Import Debian version 1.0.123
debootstrap (1.0.123) unstable; urgency=medium * Reinstate safeguard removed in 1.0.121, which is absolutely needed to avoid unmounting target entirely, as seen when running in d-i with default parameters (Closes: #953849). Vielen Dank, Johannes! debootstrap (1.0.122) unstable; urgency=medium * Revert the addition of (mandatory) security support as debootstrap's goal is to provide with a basic Debian system that many provisioning systems are built upon. Changing behaviour now seems to be doing a disservice to all those tools that would need adapting. In addition to not seeming to be a good idea, that triggers regressions for a number of use cases (Closes: #953759, #953588, #953593, #953594, #953617). debootstrap (1.0.121) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix "debootstrapping testing and stable results in exit 100", use CODENAME for check properly (Closes: #953404) debootstrap (1.0.120) unstable; urgency=medium * Check codename for apt-transport-https (Closes: #920255, #879755) * Add security mirror setting (Closes: #939852, #543819) debootstrap (1.0.119) unstable; urgency=medium [ Hideki Yamane ] * Fix: specify --foreign and --unpack-tarball at the same time Thanks to Cel Skeggs <> for the patch (Closes: #946783) * Add check rule for systemd-nspawn [ Jeremiah C. Foster ] * Adding PureOS 'amber' to scripts dir (Closes: #946476) debootstrap (1.0.118) unstable; urgency=medium * rename .gitlab-ci.yml to salsa-ci.yml * debian/control - use debhelper-compat (= 12) and drop debian/compat - set Standards-Version 4.5.0 * debian/tests/debian-testing - use AUTOPKGTEST_TMP instead of obsolete ADTTMP * fix /dev/ptmx mount on chroot and re-enable autopkgtest * fix: don't pass an empty arg to wget when --verbose is applied (Closes: #951367) debootstrap (1.0.117) unstable; urgency=medium [ Simon Quigley ] * Add (Ubuntu) focal as a symlink to gutsy. (Closes: #944976, #946815) [ Holger Wansing ] * Remove trailing whitespaces from changelog file, to fix lintian tag. [ James Clarke ] * Add a new --extra-suites option to support debootstrapping Debian Ports architectures with essential/required packages in its unreleased suite. [ Hideki Yamane ] * Fix "Fails when run from path containing space character" (Closes: #947173) * Remove some quote for variables since somehow wget fails with "" (double quote with no value) debootstrap (1.0.116) unstable; urgency=medium [ Hideki Yamane ] * use salsa-pipeline for CI, instead of custom rule * disable unnecessary blhc and test-build-any CI test [ Philip Hands ] * disable the failing autopkgtest job * provide support for Devuan release names debootstrap (1.0.115) unstable; urgency=medium [ Cyril Brulebois ] * Remove Christian Perrier from Uploaders, with many thanks for all his contributions over the years! (Closes: #927549) [ Hideki Yamane ] * debian/control - Remove Junichi Uekawa <> from Uploaders with ack * scripts - Add (Ubuntu) eoan as a symlink to gutsy.