diff --git a/test-cases/webkit2gtk-actor-tiles.yaml b/test-cases/webkit2gtk-actor-tiles.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fe1fa69745da263f2e1854ebcbc0d27498e2493..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test-cases/webkit2gtk-actor-tiles.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-  name: webkit2gtk-actor-tiles
-  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
-  image-types:
-    target:  [ armhf-internal, amd64 ]
-    basesdk: [ amd64 ]
-    sdk:     [ amd64 ]
-  image-deployment:
-    - APT
-  type: functional
-  exec-type: manual
-  priority: medium
-  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
-  description: "Test implementation of actor-based tiled backing store in
-                webkit2gtk."
-  resources:
-    - "Mouse or touchscreen."
-  macro_install_packages_preconditions: webkit2gtk-testing
-  expected:
-    - "This test will be considered a PASS if it works with at least one of mouse
-       or touchpad because this is not a test for the mouse or touchpad working."
-    - "The page will look like this after the first load:"
-    - "@Actor-tiles-01.png"
-    - "After clicking the first link the page will look like this:"
-    - "@Actor-tiles-02.png"
-    - "After clicking the second link the page will look like this:"
-    - "@Actor-tiles-03.png"
-    - "The new page that will be loaded looks like this:"
-    - "@Actor-tiles-04.png"
-    - "Going back should give you the same rendering you had before clicking the
-       link to the new page, except the link will be colored purple."
-    - "@Actor-tiles-05.png"
-    - "After clicking the link that will take you to the beginning of the page and
-       repeating the process, the renderings should be the same as the ones above."
-    - "Note that when a page starts loading some of the tiles may contain a
-       checker board; that is normal, but we plan to improve on it."
-  steps:
-    - "Launch the test application with each URL in resources with and without
-       CLUTTER_PAINT=paint-volumes:"
-    - $ env CLUTTER_PAINT=paint-volumes GtkClutterLauncher file:///usr/share/webkit2gtk/testing/actor-tiles-test.html
-    - "Check that the rendering of the page matches the reference in the results
-       section."
-    - "Click the link that will scroll the page a bit"
-    - "Check that the rendering of the page matches the reference in the results
-       section"
-    - "Click the link that will scroll to the very bottom"
-    - "Check that the rendering of the page matches the reference in the results
-       section"
-    - "Click the first link that will take you to a different page"
-    - "Check that the rendering of the page matches the reference in the results
-       section"
-    - "Click the back button of the browser"
-    - "Check that the rendering of the page matches the reference in the results
-       section"
-    - "Click the second link, that will send you to the bottom"
-    - "Follow the links again until you get to the end of the page again, always
-       making sure the rendering matches the reference rendering"
diff --git a/test-cases/webkit2gtk-aligned-scroll.yaml b/test-cases/webkit2gtk-aligned-scroll.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b7ab9af997e596afe74a39ca2917fabf48619117..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test-cases/webkit2gtk-aligned-scroll.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-  name: webkit2gtk-aligned-scroll
-  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
-  image-types:
-    target:  [ armhf-internal, amd64 ]
-  image-deployment:
-    - APT
-  type: functional
-  exec-type: manual
-  priority: low
-  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
-  description: "Test that scrolling is pinned in a given direction when started
-                mostly towards it."
-  resources:
-    - "A touch-screen and a mouse (test with both)."
-  macro_install_packages_preconditions: webkit2gtk-testing
-  expected:
-    - "When the scroll is started by a diagonal drag (1), you should be able to
-       pan the page freely."
-    - "When the scroll is started by a vertical drag (2), you should only be able
-       to pan the page vertically, regardless of if you move your finger/mouse
-       horizontally."
-    - "When the scroll is started by a horizontal drag (3), you should only be
-       able to pan the page horizontally, regardless of if you move your
-       finger/mouse vertically."
-  notes:
-    - "Check the following example video for the expected result:"
-    - "~https://wiki.apertis.org/static/Aligned-scroll.ogv"
-    - "Both mouse and touchscreen need to PASS for this test case to be considered
-       a PASS. If either does not pass, then the test case has failed."
-  steps:
-    - "Run the test program:"
-    - $ GtkClutterLauncher -g 400x600 http://gnome.org/
-    - "Try scrolling by starting a drag diagonally (1)"
-    - "Try scrolling by starting a drag vertically (2)"
-    - "Try scrolling by starting a drag horizontally, ensure you can only pan the
-       page horizontally (3)"
diff --git a/test-cases/webkit2gtk-contextual-zoom.yaml b/test-cases/webkit2gtk-contextual-zoom.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 07261a2d265a09a273a576ebf157b21defea79cb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test-cases/webkit2gtk-contextual-zoom.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-  name: webkit2gtk-contextual-zoom
-  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
-  image-types:
-    target:  [ armhf-internal, amd64 ]
-    basesdk: [ amd64 ]
-    sdk:     [ amd64 ]
-  image-deployment:
-    - APT
-  type: functional
-  exec-type: manual
-  priority: low
-  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
-  description: "This test case is about zooming parts of a web page to make it
-                easier to read on devices with limited screen area. The scope of
-                the test is the zooming functionality that takes into account the
-                content in the clicked area, other functionality that belongs to
-                a real browser isn't to be tested here."
-  resources:
-    - "This test case requires the use of a mouse, touch gestures aren't supported
-       as of now."
-  macro_install_packages_preconditions: webkit2gtk-testing
-  expected:
-    - "The clicked paragraphs should be focused as shown in the following video:
-       https://www.apertis.org/static/Contextual-zoom.ogv"
-  notes:
-    - "This test changes the zoom factor of the WebView, which is not reset on new
-       pages loaded, so close GtkClutterLauncher before running other tests."
-  steps:
-    - "Launch the test application with each URL in resources:"
-    - $ GtkClutterLauncher file:///usr/share/webkit2gtk/testing/LayoutTests/fast/text-autosizing/clusters-sufficient-width.html
-    - "Double click on the paragraph to the right."
-    - "Double click anywhere to get out of contextual zoom."
-    - "Double click the second paragraph to the left."
-    - "Double click anywhere to get out of contextual zoom."
-    - "Double click other paragraphs at will."
diff --git a/test-cases/webkit2gtk-lazy-click.yaml b/test-cases/webkit2gtk-lazy-click.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 074ca71fe9fc24c351d603796d80b797948a360f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test-cases/webkit2gtk-lazy-click.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-  name: webkit2gtk-lazy-click
-  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
-  image-types:
-    target:  [ armhf-internal, amd64 ]
-    basesdk: [ amd64 ]
-    sdk:     [ amd64 ]
-  image-deployment:
-    - APT
-  type: functional
-  exec-type: manual
-  priority: low
-  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
-  description: "Test touch adjustment (lazy click) support in WebKit2GTK."
-  resources:
-    - "A touch-screen."
-    - "A mouse."
-  macro_install_packages_preconditions: webkit2gtk-testing
-  expected:
-    - "Clicking with a mouse inside the green \"Link\" area should activate the
-       link."
-    - "Clicking with a mouse the red border outside the green \"Link\" area should
-        not activate the link."
-    - "Clicking with a mouse inside the blue \"Button\" area should activate the
-       button."
-    - "Clicking with a mouse the red border outside the blue \"Button\" area should
-       not activate the button."
-    - "Tapping with a single finger on the touch-screen inside the green \"Link\"
-       area should activate the link."
-    - "Tapping with a single finger on the touch-screen the red border outside
-       the green \"Link\" area should activate the link too."
-    - "Tapping with a single finger on the touch-screen inside the blue \"Button\"
-       area should activate the button."
-    - "Tapping with a single finger on the touch-screen the red border outside the
-       blue \"Button\" area should activate the button too."
-  notes:
-    - "Touching the very border of the red area may cause red to be printed and
-       that is not a bug. The area used by WebKit to search for related is round
-       and centered on the touched point, so it's hard to reproduce perfectly as
-       a border."
-  steps:
-    - "Run the test program:"
-    - $ GtkClutterLauncher file:///usr/share/webkit2gtk/testing/lazyclick.html