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Fix branch used for package and bootstrap tests

Martyn Welch requested to merge wip/martyn/security-branch-fix into master

The CI is attempting to find a branch of apertis-image-recipes with the name found in $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME for package and bootstrap testing. In the general case this works, however when the CI is testing packages in the <version>-updates or (presumably) <version>-security branches, this results in the CI looking for a branch called apertis/<version>-updates in apertis-image-recipes, which fails.

Resolve this by assembling the branch name to use from $OSNAME and $APERTIS_RELEASE instead of using $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME.

Signed-off-by: Martyn Welch

Merge request reports
