diff --git a/tests-cases/apparmor-folks.yaml b/tests-cases/apparmor-folks.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1b0812fd98b54fad13b0dfb253fe369cdf55348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests-cases/apparmor-folks.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+  name: apparmor-folks
+  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
+  image-type: target
+  image-arch: any
+  type: functional
+  exec-type: automated
+  priority: medium
+  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
+  description: "Test that AppArmor profiles provided in Folks package work
+                without unexpected auditd log entries."
+  expected:
+    - "A list of executed test with related result (as pass/fail/skip) will be
+       shown on console, similar to the following:"
+    - |
+        >R1.13b_folks-alias-persistence.expected: pass
+        R1.13b_folks-eds-compatibility.expected: pass
+        R1.13b_folks-metacontacts-linking.expected: pass
+        R1.13b_folks-metacontacts-unlinking.expected: pass
+        R1.13b_folks-libsocialweb.expected: pass
+        R6.4.2_folks-metacontacts-antilinking.expected: pass
+        R1.13b_folks-retrieve-contacts-telepathy.expected: pass
+        test-malicious.expected: pass
+  notes:
+    - "Other output on the console such as warnings and errors should be ignored
+       if the test passes"
+    - "This TC is based on other Folks test cases, all of them should PASS in
+       order to execute them against AppArmor."
+    - "If a subtest for this TC FAILs, check that the related test is PASSING."
+    - "It is worth to investigate AppArmor-side only if the original TC PASSes and
+       the profiled version of it FAILs."
+    - "Any other scenario is either OK or worth waiting the original TC to PASS."
+  deps:
+  - apparmor
+  - apparmor-profiles
+  - busybox
+  - chaiwala-apparmor-profiles
+  - apertis-tests-apparmor-report
+  - chaiwala-tests
+  - evolution-data-server
+  - folks-tools
+  - syncevolution
+  - python3
+  - telepathy-mission-control-5
+  - telepathy-gabble
+  - libfolks-eds25
+  - libfolks-telepathy25
+  steps:
+  - "# Execute the following commands:"
+  - echo -n | sudo tee /var/log/audit/audit.log
+  - common/run-test-in-systemd --name=run-test-folks --timeout=300 apparmor/folks/test-folks
+  - sudo cat /var/log/audit/audit.log | aa_log_extract_tokens.pl PERMITTING REJECTING
+  pattern: ^(?P<test_case_id>.+)\.expected:\s*(?P<result>PASS|pass|FAIL|fail|SKIP|skip|UNKNOWN|unknown)$
diff --git a/tests-cases/apparmor-tumbler.yaml b/tests-cases/apparmor-tumbler.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..015ea2f11a2df4dcbca77f2d7b5a5bfed7833056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests-cases/apparmor-tumbler.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+  name: apparmor-tumbler
+  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
+  image-type: any
+  image-arch: any
+  type: functional
+  exec-type: automated
+  priority: medium
+  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
+  description: "Tests that the tumbler profile doesn't cause false negatives and
+                that it does not allow arbitrary reading of files in the home
+                directory."
+  expected:
+    - "Both tests should report pass and not fail:"
+    - |
+        >tumbler.normal.expected: pass
+        tumbler.malicious.expected: pass
+  notes:
+    - "The results of the tests printed to the standard output are enough to
+       determine whether they passed or fail."
+    - "If you get a failure and need to report a bug please run sudo watch-aa on
+       a terminal and run the case that is failing (separately, if both), and add
+       the logs you get to the bug report."
+  deps:
+  - bash
+  - busybox
+  - apertis-tests-apparmor-report
+  - apertis-tests-apparmor-tumbler
+  steps:
+  - "# Execute the following commands:"
+  - echo -n | sudo tee /var/log/audit/audit.log
+  - common/run-test-in-systemd --name run-test-tumbler --timeout 900 apparmor/tumbler/test-tumbler
+  - sudo cat /var/log/audit/audit.log | aa_log_extract_tokens.pl PERMITTING REJECTING
+  fixupdict:
+    FAILED: fail
+    PASSED: pass
+    FAIL: fail
+    PASS: pass
+    SKIP: skip
+    UNKNOWN: unknown
+  pattern: ^(?P<test_case_id>[\w\-\.]+):\s(?P<result>PASS|pass|FAIL|fail|SKIP|skip|UNKNOWN|unknown)$
diff --git a/tests-cases/bluez-setup.yaml b/tests-cases/bluez-setup.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..48031df12e0c18b162d719df2a51493127be62c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests-cases/bluez-setup.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+  name: bluez-setup
+  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
+  image-type: any
+  image-arch: any
+  type: functional
+  exec-type: manual
+  priority: critical
+  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
+  description: "Test setup of Bluetooth stack by running basic tests using
+                hciconfig. Check if the interface can be brought up/down, can be
+                changed of mode and can discover devices. Strategic component:
+                Bluetooth setup and basic functionality is part of smartphone
+                interaction functionality."
+  resources:
+    - "A Bluetooth adapter."
+    - "A Bluetooth device."
+  macro_ostree_preconditions: bluez-setup
+  pre-conditions:
+    - "Please note that connman disables bluetooth by default on a fresh image.
+       If it's already enabled, connmanctl will give an \"In progress\" error that
+       may be ignored. To enable the device:"
+    - $ connmanctl enable bluetooth
+  expected:
+    - "The output should be similar to that:"
+    - |
+        >hci0:   Type: BR/EDR  Bus: USB
+                 BD Address: 00:1B:DC:06:05:D4  ACL MTU: 310:10  SCO MTU: 64:8
+                 UP RUNNING PSCAN
+                 RX bytes:16617 acl:0 sco:0 events:630 errors:0
+                 TX bytes:7102 acl:0 sco:0 commands:629 errors:8
+                 Features: 0xff 0xff 0x8f 0x7e 0xd8 0x1f 0x5b 0x87
+                 Packet type: DM1 DM3 DM5 DH1 DH3 DH5 HV1 HV2 HV3
+                 Link policy: RSWITCH HOLD SNIFF PARK
+                 Link mode: SLAVE ACCEPT
+                 Name: 'sac-target-0'
+                 Class: 0x620100
+                 Service Classes: Networking, Audio, Telephony
+                 Device Class: Computer, Uncategorized
+                 HCI Version: 4.0 (0x6)  Revision: 0x2031
+                 LMP Version: 4.0 (0x6)  Subversion: 0x2031
+                 Manufacturer: Cambridge Silicon Radio (10)
+        Put some devices around in discoverable mode and press ENTER
+        Scanning ...
+               78:47:1D:B3:6E:80       jasmin-0
+        Check if the devices you enabled are in the list above
+  steps:
+    - "Execute the test suite:"
+    - $ ./check-setup.sh
diff --git a/tests-cases/connman-pan-network-access.yaml b/tests-cases/connman-pan-network-access.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc70f0e424c7307e2d071c3ba0bd35aedf5a5837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests-cases/connman-pan-network-access.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+  name: connman-pan-network-access
+  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
+  image-type: any
+  image-arch: any
+  type: functional
+  exec-type: manual
+  priority: medium
+  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
+  description: "Test ConnMan support for bluetooth PAN Network Access Profile.
+                This test will test internet access from Apertis to a bluetooth
+                device sharing its internet connection. The underlying connection
+                makes use of Bluetooth Network Access Profile with connman. First
+                the two devices will be paired, then connection will be
+                established. It will then be possible to verify that internet is
+                usable from Apertis."
+  resources:
+    - "A USB Bluetooth adapter."
+    - "A phone supporting PAN NAP. A computer can also be used to share its
+       internet connection."
+  macro_install_packages_preconditions: apertis-tests python3-dbus python3-gi
+  pre-conditions:
+    - "Make sure an Internet connection is active on the phone and can be shared.
+       The steps are phone specific."
+    - "Ensure the bluetooth adapter is detected in Apertis: In VirtualBox menu,
+       select \"Devices > USB\" and check the entry corresponding to the selected
+       bluetooth adapter."
+    - "Please note that connman disables bluetooth by default on a fresh image.
+       If it's already enabled, connmanctl will give an \"In progress\" error that
+       may be ignored. To enable the device:"
+    - $ connmanctl enable bluetooth
+    - "Start simple agent:"
+    - $ /usr/lib/chaiwala-tests/bluez/simple-agent -y
+    - "Pair both devices initiating from the phone side"
+    - "Pay attention to the simple-agent window as it requires input during
+       the pairing process."
+  expected:
+    - "At this point, you should be able to navigate on the internet from Apertis.
+       For example:"
+    - |
+        >user@apertis:~$ ping www.google.fr
+        PING www.google.fr ( 56(84) bytes of data.
+        64 bytes from lhr25s10-in-f3.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=62.0 ms
+    - "Start the web browser from the Applications menu and display a web page."
+    - "Specifying a DNS should not be necessary, it can be done as follow:"
+    - $ connmanctl config bluetooth_aabbccddeeff_feedbeefcafe --nameservers
+  notes:
+    - "Warning: Connman changes are persistent (over reboot!). After finishing
+       testing, it might be wise to perform the dhcp test to ensure that the
+       network is in a sensible state."
+    - "For ALL tests the enable step will give an \"In progress\" error if the
+       device is already enabled. This is to be expected."
+  post-conditions:
+    - "Disconnect using connmanctl:"
+    - $ connmanctl disconnect bluetooth_aabbccddeeff_feedbeefcafe
+    - "Enable ethernet again if it was disabled"
+    - $ connmanctl enable ethernet
+  steps:
+    - "To ensure effective usage of bluetooth and not ethernet, one can use:"
+    - $ connmanctl disable ethernet
+    - "List connman services and Check no other network technologies is in use
+       with:"
+    - $ connmanctl services
+    - "From the result select the bluetooth service which matches both the adapter
+       and phone addresses. If connections succeeds, connmanctl will display
+       Connected bluetooth_aabbccddeeff_feedbeefcafe:"
+    - $ connmanctl connect bluetooth_aabbccddeeff_feedbeefcafe
+    - |
+        >Connected bluetooth_aabbccddeeff_feedbeefcafe
+    - "Control ip routing goes through PAN interface. IP addresses can vary, but
+       the default gateway should be bnepX or enXaabbccddeeff:"
+    - $ ip route
+    - |
+        >default via dev bnep0 
+ dev bnep0  proto kernel  scope link  src 
+ dev bnep0  scope link
diff --git a/tests-cases/folks-ofono-backend.yaml b/tests-cases/folks-ofono-backend.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcc2b1a61196c4a0c095de4d2283c361039a511c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests-cases/folks-ofono-backend.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+  name: folks-ofono-backend
+  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
+  image-type: any
+  image-arch: any
+  type: functional
+  exec-type: manual
+  priority: medium
+  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
+  description: "Reading contacts from 3G modem SIM card."
+  resources:
+    - "A 3G USB Modem."
+    - "A SIM card with contacts on it (SIM should *not* have a PIN configured)"
+  pre-conditions:
+    - "Ensure Rootfs is remounted as read/write."
+    - $ sudo mount -o remount,rw /
+    - "Install dependencies"
+    - $ sudo apt install folks-tools apertis-tests libfolks-ofono25 connman-tests
+    - "Please note that connman disables cellular by default on a fresh image."
+    - "Make sure that the 3G USB modem is seen by Connman:"
+    - $ connmanctl technologies
+    - "should display a technology:"
+    - |
+        >/net/connman/technology/cellular
+    - "To enable the device (If it's already enabled, test-connman will give an
+       \"In progress\" error that may be ignored):"
+    - $ /usr/share/connman/test/test-connman enable cellular
+    - $ sudo reboot
+  expected:
+    - "folks-inspect should show the personas with their details grabbed
+       from your SIM card."
+  notes:
+    - "Please ignore the following warning about the eds backend: the goal of this
+       test is to test the ofono backend so other backends (such as the eds
+       backend) are explicitly disabled:"
+    - |
+        >(folks-inspect:853): folks-WARNING **: Failed to find primary PersonaStore with type ID 'eds' and ID 'system-address-book'.
+        Individuals will not be linked properly and creating new links between Personas will not work.
+        The configured primary PersonaStore's backend may not be installed. If you are unsure, check with your distribution.
+  steps:
+    - "Note: apertis-tests must be version > 20121011.0"
+    - "Execute test script:"
+    - $ /usr/lib/chaiwala-tests/contacts/folks-ofonotest.sh
diff --git a/tests-cases/folks-search-contacts.yaml b/tests-cases/folks-search-contacts.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b64e59eae20ed1ef592da80d71c67d59859dd8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests-cases/folks-search-contacts.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+  name: folks-search-contacts
+  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
+  image-type: any
+  image-arch: any
+  type: functional
+  exec-type: automated
+  priority: medium
+  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
+  description: "Ensures that Folks can correctly search contacts."
+  expected:
+    - "The script will report PASSED or FAILED."
+  deps:
+  - telepathy-ring
+  - telepathy-mission-control-5
+  - telepathy-gabble
+  - libfolks-eds25
+  - libfolks-telepathy25
+  - folks-tools
+  - syncevolution
+  steps:
+    - "# Execute the following command:"
+    - common/run-test-in-systemd --user=user --timeout=900 folks/folks-search-contacts.sh
+  fixupdict:
+    FAILED: fail
+    PASSED: pass
+  pattern: ^(?P<test_case_id>[\w-]+):\W+(?P<result>PASSED|FAILED)$
diff --git a/tests-cases/frome.yaml b/tests-cases/frome.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..809f66eb02c6e4c7846bd429134a9cf7af30db8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests-cases/frome.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+  name: frome
+  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
+  image-type: any
+  image-arch: any
+  type: unit
+  exec-type: automated
+  priority: low
+  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
+  description: "Frome library test."
+  macro_modules_preconditions: frome
+  expected:
+    - "All tests should pass (ok). The output should be similar to:"
+    - |
+        >test.name0...ok
+        test.name1...ok
+        test.name2...ok
+        test.nameN...ok
+  deps:
+  - devscripts
+  - frome-tests
+  - gnome-desktop-testing
+  - python3-debian
+  steps:
+  # Download in /tmp directory
+  - cd /tmp/
+  - apt source frome
+  - chown user:user -R /tmp/frome-*
+  steps:
+  - "# Execute the following commands:"
+  - common/run-test-in-systemd --timeout=900 --chdir /tmp/frome-* --user=user --name=frome -- sadt --verbose
+  pattern: '^(?P<test_case_id>[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\./]+)\s...\s(?P<result>ok|FAIL|SKIP)'
+  fixupdict:
+    ok: pass
+    FAIL: fail
+    SKIP: skip
diff --git a/tests-cases/rfkill-toggle.yaml b/tests-cases/rfkill-toggle.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b8a1510906649038c5b521f0e5955091918a341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests-cases/rfkill-toggle.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  name: rfkill-toggle
+  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
+  image-type: target
+  image-arch: any
+  type: functional
+  exec-type: manual
+  priority: medium
+  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
+  description: "Test that rfkill is functional."
+  resources:
+    - "A bluetooth dongle is installed."
+  macro_ostree_preconditions: rfkill-toggle
+  expected:
+    - "The test script show should PASSED:"
+    - |
+        >rfkill-toggle: PASSED
+  steps:
+    - "Run the test script:"
+    - $ ./rfkill-toggle.sh
diff --git a/tests-cases/telepathy-ring-automated.yaml b/tests-cases/telepathy-ring-automated.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e52ae6a577482656b37ccae075387afbf0a0986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests-cases/telepathy-ring-automated.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+  name: telepathy-ring-automated
+  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
+  image-type: SDK
+  image-arch: amd64
+  type: functional
+  exec-type: automated
+  priority: medium
+  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
+  description: "Support making and receiving phone calls in Telepathy. This test
+                is different from the manual one in that it tests with a phone
+                simulator, for being able to stress test the functionality
+                automatically. It uses a remote phone simulator instance when it
+                is available, otherwise, it will automatically run a local
+                phonesim instance and use that for the test instead."
+  expected:
+    - "The output should be similar to this:"
+    - |
+        >telepathy-ring-automated: PASSED
+  deps:
+  - telepathy-ring
+  - telepathy-phoenix
+  - telepathy-mission-control-5
+  - ofono-tests
+  - apertis-tests-apparmor-report
+  - ofono-phonesim
+  steps:
+  - "# Execute the following commands:"
+  - echo -n | sudo tee /var/log/audit/audit.log
+  - common/run-test-in-systemd --user=user sdk/telepathy-ring-automated.sh
+  - sudo cat /var/log/audit/audit.log | aa_log_extract_tokens.pl PERMITTING REJECTING
+  fixupdict:
+    FAILED: fail
+    PASSED: pass
+    FAIL: fail
+    PASS: pass
+    SKIP: skip
+    UNKNOWN: unknown
+  pattern: '^(?P<test_case_id>[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\./]+):\s*(?P<result>PASSED|PASS|pass|FAILED|FAIL|fail|SKIP|skip|UNKNOWN|unknown)$'
diff --git a/tests-cases/traprain.yaml b/tests-cases/traprain.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35cc1a84bf0fbc4519f50c46e972fd26d3a5b1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests-cases/traprain.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+  name: traprain
+  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
+  image-type: any
+  image-arch: any
+  type: unit
+  exec-type: automated
+  priority: medium
+  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
+  description: "Traprain library test."
+  macro_modules_preconditions: traprain
+  expected:
+    - "All tests should pass (ok). The output should be similar to:"
+    - |
+        >test.name0...ok
+        test.name1...ok
+        test.name2...ok
+        test.nameN...ok
+  deps:
+  - devscripts
+  - gnome-desktop-testing
+  - libtraprain-0-tests
+  - python3-debian
+  steps:
+  # Download in /tmp directory
+  - cd /tmp/
+  - apt source traprain
+  - chown user:user -R /tmp/traprain-*
+  steps:
+  - "# Execute the following commands:"
+  - common/run-test-in-systemd --timeout=900 --chdir /tmp/traprain-* --user=user --name=traprain -- sadt --verbose
+  pattern: '^(?P<test_case_id>[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\./]+)\s...\s(?P<result>ok|FAIL|SKIP)'
+  fixupdict:
+    ok: pass
+    FAIL: fail
+    SKIP: skip