diff --git a/atc_renderer/parser.py b/atc_renderer/parser.py
index 3597ca8681c5a34cbf2b9f205e6e84f043b605a8..d11a6e31a952761373b89e50ab2299dc4d3081ca 100644
--- a/atc_renderer/parser.py
+++ b/atc_renderer/parser.py
@@ -51,7 +51,10 @@ test_case_format = {
         'post-conditions': (False, [])
     'install': (False, {
-        'deps': (True, [])
+        # git-repos should be mandatory.
+        # TODO: Set to True once all test cases use git-repos
+        'git-repos' : (False, []),
+        'deps': (False, [])
     'run': (True, {
         'steps': (True, [])
diff --git a/atc_renderer/renderer.py b/atc_renderer/renderer.py
index 04bacf62637cc22ce94a1502ec2853a4df29b374..72ec8d5ade0475b41a0cf8edc465917ae82117ae 100644
--- a/atc_renderer/renderer.py
+++ b/atc_renderer/renderer.py
@@ -81,6 +81,15 @@ def priority_color(priority):
         (priority == 'high'     and 'warning')   or \
         (priority == 'critical' and 'danger')    or 'light'
+def get_git_repo_dir(git_repo=None):
+    # TODO: Remove this `if` once all test cases use git-repos.
+    if git_repo:
+        try:
+            return os.path.splitext(os.path.split(git_repo)[1])[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            print("Incorrect git-repos repository path:", git_repo)
+            exit(1)
 def get_template_values(testcase_data):
     template_values = {}
     is_automated = False
@@ -122,6 +131,27 @@ def get_template_values(testcase_data):
         template_values.update({ 'run_steps' :
                                  parse_list(steps, automated_run=is_automated) })
+    # If the test is automated, it should always have 'install:git-repos'
+    install = testcase_data.get('install')
+    if is_automated and install:
+        git_repos = install.get('git-repos', [])
+        git_repo_url = None
+        for gr in git_repos:
+            git_repo_url = gr.get('url')
+            if not git_repo_url:
+                print("Error: missing mandatory field install:git-repos:url for " \
+                      "automated tests")
+                exit(1)
+        template_values.update({ 'git_repo_url' : git_repo_url })
+        template_values.update({ 'git_repo_dir' : get_git_repo_dir(git_repo_url) })
+        deps = install.get('deps')
+        if deps:
+            # A install.deps directive will always add a preconditions section
+            # to install the required packages using the macro to install packages.
+            template_values.update({ 'packages_list' : ' '.join(deps) })
     # No mandatory fields
     for nm in ['notes', 'format', 'maintainer', 'resources',
                'pre-conditions', 'post-conditions']:
@@ -132,17 +162,6 @@ def get_template_values(testcase_data):
                                      else value })
-    install = testcase_data.get('install')
-    if install:
-        deps = install.get('deps')
-        if not deps:
-            print("Error: missing mandatory field deps for install")
-            exit(1)
-        template_values.update({ 'install_steps' : deps })
-        # A install.deps directive will always add a preconditions section
-        # to install the required packages using the macro to install packages.
-        template_values.update({ 'packages_list' : ' '.join(deps) })
     # Macros variables
     ostree_preconditions = metadata.get('macro_ostree_preconditions')
     if ostree_preconditions:
diff --git a/atc_renderer/templates/macros.html b/atc_renderer/templates/macros.html
index c52198d3849ec915997504d2bf481f187a0b66df..24fd3ddb1fdd2dc3401c4cf5b6a9368c08c40feb 100644
--- a/atc_renderer/templates/macros.html
+++ b/atc_renderer/templates/macros.html
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+{% macro git_repo(git_repo_url, git_repo_dir) %}
+  <li class="mb-sm-2">Clone the tests repository from another computer <i>(Note that the branch being tested may change depending on the release, please make sure to clone the correct branch for the release in question)</i>:</li>
+  <p><kbd>$ git clone {{ git_repo_url }}</kbd></p>
+  <li class="mb-sm-2">Copy the test directory {{ git_repo_dir }} to the device:</li>
+  <p><kbd>$ DUT_IP=&ltdevice-ip&gt</kbd></p>
+  <p><kbd>$ scp -r {{ git_repo_dir }} user@$DUT_IP:</kbd></p>
+  <li class="mb-sm-2">Log into the target:</li>
+  <p><kbd>$ ssh user@$DUT_IP</kbd></p>
+{% endmacro %}
 {% macro ostree_preconditions(pkgname) %}
   <li class="mb-sm-2">From a PC, download and unpack the test data tarball from the gitlab test repository:</li>
   <p><kbd>$ wget https://gitlab.apertis.org/tests/{{ pkgname }}/-/archive/master/{{ pkgname }}.tar.gz</kbd></p>
diff --git a/atc_renderer/templates/test_case.html b/atc_renderer/templates/test_case.html
index 95384ec4e8b7c5e9aeb525b46ab6c50d1cac5f90..e94d22ed3c8005ba9e8e9d16f0e1b9c2f7fde4c8 100644
--- a/atc_renderer/templates/test_case.html
+++ b/atc_renderer/templates/test_case.html
@@ -36,12 +36,13 @@
       {% endif %}
-      {% if pre_conditions or pkgname or packages_list or libname %}
+      {% if pre_conditions or pkgname or packages_list or libname or git_repo_url %}
       <hr />
       <h4>Pre Conditions</h4>
       {% if pkgname %}{{ macros.ostree_preconditions(pkgname) }}{% endif %}
       {% if packages_list %}{{ macros.install_packages(packages_list) }}{% endif %}
+      {% if git_repo_url and not pkgname %}{{ macros.git_repo(git_repo_url, git_repo_dir) }}{% endif %}
       {% if libname %}{{ macros.modules_preconditions(libname) }}{% endif %}
       {% for comment, command, output, _, link in pre_conditions %}
       {% if comment %}<li class="mb-sm-2">{{ comment|e }}</li>{% endif %}