From 21810aa67e50dffd2f617fc2ed6877a3e2e95e0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Baghmar Tarun <>
Date: Thu, 7 May 2020 09:30:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] T7025: bluez-hfp test case added and moved from bluez-phone
 test case.

Signed-off-by: Baghmar Tarun <>
 test-cases/bluez-hfp.yaml   | 200 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test-cases/bluez-phone.yaml |  38 +------
 2 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test-cases/bluez-hfp.yaml

diff --git a/test-cases/bluez-hfp.yaml b/test-cases/bluez-hfp.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d339574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-cases/bluez-hfp.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+  name: bluez-hfp
+  format: "Apertis Test Definition 1.0"
+  image-types:
+    target:  [ armhf-internal, armhf, amd64 ]
+    basesdk: [ amd64 ]
+    sdk:     [ amd64 ]
+  image-deployment:
+    - APT
+    - OSTree
+  type: functional
+  exec-type: manual
+  priority: medium
+  maintainer: "Apertis Project"
+  description: "Test Hands Free Profile (HFP) BlueZ feature."
+  resources:
+    - "A Bluetooth adapter"
+    - "A Bluetooth-enabled phone with a SIM card and a data plan. (The Nokia N9
+       has been proven to work flawlessly. Nexus has shown problems due to its
+       new BT implementation in Android 4.2. Android 6 phones and iPhone>5 should
+       work well)"
+  macro_ostree_preconditions:
+    reponame: bluez-phone
+    branch: apertis/v2021dev2
+  pre-conditions:
+    - "Please note that connman disables bluetooth by default on a fresh image."
+    - "Enable device:"
+    - "$ connmanctl enable bluetooth"
+  expected:
+    - "If PASSED is displayed, all of the test have passed. The output should be
+       similar to that:"
+    - |
+        >select_adapter
+         Selected /org/bluez/hci0
+         hci0
+         select_device: Discovering...
+         (According to introspection data, you need to pass 'ss')
+         Device found: 20:34:FB:8B:C6:06 <unnamed>
+         Device found: 30:C3:D9:90:C2:43 ICC6.5in
+         Device found: 20:34:FB:6E:2F:FC pairing
+         Input device address: 20:34:FB:6E:2F:FC
+         Selected address: 20:34:FB:6E:2F:FC
+         test_pairing_initiator
+         Master: hci0
+         Slave: 20:34:FB:6E:2F:FC (bdaddr)
+         Master address: 00:02:72:A7:C3:03
+         Slave address: 20:34:FB:6E:2F:FC
+         Matching 
+         type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager',member='Interfaces
+         Added',path=/,
+         Matching 
+         type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties',member='PropertiesCha
+         nged',arg0='org.bluez.Device1'
+         Scanning
+         Property changed: org.bluez.Device1
+         Property: RSSI
+         Property changed: org.bluez.Device1
+            Property: RSSI
+            Property: Name
+            Property: Alias
+            Property: UUIDs
+         Device added: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC
+         Pairing requested: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC
+         Property changed: org.bluez.Device1
+            Property: Connected
+         RequestConfirmation (/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC, 696478)
+         Device added: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC
+         Property changed: org.bluez.Device1
+            Property: Modalias
+            Property: UUIDs
+            Property: ServicesResolved
+            Property: Paired=1
+         Successfully paired to /org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC
+         Done
+         Device found: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC
+         Device 20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC is paired
+         test_pairing_responder
+         Start a pairing from the phone 20:34:FB:6E:2F:FC!
+         Master: hci0
+         Slave: 20:34:FB:6E:2F:FC (bdaddr)
+         Master address: 00:02:72:A7:C3:03
+         Slave address: 20:34:FB:6E:2F:FC
+         Matching 
+         type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager',member='Interfaces
+         Added',path=/,
+         Matching 
+         type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties',member='PropertiesChanged',arg0='org.bluez.Device1'
+         Pairable: True
+         Discoverable: False
+         Waiting for pairing
+         Device added: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC
+         Property changed: org.bluez.Device1
+         Property: UUIDs
+         Device added: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC
+         Property changed: org.bluez.Device1
+            Property: Modalias
+            Property: UUIDs
+            Property: ServicesResolved
+            Property: Paired=1
+         Successfully paired to /org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC
+         Done
+         Device found: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC
+         Device 20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC is paired
+         test_profiles
+         OBEXObjectPush
+         AudioSource
+         AV Remote Control Target
+         Unknown profile '0000110d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
+         AV Remote Control
+         Headset Audio Gateway
+         PANU
+         NAP
+         Handsfree Audio Gateway
+         test_profile_hfp_src
+         select_objectpath_hfp
+         /org/bluez/hci0
+         /hfp/org/bluez/hci0
+         '/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC',
+         object path going/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC
+         $OBJECTPATHHFP is not empty
+         Type the phone number to call:7798433607
+         Dialing to the phone number: 7798433607
+         Calling .......
+         CALL_PATH /hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC/voicecall01
+         Did you recieved the call (y/n):
+         y
+         Hanging up the call
+         ()
+         From a second phone call the phone connected to oFono
+         ([(objectpath '/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC/voicecall01', {'State': <'incoming'>, 'LineIdentification': <'+918618923989'>, 'Name': <''>, 'Multiparty': <false>, 'RemoteHeld': <false>, 'RemoteMultiparty': <false>, 'Emergency': <false>})],)
+         Call incoming
+         Did you hear the call (y/n):
+         y
+         Hanging up the call
+         ()
+         SimAccess
+         PBAP Phonebook Access PSE
+         MAP Message Access Server
+         PnPInformation
+         Unknown profile '00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
+         Unknown profile '00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb']>,)
+         PASSED
+    - "If FAILED is displayed, bluez-hfp test has failed and the test sequence
+       is interrupted."
+  notes:
+    - "Errors most frequently occurs at pairing. This can be used to circumvent
+       pairing problems, though this does not mean the test is a full pass, as
+       the pairing is part of the test:"
+    - |
+        >cd ~/bluez-phone-master
+        armhf/bin/pair_two hci0 <bt address of the phone>
+        ./ -a <address of the phone> -s
+  steps:
+    - "The phone must be in discoverable mode for starting this test. Look for
+       the phone in this list, and save the BT address. It will be used while
+       running the test."
+    - "Execute the test suite inside an environment with dbus:"
+    - $ ./
+    - "There are some options:"
+    - |
+        >-a select which device you want to pair with (specify the address)
+        -s skip pairing because the device is already paired. -a must be present when using this.
+        -x enables test debugging (only useful if a test fails)
+    - "Once the test begins, after Apertis finishes pairing with the phone, you
+       must initiate pairing from the phone and do the pairing again as part of
+       the test. You may need to unpair Apertis from within the phone first. The
+       test will display the following message when that is required:"
+    - |
+        >Start a pairing from the phone! was it successful (y/n).
+    - "After you've initiated the pairing from the phone, the test will continue."
+    - "If the pairing fails from the test, try to do the pairing separately, and
+       then run the test using './ -a <phone addr> -s'. To do a
+       separate pairing: unpair the phone, and run 'bluetoothctl'. Then, in
+       bluetoothctl prompt, issue the following commands in order: 'remove
+       <phone addr>', 'discoverable on', 'agent off', 'agent NoInputNoOutput',
+       'default-agent'. The either 'pairable on' to pair from phone, or 'pair
+       <phone addr>' to issue a pairing to the phone. '<phone addr>' is the phone
+       address of the form 'a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6'."
+    - "The next step is to initiate a call from the phone. This can be
+       done by entering the contact. The test will display the
+       following message when that is required:"
+    - |
+        >Did you recieved the call (y/n)
+    - "After you’ve recieved the call in other phone number
+       continue."
+    - "The next step is to call from other phone to the phone connected to the 
+       bluetooth adapter. The test will display the
+       following message when that is required:"
+    - |
+        >Did you hear the call (y/n):
+    - "After you’ve heard the call from other phone number
+       the test case is passed"
diff --git a/test-cases/bluez-phone.yaml b/test-cases/bluez-phone.yaml
index 1e82034..d2f13e5 100644
--- a/test-cases/bluez-phone.yaml
+++ b/test-cases/bluez-phone.yaml
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ metadata:
     reponame: bluez-phone
     branch: apertis/v2021dev2
     - "If running the test on an SDK image, kill the blueman-applet process, as
        it prevents the test from installing its own pairing agent."
-    - "$ connmanctl enable bluetooth"
     - "If PASSED is displayed, all of the test have passed. The output should be
@@ -76,28 +76,6 @@ metadata:
         NAP:service name 
         Handsfree Audio Gateway
-         test_profile_hfp_src
-         select_objectpath_hfp
-         /org/bluez/hci0
-         /hfp/org/bluez/hci0
-         '/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC',
-         object path going/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC
-         $OBJECTPATHHFP is not empty
-         Type the phone number to call:7798433607
-         Dialing to the phone number: 7798433607
-         Calling .......
-         CALL_PATH /hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC/voicecall01
-         Did you recieved the call (y/n):
-         y
-         Hanging up the call
-         ()
-         From a second phone call the phone connected to oFono
-         ([(objectpath '/hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_20_34_FB_6E_2F_FC/voicecall01', {'State': <'incoming'>, 'LineIdentification': <'+918618923989'>, 'Name': <''>, 'Multiparty': <false>, 'RemoteHeld': <false>, 'RemoteMultiparty': <false>, 'Emergency': <false>})],)
-         Call incoming
-         Did you hear the call (y/n):
-         y
-         Hanging up the call
-         ()
         PBAP Phonebook Access PSE
@@ -171,20 +149,6 @@ run:
        'default-agent'. The either 'pairable on' to pair from phone, or 'pair
        <phone addr>' to issue a pairing to the phone. '<phone addr>' is the phone
        address of the form 'a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6'."
-    - "The next step is to initiate a call from the phone. This can be
-       done by entering the contact. The test will display the
-       following message when that is required:"
-    - |
-        >Did you recieved the call (y/n)
-    - "After you’ve recieved the call in other phone number
-       continue."
-    - "The next step is to call from other phone to the phone connected to the 
-       bluetooth adapter. The test will display the
-       following message when that is required:"
-    - |
-        >Did you hear the call (y/n):
-    - "After you’ve heard the call in other phone number
-       continue."
     - "The next step is to initiate a file transfer from the phone. This can be
        done by sending a contact from the phone. The test will display the
        following message when that is required:"