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Apertis Development Environment

Apertis Development Environment (ADE) is a tool that helps developpers to manage sysroots, cross-compile applications, deploy them to target and then debug them.

See the man page for more details about the available commands and subcommands.


import-debian-package script imports a package from Debian in the format expected by the Apertis CI system.

To import a new package from Debian the previous process required several manual steps which are now performed automatically by the script using the --push-remote option.

The following steps are now automatized:

  • package folder is created and import process is performed in there.
  • target debian package is fetched and imported.
  • remote repo is created if it doesn't exist.
    • Create an empty project on GitLab under the pkg namespace (for instance, pkg/hello). Choose visibility level Public when creating the project.
    • Configure the origin remote on your local git:
$ git remote add origin
  • remote branches and tags are pushed.
$ git push --all --follow-tags origin
  • gitlab settings are applied to remote repo using gitlab-rulez:
    • sets the CI config path to ci-package-builder.yml@infrastructure/ci-package-builder
    • changes the merge request settings to:
      • only allow fast-forward merges
      • ensure merges are only allowed if pipelines succeed
    • marks the apertis/* and debian/* branches as protected
$ gitlab-rulez apply ../apertis-infrastructure/gitlab-scripts/rulez.yaml --filter pkg/hello
  • CI pipeline is triggered on all downstream branches.