command in scp upload.
    dput (0.8.3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Fixed broken noted by Adrian Bunk. (Closes: #97047)
      * Integrated a patch from JP Sugarbroad to fix
        (Closes: #97371)
      * Fixed the broken ftp-upload method, thanks to Martin Michlmayr
        for noticing it. (Closes: #97751)
      * Increased the version number of dput itself. (Closes: #97786)
      * Incorporated a hack because of a missing unique seperator between
        upstream version number and debian version number. (Closes: #97830)
      * Fixed broken command-line parser which has also been noticed by
        Martin Michlmayr. (Closes: #97785)
      * Some more asthetic patches by the "code artist" ;) Martin Michlmayr.
        (Closes: #98003)
      * Changed the code a bit more, so that we now also have a commands before
        the upload available.
      * Added a suggestion for rsync.
      * Fixed Upload Method for ftp-master. (Closes: #98745)
      * Changed names from ftp-master-scp and non-us-scp to ftp-master-secure
        and non-us-secure, since those host are also supported by the rsync
        upload method.
    dput (0.8.2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Fixed the broken version_check() after Laurence J. Lane pointed me
        to it. (Closes: #95462)
      * And now we had to fix the simulate option since we broke it. Now
        simulating an upload should work again. Thanks to Matt Kraai for
        catching that one. (Closes: #95520)
      * Changed version_check to handle a package that is in state not-installed
        correctly as not installed on the system instead of assuming that it's
        installed. (Closes: #95941)
      * Changed wording of -V switch according to a suggestion from André
      * Changed scp to change permission on file. (Closes: #96366)
      * Changed the incoming path for non-us in (Closes: #94852)
      * Specified username and password for the UploadQueues in
      * Removed Option -U, since it will be default.
      * Changed dput to handle the new gpg output. (Closes: #96438)
    dput (0.8.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Fixed two typos. (Closes: #93582)
      * Import also sys module in scp. (Closes: #93701)
      * Fixed binary only uploads.
      * Fixed some typos. (Closes: #94044)
      * Added German debconf translation from Sebastian Feller.
        (Closes: #94274)
      * Added Spanish debconf translation from Jordi Mallach.
    dput (0.8) unstable; urgency=low
      * Switch to the rfc822 module to parse the .changes file. Thanks to
        Sean 'Shaleh' Perry for contributing this patch to dput.
      * New Option -U/--username introduced to extract the username from
        the enviroment.
      * Now the manpage shows where to name the host to upload too.
      * And the feature of running dinstall will now also work again.
        (Closes: #90101)
      * New Option -V/--check-version to check if the user has tested the
        package before putting it on the ftp-server.
      * Fix the call to lintian to work correctly with the current lintian
        implemenatation in perl.
      * Changed dput to use a modular concept for including upload functions.
        This has been suggested by Wichert Akkerman and the necessary patch
        has been created by Sean 'Shaleh' Perry. For more information about
        this look into the manpages.
      * Changed format of the config-file. (Closes: #88681)
      * Added a debconf note about the config-file change, only shown in
        upgrades from old versions.
      * Now we should be able to handle multiple .changes-files correctly.
        (Closes: #89104)
      * Now will now require a .dsc-file only if you do a source upload. In case
        of a binary upload, no such file is required anymore. (Closes: #89105)
      * Warning for a missing tar.gz or orig.tar.gz will only appear when
        really such a archive is missing. (Closes: #89936)
      * And now dput will correctly try to start dinstall and run it, if the
        user wants to do so. (Closes: #90101)
      * Oh, we also incorporated the UploadQueue on non-us as the default incoming
        directory for packages. (Closes: #92419)
      * Changed filename detection to handle all architectures. (Closes: #93155)
    dput (0.7.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Bugfix release, since the orig.tar.gz-check was broken.
      * Also fixed the broken upload_check.
    dput (0.7) unstable; urgency=low
      * Changed some wording to sound better. (Closes: #88685)
      * Applied a patch from Sean 'Shaleh' Perry to parse a file
        on top of the system-wide /etc/ file. (Closes: #88684)
      * Explained some features in the README and also changed the
        description to name some of the features.
      * Changed behaviour to correctly identify the host where the upload
        should be put to, even when using multiple files. (Close: #89104)
      * Rewrote parser for the .changes file to also handle binary-only
        uploads from now on.
      * Rewrote error message if you named any other file then a .changes
        file on the command line.
    dput (0.6) unstable; urgency=low
      * Included new manpages from Jordi Mallach.
      * Minor Code Cleanup.
      * Added -d/--debug to get debugging info if needed.
      * Now dput will refuse to start an upload until the maintainer really
        named the .changes file. ;)
      * Modified standard to prefer scp over ftp.
      * Corrected behaviour of guessing the upload host to only guess it, when
        no host is named on the command line.
      * Added option run_dinstall to do a dry run of dinstall on the just uploaded
        files. Also there's the commandline option -D/--dinstall for this purpose.
    dput (0.5) unstable; urgency=low
      * Removed COPYING from debian package and added copyright file.
      * Added option -l/--lintian and config-file option run_lintian to
        support the usage of lintian before the upload happens.
      * For some of our lazy maintainers ;) dput will guess the correct host
        to upload the package to.
      * Moved some more code into it's own function.
    dput (0.4) unstable; urgency=low
      * The Test for tar.gz. should also handle debian native packages
        correctly and packages with an epoch.
      * Uploading of non-US software to an host != non-US will give an
        error message and refuse to work.
      * The scp upload will now run in Batched mode, so you need to enter
        your passphrase only once.
      * Fixed upload of packages, since I forgot to upload the
      * changes-file.
      * Added a manpage for
      * Support rsync uploads.
    dput (0.3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Added option -c/--config to allow other config files.
      * Added option -o/--check-only for running only some checks
        against the package.
      * Now the signature test will also be run on the dsc-file.
      * Check for orig.tar.gz or tar.gz files in the upload and warn the
        user of they are not needed. This should also handle debian native
        packages correctly and packages with an epoch.
      * Uploading of non-US software to an host != non-US will give an
        error message and refuse to work.
      * The scp upload will now run in Batched mode, so you need to enter
        your passphrase only once.
      * Fixed upload of packages, since I forgot to upload the changes-file.
      * Added a manpage for
    dput (0.2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Merged two config files into one config file.
      * Rewrote dput to use the single config file.
    dput (0.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Initial Release.
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