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Use upstream debos container for the base rootfs

Sjoerd Simons requested to merge wip/sjoerd/failed-builders into apertis/v2021pre

Using the docker container for the current apertis release to build the base rootfs for all docker images leads to a bootstrapping issue. So that should be avoided.

The options for that are:

  • Use a docker image from a previous Apertis release
  • Use a non-apertis image

Using a docker image from Apertis (e.g. previous stable) is workable but just pushes the bootstrapping issue down the line. So not really that helpful (at some point you'll reach a stable release that's not longer supported and might be dropped).

So avoiding Apertis in the bootstrapping chain seems recommendable. For that simply pick the upstream debos images so we can keep using debos; That still requires a kvm based worker, but so would previous stable apertis releases at this point.

Signed-off-by: Sjoerd Simons

Edited by Sjoerd Simons

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