diff --git a/atc_renderer/templates/macros.html b/atc_renderer/templates/macros.html
index 24fd3ddb1fdd2dc3401c4cf5b6a9368c08c40feb..688590c1f1d51403dbcb454667389b40d761301c 100644
--- a/atc_renderer/templates/macros.html
+++ b/atc_renderer/templates/macros.html
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 {% macro git_repo(git_repo_url, git_repo_dir) %}
   <li class="mb-sm-2">Clone the tests repository from another computer <i>(Note that the branch being tested may change depending on the release, please make sure to clone the correct branch for the release in question)</i>:</li>
   <p><kbd>$ git clone {{ git_repo_url }}</kbd></p>
-  <li class="mb-sm-2">Copy the test directory {{ git_repo_dir }} to the device:</li>
+  <li class="mb-sm-2">Copy the test directory {{ git_repo_dir }} to the target device:</li>
   <p><kbd>$ DUT_IP=&ltdevice-ip&gt</kbd></p>
   <p><kbd>$ scp -r {{ git_repo_dir }} user@$DUT_IP:</kbd></p>
-  <li class="mb-sm-2">Log into the target:</li>
+  <li class="mb-sm-2">Log into the target device:</li>
   <p><kbd>$ ssh user@$DUT_IP</kbd></p>
 {% endmacro %}
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
   <li class="mb-sm-2">From a PC, download and unpack the test data tarball from the gitlab test repository:</li>
   <p><kbd>$ wget https://gitlab.apertis.org/tests/{{ pkgname }}/-/archive/master/{{ pkgname }}.tar.gz</kbd></p>
   <p><kbd>$ tar -xvf {{ pkgname }}.tar.gz</kbd></p>
-  <li class="mb-sm-2">Copy the {{ pkgname }}-master-* to the device</li>
+  <li class="mb-sm-2">Copy the {{ pkgname }}-master-* to the target device:</li>
   <p><kbd>$ DUT_IP=&ltdevice-ip&gt</kbd></p>
   <p><kbd>$ scp -r {{ pkgname }}-master-* user@$DUT_IP:</kbd></p>
-  <li class="mb-sm-2">Log into the target</li>
+  <li class="mb-sm-2">Log into the target device:</li>
   <p><kbd>$ ssh user@$DUT_IP</kbd></p>
   <li class="mb-sm-2">After log into the DUT, enter the test directory</li>
   <p><kbd>$ cd {{ pkgname }}-master-*</kbd></p>
@@ -36,8 +36,4 @@
   <p><kbd>$ cd /tmp/</kbd></p>
   <p><kbd>$ apt source {{ libname }}</kbd></p>
   <p><kbd>$ chown user:user -R /tmp/{{ libname }}-*</kbd></p>
-  <li class="mb-sm-2">Clone the apertis-tests git repository:</li>
-  <p><kbd>$ git clone https://gitlab.apertis.org/infrastructure/apertis-tests.git</kbd></p>
-  <li class="mb-sm-2">Enter the tests directory and follow the execution steps.</li>
-  <p><kbd>$ cd apertis-tests/</kbd></p>
 {% endmacro %}
diff --git a/atc_renderer/templates/test_case.html b/atc_renderer/templates/test_case.html
index e94d22ed3c8005ba9e8e9d16f0e1b9c2f7fde4c8..ec53cc44b83699ce5326003f8d0e06b720e710b6 100644
--- a/atc_renderer/templates/test_case.html
+++ b/atc_renderer/templates/test_case.html
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
       {% if pkgname %}{{ macros.ostree_preconditions(pkgname) }}{% endif %}
       {% if packages_list %}{{ macros.install_packages(packages_list) }}{% endif %}
-      {% if git_repo_url and not pkgname %}{{ macros.git_repo(git_repo_url, git_repo_dir) }}{% endif %}
       {% if libname %}{{ macros.modules_preconditions(libname) }}{% endif %}
+      {% if git_repo_url and not pkgname %}{{ macros.git_repo(git_repo_url, git_repo_dir) }}{% endif %}
       {% for comment, command, output, _, link in pre_conditions %}
       {% if comment %}<li class="mb-sm-2">{{ comment|e }}</li>{% endif %}
       {% if command %}<p><kbd>{{ command|e }}</kbd></p>{% endif %}