Place apt repo credentials to auth.conf
requested to merge Tino.Lippold-ext/tiny-image-recipes:wip/tinolippold/update-apt_source-script into apertis/v2025dev3 script places credentials to sources.list file. This will cause apt to generate a warning message everytime said repository is hit.
(N: Usage of apt_auth.conf(5) should be preferred over embedding login information directly in sources.list(5) entry for 'https://.......')
This change will automatically seperate credentials from sources.list file to auth.conf file
This change was cherry picked from GitLab repository from commit aa830587d5f2ed8e0cb62b040a2143fa18668315.
Signed-off-by: Komurcu Levent (cherry picked from commit aa830587d5f2ed8e0cb62b040a2143fa18668315)