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ABHINISH KUMAR abhinish.kumar-ext
- Abhiruchi Gupta abhiruchi
- Akhilesh Dandavati akhilesh.dandavati-ext
- Andre Barkowski andre
Andre Moreira Magalhaes andrunko
Andrej Shadura andrewsh
- Andrew Lee alee
- Apertis Branching Bot branchingbot
Apertis CI robot not_a_robot
Apertis rulez checker robot check_rulez_robot
Ariel D'Alessandro adalessandro
- Arikkala Vijeth vijeth
- Arnaud Ferraris aferraris
- Baghmar Tarun Tarun.Baghmar
- Balasubramanian Raju raju.balasubramanian-ext
Benani Sagar Kishore sagar
- Bindu Shivananda shivananda.bindu-ext
- Chau Doan chau.doanminh-ext
- Christoph Rössig christoph.roessig-ext
Christopher Obbard obbardc
- Dec 21, 2022
- Oct 27, 2022
apertis-abi-compare: fix sporadic issue with std headers · 687796e2Dylan Aïssi authored
Due to a bug in abi-compliance-checker, std headers are occasionally used for analyzing leading to wrongly detect an ABI breakage. We globally exclude them to avoid this noise until it is fixed in ACC. See: Signed-off-by:
Dylan Aïssi <>