metadata: name: apertis-update-manager-rollback format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0" image-types: minimal: [ armhf ] image-deployment: - OSTree type: functional exec-type: manual priority: low maintainer: "Apertis Project" description: "Test the automatic rollback and blacklist mechanism of apertis-update-manager. The automated version of this test:" resources: - "A static update bundle file of the same architecture, variant and version as the testing image" - "A Fat32 USB flash drive, preloaded with the update bundle at the root of the disk" - "Downloaded update file (with '.delta' extension) should be copied to flash drive using the name 'static-update.bundle'" - "The DUT u-boot environment must be clean: in u-boot, run: `env default -a` followed by `saveenv`" - "A PC must be connected to DUT serial port" expected: - "U-Boot is able to detect rollback situation" - "U-Boot is able to use rollback configuration for bootloader" - 'The "failed" update is rolled back' - '"Failed" update is marked as blacklisted' - 'Apertis-update-manager is able to detect blacklisted update and refuse to update the system with it' run: steps: - "Check the initial deployment" - $ sudo ostree admin status - "Prepare the copy of commit and deploy to allow the upgrade to the same version" - "Command below shows you an initial commit ID, for instance" - | $ export BOOTID=$(sudo ostree admin status | sed -n -e 's/^\* apertis \([0-9a-f]*\)\.[0-9]$/\1/p'); echo $BOOTID - "Get the Collection ID and ref" - $ export CID=$(sudo ostree refs -c | head -n 1 | tr -d '(),' | cut -f 1 -d ' '); echo COLLECTION_ID=$CID - $ export REF=$(sudo ostree refs -c | head -n 1 | tr -d '(),' | cut -f 2 -d ' '); echo REF=$REF - "Create the commit with changed timestamp to allow upgrade with recent update file" - | $ export NEWID=$(sudo ostree commit --orphan --tree=ref=$BOOTID --add-metadata-string=ostree.collection-binding=$CID --bind-ref=$REF --timestamp="1 year ago"); echo "New commit: $NEWID" - "Deploy the prepared commit" - $ sudo ostree admin upgrade --allow-downgrade --deploy-only --override-commit=$NEWID --reboot - "Wait until the system is booted again and check the deployment" - $ sudo ostree admin status - "The booted commit (started with '*') must have ID which we prepare and the initial commit ID should be marked as '(rollback)'" - "Remove the initial deployment" - $ sudo ostree admin undeploy 1 - "Reboot the system" - "Check the current deployment" - $ sudo ostree admin status - "Start the user interface agent with mode preventing automatic system reboot after update" - $ sudo updatectl --register-upgrade-handler & - "Plug the USB flash drive into the device" - "The update starts automatically" - "After the update, the device does *not* reboot automatically" - "Check that the user interface agent reports the pending update" - | >** Message: Upgrade status: Checking ** Message: An upgrade is pending - "Remove the USB flash drive" - "Check if there is pending deployment and reboot the DUT" - $ sudo ostree admin status - $ sudo reboot - "In `U-Boot` console check the status of upgrade" - $ printenv bootcount bootlimit - | >bootcount=1 bootlimit=3 - "Restart the device by pressing the restart button before the boot finishes." - "Restart the device a second time by pressing the restart button before the boot finishes." - "Restart the device a third time by pressing the restart button before the boot finishes." - "U-Boot should be able to detect the rollback mode and boot the system in rollback mode" - | >Warning: Bootlimit (3) exceeded. Using altbootcmd. Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 switch to partitions #0, OK mmc0 is current device Scanning mmc 0:1... Found /extlinux/extlinux-rollback.conf Retrieving file: /extlinux/extlinux-rollback.conf - "Wait for system boot" - "Check the update has been rolled back and that the initial deployment is still the active deployment" - $ sudo ostree admin status - "Start the user interface agent" - $ sudo updatectl & - "Plug the USB flash drive with the same update file into the device" - "Check that the user interface agent reports the system is up to update" - | >** Message: 09:21:45.026: Upgrade status: Checking ** Message: 09:21:45.300: System is up to date - "Check the journal log should mention that the update ID has been blacklisted" - $ sudo journalctl -ef --unit apertis-update-manager - | >May 01 09:21:45 apertis apertis-update-[363]: mount added : /media/APERTIS May 01 09:21:45 apertis apertis-update-[363]: Ostree static delta starting May 01 09:21:45 apertis apertis-update-[363]: Metadata read from commit '710dbec2943510e4deb279cd6738a4a1a5b589eb6c4976e486d056e0308a02e1': {'ostree.ref-binding': <['apertis/v2019pre/armhf-uboot/minimal']>, 'ostree.collection-binding': <'org.apertis.os'>} May 01 09:21:45 apertis apertis-update-[363]: Revision '710dbec2943510e4deb279cd6738a4a1a5b589eb6c4976e486d056e0308a02e1' is marked as blacklisted; skipping May 01 09:21:45 apertis apertis-update-[363]: Ostree already up to date