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  • Martyn Welch's avatar
    Add basic run script, update used docker image and document · 8be11b00
    Martyn Welch authored and Martyn Welch's avatar Martyn Welch committed
    We have been using an old version of hugo in the gitlab registry as the
    latest version available at the time this was setup had a show stopping
    bug. Update the version of hugo used and switch to the docker image
    recommended by the Hugo project as this is potentially easier for those
    behind restrictive proxies to access.
    Provide a helper script to also make it easier to run Hugo from docker as
    a developer and document it. Use the `--rm` option to cause docker to
    remove the container once it's exited to avoid them building up and add
    `--security-opt label=disable` for those using an SELinux enabled
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>