/* WirePlumber * * Copyright © 2019 Collabora Ltd. * @author George Kiagiadakis <george.kiagiadakis@collabora.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ #include "module.h" #include "error.h" #include <gmodule.h> #define WP_MODULE_INIT_SYMBOL "wireplumber__module_init" typedef void (*WpModuleInitFunc) (WpModule *, WpCore *, GVariant *); struct _WpModule { GObject parent; GWeakRef core; GVariant *properties; GDestroyNotify destroy; gpointer destroy_data; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (WpModule, wp_module, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static void wp_module_init (WpModule * self) { } static void wp_module_finalize (GObject * object) { WpModule *self = WP_MODULE (object); if (self->destroy) self->destroy (self->destroy_data); g_clear_pointer (&self->properties, g_variant_unref); g_weak_ref_clear (&self->core); G_OBJECT_CLASS (wp_module_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void wp_module_class_init (WpModuleClass * klass) { GObjectClass * object_class = (GObjectClass *) klass; object_class->finalize = wp_module_finalize; } static const gchar * get_module_dir (void) { const gchar *module_dir = NULL; if (!module_dir) module_dir = g_getenv ("WIREPLUMBER_MODULE_DIR"); return module_dir; } static gboolean wp_module_load_c (WpModule * self, WpCore * core, const gchar * module_name, GVariant * args, GError ** error) { g_autofree gchar *module_path = NULL; GModule *gmodule; gpointer module_init; GVariantDict properties; module_path = g_module_build_path (get_module_dir (), module_name); gmodule = g_module_open (module_path, G_MODULE_BIND_LOCAL); if (!gmodule) { g_set_error (error, WP_DOMAIN_LIBRARY, WP_LIBRARY_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED, "Failed to open module %s: %s", module_path, g_module_error ()); return FALSE; } if (!g_module_symbol (gmodule, WP_MODULE_INIT_SYMBOL, &module_init)) { g_set_error (error, WP_DOMAIN_LIBRARY, WP_LIBRARY_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED, "Failed to locate symbol " WP_MODULE_INIT_SYMBOL " in %s", module_path); g_module_close (gmodule); return FALSE; } g_variant_dict_init (&properties, NULL); g_variant_dict_insert (&properties, "module.name", "s", module_name); g_variant_dict_insert (&properties, "module.abi", "s", "C"); g_variant_dict_insert (&properties, "module.path", "s", module_path); if (args) { g_variant_take_ref (args); g_variant_dict_insert_value (&properties, "module.args", args); } self->properties = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_dict_end (&properties)); ((WpModuleInitFunc) module_init) (self, core, args); if (args) g_variant_unref (args); return TRUE; } WpModule * wp_module_load (WpCore * core, const gchar * abi, const gchar * module_name, GVariant * args, GError ** error) { g_autoptr (WpModule) module = NULL; module = g_object_new (WP_TYPE_MODULE, NULL); g_weak_ref_init (&module->core, core); if (!g_strcmp0 (abi, "C")) { if (!wp_module_load_c (module, core, module_name, args, error)) return NULL; } else { g_set_error (error, WP_DOMAIN_LIBRARY, WP_LIBRARY_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "unknown module ABI %s", abi); return NULL; } wp_core_register_global (core, g_quark_from_string (module_name), g_object_ref (module), g_object_unref); return module; } GVariant * wp_module_get_properties (WpModule * self) { return self->properties; } /** * wp_module_get_core: * @self: the module * * Returns: (transfer full): the core on which this module is registered */ WpCore * wp_module_get_core (WpModule * self) { return g_weak_ref_get (&self->core); } void wp_module_set_destroy_callback (WpModule * self, GDestroyNotify callback, gpointer data) { g_return_if_fail (self->destroy == NULL); self->destroy = callback; self->destroy_data = data; }