diff --git a/test-cases/bluez-hfp.yaml b/test-cases/bluez-hfp.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index cd390ddfb3d2585dfd4410d7ef6c2231efbabd64..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test-cases/bluez-hfp.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-  name: bluez-hfp
-  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
-  image-types:
-    target:  [ armhf-internal, armhf, amd64 ]
-    basesdk: [ amd64 ]
-    sdk:     [ amd64 ]
-  image-deployment:
-    - APT
-  type: functional
-  exec-type: manual
-  priority: medium
-  description: "Test Hands Free Profile (HFP) BlueZ feature."
-  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
-  resources:
-    - "A Bluetooth adapter (if you have two plugged, please remove one to
-       avoid confusion)"
-    - "A Bluetooth-enabled phone with a SIM card able to make and receive calls."
-  macro_install_packages_preconditions: chaiwala-tests python-dialog
-                                        dialog python3-gi python3-dbus
-  pre-conditions:
-    - "Please note that connman disables bluetooth by default on a fresh image."
-    - "Enable device:"
-    - "$ connmanctl enable bluetooth"
-  expected:
-    - "If FAILED is displayed, one of the test has failed. The output should be similar to that:"
-    - |
-        >TEST STARTED: Pairing Initiatior
-        | Confiming passkey 805647 (/org/bluez/803/hci0/dev_78_47_1D_B3_6E_80)
-        TEST FINISHED: Pairing Initiatior : PASSED
-        TEST STARTED: Pairing Responder
-        | In the phone start pairing with BlueZ (00:1B:DC:0F:35:06).
-        | Device created /org/bluez/803/hci0/dev_78_47_1D_B3_6E_80
-        TEST FINISHED: Pairable Responder : PASSED
-        | Profiles supported:
-                 *  HFP AG
-        Type the phone number to call:*144
-        Press ENTER to hangup the call:
-        | Did you hear the call (y/n)
-        y
-        From a second phone call the phone connected to oFono.
-         Once the phone starts ring press ENTER to anwser:
-        Press ENTER to hangup the call:
-        | Did you hear the call (y/n)
-        y
-  notes:
-  - "There are some options to run the command."
-  - "The -i select which hci device to use(e.g.: hci0). One can find the hci device name by running 'hciconfig' and looking at the available devices in its outputs."
-  - "The -d select which device you want to pair with, skipping discovery procedure. One can find the phone's Bluetooth address by putting the phone in discoverable mode and using \"scan on\" command from bluetoothctl."
-  - "The -s skip pairing because the device is already paired. -d must be present when using this."
-  - "Example:"
-  - "$ /usr/lib/chaiwala-tests/bluez/bluez-hfp -i hci0 -d A0:F4:19:8E:D9:AF -s"
-  steps:
-  - "Execute the test suite:"
-  - $ DISPLAY=:0 /usr/lib/chaiwala-tests/bluez/bluez-hfp
diff --git a/test-cases/bluez-phone.yaml b/test-cases/bluez-phone.yaml
index e23aa659f5e2b4706223a12fbceee85fd063bf4c..f225388f700e9b014924e69ad68f312bbb51be9a 100644
--- a/test-cases/bluez-phone.yaml
+++ b/test-cases/bluez-phone.yaml
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ metadata:
     - "If running the test on an SDK image, kill the blueman-applet process, as
        it prevents the test from installing its own pairing agent."
+    - "$ connmanctl enable bluetooth"
     - "If PASSED is displayed, all of the test have passed. The output should be
@@ -73,6 +74,28 @@ metadata:
         NAP:service name 
         Handsfree Audio Gateway
+         test_profile_hfp_src
+         select_objectpath_hfp
+         /org/bluez/hci0
+         /hfp/org/bluez/hci0
+         '/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC',
+         object path going/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC
+         $OBJECTPATHHFP is not empty
+         Type the phone number to call:7798433607
+         Dialing to the phone number: 7798433607
+         Calling .......
+         CALL_PATH /hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC/voicecall01
+         Did you recieved the call (y/n):
+         y
+         Hanging up the call
+         ()
+         From a second phone call the phone connected to oFono
+         ([(objectpath '/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC/voicecall01', {'State': <'incoming'>, 'LineIdentification': <'+918618923989'>, 'Name': <''>, 'Multiparty': <false>, 'RemoteHeld': <false>, 'RemoteMultiparty': <false>, 'Emergency': <false>})],)
+         Call incoming
+         Did you hear the call (y/n):
+         y
+         Hanging up the call
+         ()
         PBAP Phonebook Access PSE
@@ -146,6 +169,20 @@ run:
        'default-agent'. The either 'pairable on' to pair from phone, or 'pair
        <phone addr>' to issue a pairing to the phone. '<phone addr>' is the phone
        address of the form 'a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6'."
+    - "The next step is to initiate a call from the phone. This can be
+       done by entering the contact. The test will display the
+       following message when that is required:"
+    - |
+        >Did you recieved the call (y/n)
+    - "After you’ve recieved the call in other phone number
+       continue."
+    - "The next step is to call from other phone to the phone connected to the 
+       bluetooth adapter. The test will display the
+       following message when that is required:"
+    - |
+        >Did you hear the call (y/n):
+    - "After you’ve heard the call in other phone number
+       continue."
     - "The next step is to initiate a file transfer from the phone. This can be
        done by sending a contact from the phone. The test will display the
        following message when that is required:"