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Do not upload artifacts on secondary branches to save resources

When there are many work-in-progress branches at the same time they all get uploaded to the test area, increasing noticeably the storage consumption on the server.

In addition, when multiple branches are in progress it is not uncommon to rebase them frequently, which causes additional builds and thus an additional burden on the storage server.

On top of that, each of those builds gests submitted to LAVA, where the available DUTs are already a scarce resource.

Save some storage and device time on LAVA by not uploading from secondary branches (that is, anything except the apertis/* branches).

If it is desirable to really upload and submit to LAVA from secondary branches, set the following CI variables when triggering a pipeline:


When not uploaded to the storage server, artifacts are still available from GitLab since they get captured as pipeline artifacts, expiring after a day just like on the storage server where a daily job cleaned them up.

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