diff --git a/renderer/index.html b/renderer/index.html
index 9baaa91dbca52ac8a028b66590cae25a3eec6a08..85e35bc6cae13856733e9d8be1ebee7c179ed77f 100644
--- a/renderer/index.html
+++ b/renderer/index.html
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{% import 'macros.html' as macros %}
 <!doctype html>
 <html lang="en">
@@ -9,7 +10,7 @@
     <main role="main" class="container" style="margin-top: 40px; margin-bottom: 40px">
       <h2>{{ name }} <small class="text-muted">{{ exec_type }}</small></h2>
-      <h3><span class="badge badge-warning">{{ priority }}</span></h3>
+      <h3><span class="badge badge-{{ priority_color }}">{{ priority }}</span></h3>
       <div class="card" style="margin-top: 20px">
 	<div class="card-body">
@@ -22,43 +23,46 @@
 	    <dd class="col-sm-9">{{ type }}</dd>
-      <h3>Description</h3>
+      <h4>Description</h4>
       <p>{{ description }}</p>
       {% if resources %}
       <hr />
-      <h3>Resources</h3>
+      <h4>Resources</h4>
       {% for resource in resources %}
       <li>{{ resource|e }}</li>
       {% endfor %}
       {% endif %}      
-      {% if pre_conditions %}
+      {% if pre_conditions or pkgname %}
       <hr />
-      <h3>Pre Conditions</h3>
+      <h4>Pre Conditions</h4>
-      {% for cond, cmd in pre_conditions %}
-      {% if cond %}<li>{{ cond|e }}</li>{% endif %}
-      {% if cmd %}<p><kbd>{{ cmd|e }}</kbd></p>{% endif %}
+      {% if pkgname %}{{ macros.ostree_preconditions(pkgname) }}{% endif %}
+      {% for comment, command, output in pre_conditions %}
+      {% if comment %}<li class="mb-sm-2">{{ comment|e }}</li>{% endif %}
+      {% if command %}<p><kbd>{{ command|e }}</kbd></p>{% endif %}
+      {% if output %}{% for l in output %}<p class="mb-sm-0 pl-sm-3"><samp>{{ l|e }}</samp></p>{% endfor %}{% endif %}
       {% endfor %}
       {% endif %}
       <hr />
-      <h3>Execution Steps</h3>
+      <h4>Execution Steps</h4>
       {% for comment, command in run_steps %}
-      {% if comment %}<li>{{ comment|e }}</li>{% endif %}
+      {% if comment %}<li class="mb-sm-2">{{ comment|e }}</li>{% endif %}
       {% if command %}<p><kbd>{{ command|e }}</kbd></p>{% endif %}
       {% endfor %}
       <hr />
-      {% for comment, output in expected %}
+      {% for comment, command, output in expected %}
       {% if comment %}<p class="mt-sm-3">{{ comment|e }}</p>{% endif %}
+      {% if command %}<p><kbd>{{ command|e }}</kbd></p>{% endif %}
       {% if output %}{% for l in output %}<p class="mb-sm-0 pl-sm-3"><samp>{{ l|e }}</samp></p>{% endfor %}{% endif %}
       {% endfor %}
@@ -69,9 +73,10 @@
 	<div class="card-body">
-      {% for note, cmd in notes %}
-      {% if note %}<li>{{ note|e }}</li>{% endif %}
-      {% if cmd %}<p><kbd>{{ cmd|e }}</kbd></p>{% endif %}
+      {% for comment, command, output in notes %}
+      {% if comment %}<li class="mb-sm-2">{{ comment|e }}</li>{% endif %}
+      {% if command %}<p><kbd>{{ command|e }}</kbd></p>{% endif %}
+      {% if output %}{% for l in output %}<p class="mb-sm-0 pl-sm-3"><samp>{{ l|e }}</samp></p>{% endfor %}{% endif %}
       {% endfor %}
diff --git a/renderer/macros.html b/renderer/macros.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..18dd992ac756d142af73477d215a5c4b3c9b13b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/renderer/macros.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+{% macro ostree_preconditions(pkgname) %}
+  <li class="mb-sm-2">From a PC, download and unpack the test data tarball from the gitlab test repository:</li>
+  <p><kbd>$ wget https://gitlab.apertis.org/tests/{{ pkgname }}/-/archive/master/{{ pkgname }}.tar.gz</kbd></p>
+  <p><kbd>$ tar -xvf {{ pkgname }}.tar.gz</kbd></p>
+  <li class="mb-sm-2">Copy the {{ pkgname }}-master-* to the device</li>
+  <p><kbd>$ DUT_IP=&ltdevice-ip&gt</kbd></p>
+  <p><kbd>$ scp -r {{ pkgname }}-master-* user@$DUT_IP:</kbd></p>
+  <li class="mb-sm-2">Log into the target</li>
+  <p><kbd>$ ssh user@$DUT_IP</kbd></p>
+  <li class="mb-sm-2">After log into the DUT, enter the test directory</li>
+  <p><kbd>$ cd {{ pkgname }}-master-*</kbd></p>
+  <li class="mb-sm-2">Note that the tarball may change depending on the release/branch being tested, please make sure to download the correct tarball for the release in question.</li>
+{% endmacro %}
diff --git a/renderer/make_page.py b/renderer/make_page.py
index 1b20e185fc4d56e1c254248d068d5a943dd24e3d..cb72617b2897a25546d299cab2f8e938e0ede30d 100755
--- a/renderer/make_page.py
+++ b/renderer/make_page.py
@@ -9,8 +9,17 @@ from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
-# This command parse lists to make sure the following formatting
-# applies for the respective sections:
+def priority_color(priority):
+    return \
+        (priority == 'low'      and 'secondary') or \
+        (priority == 'medium'   and 'info')      or \
+        (priority == 'high'     and 'warning')   or \
+        (priority == 'critical' and 'danger')    or 'light'
+# This command parses each line of a list and returns a structure of the form
+# (comment, command, output) or (comment, command) to apply the following
+# formatting for the respective sections:
 # pre-conditions:
 #  - Start line with '#' or '$' for commands, everything else is a comment.
@@ -19,8 +28,10 @@ TEMPLATE_DIR="."
 #  - Start line with '>' for command output, everything else is a comment.
 # run: steps:
-#  - Star '#' for comments , everything else is a command.
+#  - Start line with '#' for comments , everything else is a command.
+# notes:
+#  - Start line with '>' for command output, everything else is a comment.
 def parse_list(lines, run=False):
     processed_lines = []
     for line in lines:        
@@ -38,11 +49,11 @@ def parse_list(lines, run=False):
                 processed_lines.append(('', '$ '+sline))
             if sline[0] == '$':
-                processed_lines.append(('', sline))
+                processed_lines.append(('', sline, ''))
             elif sline[0] == '>':
-                processed_lines.append(('', sline[1:].split('\n')))
+                processed_lines.append(('', '', sline[1:].split('\n')))
-                processed_lines.append((sline, ''))
+                processed_lines.append((sline, '', ''))
     return processed_lines
@@ -62,6 +73,10 @@ def get_template_values(testcase_data):
             if mv == 'expected':
                 template_values.update({ mv : parse_list(value) })
+                # Set also the prority_color
+                if mv == 'priority':
+                    template_values.update({ 'priority_color' :
+                                             priority_color(value) })
                 template_values.update({ mv.replace('-', '_') : value })
             print("Error: missing mandatory field", mv)
@@ -94,6 +109,11 @@ def get_template_values(testcase_data):
         template_values.update({ 'install_steps' : deps })
+    # Template macros
+    ostree_preconditions = metadata.get('ostree_preconditions')
+    if ostree_preconditions:
+        template_values.update({ 'pkgname' : ostree_preconditions })
     return template_values
diff --git a/tc/eclipse-sysroot-management.yaml b/tc/eclipse-sysroot-management.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d14edd7ed531fd162d082cd53097f9f2d0a1eb0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tc/eclipse-sysroot-management.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+  name: eclipse-sysroot-management
+  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
+  image-type: SDK
+  image-arch: amd64
+  type: functional
+  exec-type: manual
+  priority: medium
+  description: "Test sysroot management and update within Eclipse.
+                It will go through configuring an existing sysroot in Eclipse,
+                and then updating it from the web with the latest version."
+  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
+  pre-conditions:
+    - "Ensure Rootfs is remounted as read/write."
+    - "$ sudo mount -o remount,rw /"
+    - "Install dependencies"
+    - "$ sudo apt install eclipse-cdt eclipse-plugins-apertis-management"
+    - "Restart the system to restore the filesystem state to read-only before
+       running the test."
+    - "$ sudo reboot"
+    - "There has to be a file available on the web with the name and URL of the
+       latest available sysroot, to allow Eclipse to check if there is a newer
+       version available. See the notes below."
+    - "A sysroot image is installed in /opt/sysroot/apertis"
+  expected:
+    - "Sysroot has been updated to latest version configured in the web file. To verify, check /opt/sysroot/apertis/binary/etc/image_version for the sysroot version."
+    - "Error log view should be empty."
+  notes:
+    - "Make sure that you have disconnect the ethernet connection to the target
+       before you start the tethering process."
+    - "The update process depends on a file available on the web that the plugin
+      uses to get information on the latest available version. You should make
+      this file available in a web server and point the 'Address to update' to it."
+    - "The format of the file is simple. Here is an example:"
+    - |
+        >version=16.12 20161019.0
+          url=https://images.apertis.org/sysroot/16.12/sysroot-apertis-16.12-armhf-development_20161019.0.tar.gz
+    - "This file and the images to download can be in different servers"
+    - "The images to use are the ones called
+       sysroot-AA.BB-apertis-development_XXXXXXXX.X.tar.gz"
+    - "For this test case be patient, it will take some time to download 600
+       Mbytes and install the sysroot."
+  steps:
+    - "# Start Eclipse"
+    - "# Go to Window > Preferences"
+    - "# Click on Apertis"
+    - "# Fill in Address with https://images.apertis.org/sysroot/16.12/sysroot"
+    - "# Uncheck Check SSL certificate errors"
+    - "# Click on Apply"
+    - "# Click on Update sysroot. The Update sysroot dialog should display the
+         current version and the latest available version on the web"
+    - "# Click on Ok. The dialog should close and the Progress view should display
+         lower right corner of eclipse main window. (This might takes a while
+	 depends on bandwidth as the size of sysroot is around 600MB.)"
+    - "# Click on OK"
+    - "# Wait for the update job to complete"
+    - "# Check the error log view for any problem"
diff --git a/tc/gettext-i18n.yaml b/tc/gettext-i18n.yaml
index 4f24d93fc311d0876b1344437bf18fd74d1e967e..8af8ad87a47333e08993fadf03d6f3fb39c11776 100644
--- a/tc/gettext-i18n.yaml
+++ b/tc/gettext-i18n.yaml
@@ -9,18 +9,7 @@ metadata:
   maintainer: "Apertis Project"
   description: "Check that gettext internationalization works."
-  pre-conditions:
-    - "From a PC, download and unpack the test data tarball from the gitlab test repository:"
-    - "$ wget https://gitlab.apertis.org/tests/gettext-i18n/-/archive/master/gettext-i18n.tar.gz"
-    - "$ tar -xvf gettext-i18n.tar.gz"
-    - "Copy the gettext-i18n-master-* to the device"
-    - "$ DUT_IP=<device-ip>"
-    - "$ scp -r gettext-i18n-master-* user@$DUT_IP:"
-    - "Log into the target"
-    - "$ ssh user@$DUT_IP"
-    - "After log into the DUT, enter the test directory"
-    - "$ cd gettext-i18n-master-*"
-    - "Note that the tarball may change depending on the release/branch being tested, please make sure to download the correct tarball for the release in question."
+  ostree_preconditions: gettext-i18n
     - "The output should be pass or fail for each supported language."
diff --git a/tc/gstreamer1.0-decode.yaml b/tc/gstreamer1.0-decode.yaml
index c59b2b835c62009e1b4a210ec8dd3341da11ada6..64bef2df6cb323ad1870e7e8e61b51783d7e89f5 100644
--- a/tc/gstreamer1.0-decode.yaml
+++ b/tc/gstreamer1.0-decode.yaml
@@ -12,23 +12,23 @@ metadata:
                 required by any of the currently strategic functionalities."
-    - "# From a PC, download and unpack the test data tarball from the gitlab test repository: https://gitlab.apertis.org/tests/gstreamer1.0-decode/-/archive/master/gstreamer1.0-decode-master.tar.gz"
-    - wget https://gitlab.apertis.org/tests/gstreamer1.0-decode/-/archive/master/gstreamer1.0-decode-master.tar.gz
-    - tar -xvf gstreamer1.0-decode-master.tar.gz
-    - "# Copy the gstreamer1.0-decode-master-* to the device"
-    - DUT_IP=<device-ip>
-    - scp -r gstreamer1.0-decode-master-* user@$DUT_IP:
-    - "# Log into the target"
-    - ssh user@$DUT_IP
-    - "# After log into the DUT, enter the test directory"
-    - cd gstreamer1.0-decode-master-*
-    - "# Note that the tarball may change depending on the release/branch being tested, please make sure to download the correct tarball for the release in question."
+    - "From a PC, download and unpack the test data tarball from the gitlab test repository:"
+    - "$ wget https://gitlab.apertis.org/tests/gstreamer1.0-decode/-/archive/master/gstreamer1.0-decode-master.tar.gz"
+    - "$ tar -xvf gstreamer1.0-decode-master.tar.gz"
+    - "Copy the to gstreamer1.0-decode-master-* the device"
+    - "$ DUT_IP=<device-ip>"
+    - "$ scp -r gstreamer1.0-decode-master-* user@$DUT_IP:"
+    - "Log into the target"
+    - "$ ssh user@$DUT_IP"
+    - "After log into the DUT, enter the test directory"
+    - "$ cd gstreamer1.0-decode-master-*"
+    - "Note that the tarball may change depending on the release/branch being tested, please make sure to download the correct tarball for the release in question."
-    - "# The script will output a result for each media file it tries to decode. If it succeeds, PASSED will be displayed. If not, FAILED will be displayed."
+    - "The script will output a result for each media file it tries to decode. If it succeeds, PASSED will be displayed. If not, FAILED will be displayed."
-    - "# If lava-test-shell test fails within lava job. It means e.g. a job has timed out."
+    - "If lava-test-shell test fails within lava job. It means e.g. a job has timed out."
diff --git a/tc/image-bootable.yaml b/tc/image-bootable.yaml
index 5600a7a36181420a8710035df0d0088873b2cb80..b4e5fbc2430c36dc966f849e40664f6bc9912543 100644
--- a/tc/image-bootable.yaml
+++ b/tc/image-bootable.yaml
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ metadata:
   maintainer: "Apertis Project"
-    - "# For SDK image: Remember, we're now requiring VirtualBox 4.2.2 for tests
-         using Guest Additions. Please, read https://wiki.apertis.org/Docs/VirtualBox_Guest_AdditionsDocs/VirtualBox_Guest_Additions to update your setup."
-    - "# Download the virtual machine image for the latest SDK release from
-         https://images.apertis.org/"
-    - "# For Target/Development images:"
-    - "# Download latest target/development image released from
-         https://images.apertis.org/"
-    - "# Write image to a SD card (https://wiki.apertis.org/System_Image_Setup#Target_and_development_images"
+    - "For SDK image: Remember, we're now requiring VirtualBox 4.2.2 for tests
+       using Guest Additions. Please, read https://wiki.apertis.org/Docs/VirtualBox_Guest_AdditionsDocs/VirtualBox_Guest_Additions to update your setup."
+    - "Download the virtual machine image for the latest SDK release from
+       https://images.apertis.org/"
+    - "For Target/Development images:"
+    - "Download latest target/development image released from
+       https://images.apertis.org/"
+    - "Write image to a SD card (https://wiki.apertis.org/System_Image_Setup#Target_and_development_images"
-    - "# Image boots either to a terminal or graphical environment."
+    - "Image boots either to a terminal or graphical environment."
diff --git a/tc/tumbler-thumbnailing.yaml b/tc/tumbler-thumbnailing.yaml
index ce006dfdd0dac5646a90594e4c0feca4abb20222..fd7e33c4a40c5109e29266c26a70f9403010d3b2 100644
--- a/tc/tumbler-thumbnailing.yaml
+++ b/tc/tumbler-thumbnailing.yaml
@@ -11,26 +11,28 @@ metadata:
   maintainer: "Apertis Project"
-    - "# Ensure Rootfs is remounted as read/write."
-    - sudo mount -o remount,rw /
-    - "# Install dependencies"
-    - sudo apt install bash busybox dbus libglib2.0-bin procps tumbler
-    - "# Restart the system to restore the filesystem state to read-only before
-         running the test."
-    - sudo reboot
+    - "Ensure Rootfs is remounted as read/write."
+    - "$ sudo mount -o remount,rw /"
+    - "Install dependencies"
+    - "$ sudo apt install bash busybox dbus libglib2.0-bin procps tumbler"
+    - "Restart the system to restore the filesystem state to read-only before
+       running the test."
+    - "$ sudo reboot"
-    - "# The output should be similar to:"
-    - ">>> Running test 'test_image_normal_thumbnail_generation' ...
-       >>> Running test 'test_image_large_thumbnail_generation' ...
-       >>> Running test 'test_document_normal_thumbnail_generation' ...
-       >>> Running test 'test_document_large_thumbnail_generation' ...
-       >>> Running test 'test_video_normal_thumbnail_generation' ...
-       >>> Running test 'test_video_large_thumbnail_generation' ...
-       >>> All tests PASSED successfully!"
-    - "# If any test failed, they will be listed instead of the success message."
-    - ">>> The following tests FAILED:
-       [list of tests]"
+    - "The output should be similar to:"
+    - |
+        >>>> Running test 'test_image_normal_thumbnail_generation' ...
+        >>> Running test 'test_image_large_thumbnail_generation' ...
+        >>> Running test 'test_document_normal_thumbnail_generation' ...
+        >>> Running test 'test_document_large_thumbnail_generation' ...
+        >>> Running test 'test_video_normal_thumbnail_generation' ...
+        >>> Running test 'test_video_large_thumbnail_generation' ...
+        >>> All tests PASSED successfully!
+    - "If any test failed, they will be listed instead of the success message."
+    - |
+        >>>> The following tests FAILED:
+        [list of tests]
@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ install:
+    - "# Run the test script:"
     - common/run-test-in-systemd --timeout=900 --user=user --name=run-test env DEBUG=2 tumbler/automated/run-test.sh
diff --git a/tc/webkit2gtk-mt-touch-events.yaml b/tc/webkit2gtk-mt-touch-events.yaml
index 048ca46599327193c8e71ee581c6592525e37bfc..9cedb51497ed2758a7cef4c3a561cb2b82f4a656 100644
--- a/tc/webkit2gtk-mt-touch-events.yaml
+++ b/tc/webkit2gtk-mt-touch-events.yaml
@@ -13,20 +13,20 @@ metadata:
     - "A touch-screen with multiple touch points."
-    - "# Ensure Rootfs is remounted as read/write."
-    - sudo mount -o remount,rw /
-    - "# Install dependencies"
-    - sudo apt install -o DPkg::options::="--force-unsafe-io" webkit2gtk-testing
-    - "# Restart the system to restore the filesystem state to read-only before
-         running the test."
-    - sudo reboot
+    - "Ensure Rootfs is remounted as read/write."
+    - "$ sudo mount -o remount,rw /"
+    - "Install dependencies"
+    - $ sudo apt install -o DPkg::options::="--force-unsafe-io" webkit2gtk-testing
+    - "Restart the system to restore the filesystem state to read-only before
+       running the test."
+    - "$ sudo reboot"
-    - "# Check that when sliding more than one finger within the canvas, lines of
-         different colors are drawn in the \"Touch canvas\", each finger with
-         its own."
-    - "# Check that when pressing and dragging using the mouse, a line is drawn
-         in the \"Mouse canvas\"."
+    - "Check that when sliding more than one finger within the canvas, lines of
+       different colors are drawn in the \"Touch canvas\", each finger with
+       its own."
+    - "Check that when pressing and dragging using the mouse, a line is drawn
+       in the \"Mouse canvas\"."
diff --git a/tc/x-hw-accelerated.yaml b/tc/x-hw-accelerated.yaml
index 34b1ebcae74c574a5cdd988e99efb2c4347a442c..43286552c88b035f48520697f2f438828fb8bc71 100644
--- a/tc/x-hw-accelerated.yaml
+++ b/tc/x-hw-accelerated.yaml
@@ -10,18 +10,19 @@ metadata:
   maintainer: "Apertis Project"
-    - "# Ensure Rootfs is remounted as read/write."
-    - sudo mount -o remount,rw /
-    - "# Install dependencies"
-    - sudo apt install mesa-utils-extra
-    - "# Restart the system to restore the filesystem state to read-only before
-         running the test."
-    - sudo reboot
+    - "Ensure Rootfs is remounted as read/write."
+    - "$ sudo mount -o remount,rw /"
+    - "Install dependencies"
+    - "$ sudo apt install mesa-utils-extra"
+    - "Restart the system to restore the filesystem state to read-only before
+       running the test."
+    - "$ sudo reboot"
-    - "# The command output should include the following information:"
-    - "GL_VERSION: OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 10.1.0
-       GL_RENDERER: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.4, 128 bits)"
+    - "The command output should include the following information:"
+    - |
+        >GL_VERSION: OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 10.1.0
+        GL_RENDERER: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.4, 128 bits)"
     - "This will only test whether the correct renderer is used, actual