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  • Manoj Srivastava's avatar
    Import Debian changes 1:3.5-236-1 · e82cf728
    Manoj Srivastava authored
    dist (1:3.5-236-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream git snapshot
      * Ack NMUs
      * Update VCS-* headers in control
      * Move to standards version 4.3.0 (no changes were needed).
    dist (1:3.5-236-0.2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * debian/dist.postinst: Fix wrong direction form.
        (Closes: #908187)
      * debian/rules: Explicitly provide tool path to avoid usrmerge
        differences and make package reproducible. (Closes: #915910)
      * debian/rules: Avoid manually setting DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH, use
        /usr/share/dpkg/ instead. (lintian warning)