/* WirePlumber * * Copyright © 2019 Collabora Ltd. * @author George Kiagiadakis <george.kiagiadakis@collabora.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include "session.h" #include "private.h" #include "wpenums.h" #include <pipewire/pipewire.h> #include <pipewire/extensions/session-manager.h> #include <spa/pod/builder.h> #include <spa/pod/parser.h> enum { PROXY_PROP_0, PROXY_PROP_INFO, PROXY_PROP_PROPERTIES, }; enum { EXPORTED_PROP_0, EXPORTED_PROP_GLOBAL_ID, EXPORTED_PROP_PROPERTIES, }; enum { SIGNAL_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_CHANGED, N_SIGNALS, }; static guint32 signals[N_SIGNALS] = {0}; /* helpers */ static struct pw_session_info * session_info_update (struct pw_session_info *info, WpProperties ** props_storage, const struct pw_session_info *update) { if (update == NULL) return info; if (info == NULL) { info = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pw_session_info)); if (info == NULL) return NULL; info->id = update->id; } info->change_mask = update->change_mask; if (update->change_mask & PW_SESSION_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS) { if (*props_storage) wp_properties_unref (*props_storage); *props_storage = wp_properties_new_copy_dict (update->props); info->props = (struct spa_dict *) wp_properties_peek_dict (*props_storage); } if (update->change_mask & PW_SESSION_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS) { info->n_params = update->n_params; free((void *) info->params); if (update->params) { size_t size = info->n_params * sizeof(struct spa_param_info); info->params = malloc(size); memcpy(info->params, update->params, size); } else info->params = NULL; } return info; } static void session_info_free (struct pw_session_info *info) { free((void *) info->params); free(info); } /* interface */ G_DEFINE_INTERFACE (WpSession, wp_session, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static void wp_session_default_init (WpSessionInterface * klass) { g_object_interface_install_property (klass, g_param_spec_boxed ("properties", "properties", "The pipewire properties of the object", WP_TYPE_PROPERTIES, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); signals[SIGNAL_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_CHANGED] = g_signal_new ( "default-endpoint-changed", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, WP_TYPE_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_TYPE, G_TYPE_UINT); } WpProperties * wp_session_get_properties (WpSession * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (WP_IS_SESSION (self), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (WP_SESSION_GET_IFACE (self)->get_properties, NULL); return WP_SESSION_GET_IFACE (self)->get_properties (self); } guint32 wp_session_get_default_endpoint (WpSession * self, WpDefaultEndpointType type) { g_return_val_if_fail (WP_IS_SESSION (self), 0); g_return_val_if_fail (WP_SESSION_GET_IFACE (self)->get_default_endpoint, 0); return WP_SESSION_GET_IFACE (self)->get_default_endpoint (self, type); } void wp_session_set_default_endpoint (WpSession * self, WpDefaultEndpointType type, guint32 id) { g_return_if_fail (WP_IS_SESSION (self)); g_return_if_fail (WP_SESSION_GET_IFACE (self)->set_default_endpoint); WP_SESSION_GET_IFACE (self)->set_default_endpoint (self, type, id); } /* proxy */ struct _WpProxySession { WpProxy parent; WpProperties *properties; WpSpaProps spa_props; struct pw_session_info *info; struct spa_hook listener; }; static void wp_proxy_session_iface_init (WpSessionInterface * iface); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (WpProxySession, wp_proxy_session, WP_TYPE_PROXY, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (WP_TYPE_SESSION, wp_proxy_session_iface_init)) static void wp_proxy_session_init (WpProxySession * self) { } static void wp_proxy_session_finalize (GObject * object) { WpProxySession *self = WP_PROXY_SESSION (object); g_clear_pointer (&self->info, session_info_free); g_clear_pointer (&self->properties, wp_properties_unref); wp_spa_props_clear (&self->spa_props); G_OBJECT_CLASS (wp_proxy_session_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void wp_proxy_session_get_property (GObject * object, guint property_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { WpProxySession *self = WP_PROXY_SESSION (object); switch (property_id) { case PROXY_PROP_INFO: g_value_set_pointer (value, self->info); break; case PROXY_PROP_PROPERTIES: g_value_set_boxed (value, self->properties); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void session_event_info (void *data, const struct pw_session_info *info) { WpProxySession *self = WP_PROXY_SESSION (data); self->info = session_info_update (self->info, &self->properties, info); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "info"); if (info->change_mask & PW_SESSION_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS) g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "properties"); wp_proxy_set_feature_ready (WP_PROXY (self), WP_PROXY_FEATURE_INFO); } static void session_event_param (void *data, int seq, uint32_t id, uint32_t index, uint32_t next, const struct spa_pod *param) { WpProxySession *self = WP_PROXY_SESSION (data); g_autoptr (GArray) changed_ids = NULL; guint32 prop_id; gint32 value; switch (id) { case SPA_PARAM_PropInfo: wp_spa_props_register_from_prop_info (&self->spa_props, param); break; case SPA_PARAM_Props: changed_ids = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (uint32_t)); wp_spa_props_store_from_props (&self->spa_props, param, changed_ids); for (guint i = 0; i < changed_ids->len; i++) { prop_id = g_array_index (changed_ids, uint32_t, i); param = wp_spa_props_get_stored (&self->spa_props, prop_id); if (spa_pod_get_int (param, &value) == 0) { g_signal_emit (self, signals[SIGNAL_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_CHANGED], 0, prop_id, value); } } wp_proxy_set_feature_ready (WP_PROXY (self), WP_PROXY_SESSION_FEATURE_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT); break; } } static const struct pw_session_proxy_events session_events = { PW_VERSION_SESSION_PROXY_EVENTS, .info = session_event_info, .param = session_event_param, }; static void wp_proxy_session_pw_proxy_created (WpProxy * proxy, struct pw_proxy * pw_proxy) { WpProxySession *self = WP_PROXY_SESSION (proxy); pw_session_proxy_add_listener ((struct pw_session_proxy *) pw_proxy, &self->listener, &session_events, self); } static void wp_proxy_session_augment (WpProxy * proxy, WpProxyFeatures features) { /* call the parent impl first to ensure we have a pw proxy if necessary */ WP_PROXY_CLASS (wp_proxy_session_parent_class)->augment (proxy, features); if (features & WP_PROXY_SESSION_FEATURE_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT) { struct pw_session_proxy *pw_proxy = NULL; uint32_t ids[] = { SPA_PARAM_Props }; pw_proxy = (struct pw_session_proxy *) wp_proxy_get_pw_proxy (proxy); if (!pw_proxy) return; pw_session_proxy_enum_params (pw_proxy, 0, SPA_PARAM_PropInfo, 0, -1, NULL); pw_session_proxy_subscribe_params (pw_proxy, ids, SPA_N_ELEMENTS (ids)); } } static WpProperties * wp_proxy_session_get_properties (WpSession * session) { WpProxySession *self = WP_PROXY_SESSION (session); return wp_properties_ref (self->properties); } static guint32 wp_proxy_session_get_default_endpoint (WpSession * session, WpDefaultEndpointType type) { WpProxySession *self = WP_PROXY_SESSION (session); const struct spa_pod *pod; gint32 value; pod = wp_spa_props_get_stored (&self->spa_props, type); if (pod && spa_pod_get_int (pod, &value) == 0) return (guint32) value; return 0; } static void wp_proxy_session_set_default_endpoint (WpSession * session, WpDefaultEndpointType type, guint32 id) { WpProxySession *self = WP_PROXY_SESSION (session); char buf[1024]; struct spa_pod_builder b = SPA_POD_BUILDER_INIT (buf, sizeof (buf)); struct pw_session_proxy *pw_proxy = NULL; /* set the default endpoint id as a property param on the session; our spa_props cache will be updated by the param event */ pw_proxy = (struct pw_session_proxy *) wp_proxy_get_pw_proxy (WP_PROXY (self)); pw_session_proxy_set_param (pw_proxy, SPA_PARAM_Props, 0, spa_pod_builder_add_object (&b, SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_Props, SPA_PARAM_Props, type, SPA_POD_Int (id))); } static void wp_proxy_session_class_init (WpProxySessionClass * klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass *) klass; WpProxyClass *proxy_class = (WpProxyClass *) klass; object_class->finalize = wp_proxy_session_finalize; object_class->get_property = wp_proxy_session_get_property; proxy_class->pw_proxy_created = wp_proxy_session_pw_proxy_created; proxy_class->augment = wp_proxy_session_augment; g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROXY_PROP_INFO, g_param_spec_pointer ("info", "info", "The native info structure", G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_override_property (object_class, PROXY_PROP_PROPERTIES, "properties"); } static void wp_proxy_session_iface_init (WpSessionInterface * iface) { iface->get_properties = wp_proxy_session_get_properties; iface->get_default_endpoint = wp_proxy_session_get_default_endpoint; iface->set_default_endpoint = wp_proxy_session_set_default_endpoint; } const struct pw_session_info * wp_proxy_session_get_info (WpProxySession * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (WP_IS_PROXY_SESSION (self), NULL); return self->info; } /* exported */ typedef struct _WpExportedSessionPrivate WpExportedSessionPrivate; struct _WpExportedSessionPrivate { WpProxy *client_sess; struct spa_hook listener; struct spa_hook proxy_listener; struct pw_session_info info; struct spa_param_info param_info[2]; WpProperties *properties; WpSpaProps spa_props; }; static void wp_exported_session_iface_init (WpSessionInterface * iface); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (WpExportedSession, wp_exported_session, WP_TYPE_EXPORTED, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (WP_TYPE_SESSION, wp_exported_session_iface_init) G_ADD_PRIVATE (WpExportedSession)) static void wp_exported_session_init (WpExportedSession * self) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (self)); priv->properties = wp_properties_new_empty (); priv->param_info[0] = SPA_PARAM_INFO (SPA_PARAM_Props, SPA_PARAM_INFO_READWRITE); priv->param_info[1] = SPA_PARAM_INFO (SPA_PARAM_PropInfo, SPA_PARAM_INFO_READ); priv->info.version = PW_VERSION_SESSION_INFO; priv->info.props = (struct spa_dict *) wp_properties_peek_dict (priv->properties); priv->info.params = priv->param_info; priv->info.n_params = SPA_N_ELEMENTS (priv->param_info); wp_spa_props_register (&priv->spa_props, WP_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_TYPE_AUDIO_SOURCE, "Default Audio Source", SPA_POD_Int (0)); wp_spa_props_register (&priv->spa_props, WP_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_TYPE_AUDIO_SINK, "Default Audio Sink", SPA_POD_Int (0)); wp_spa_props_register (&priv->spa_props, WP_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_TYPE_VIDEO_SOURCE, "Default Video Source", SPA_POD_Int (0)); } static void wp_exported_session_finalize (GObject * object) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (object)); g_clear_pointer (&priv->properties, wp_properties_unref); wp_spa_props_clear (&priv->spa_props); G_OBJECT_CLASS (wp_exported_session_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void wp_exported_session_get_property (GObject * object, guint property_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (object)); switch (property_id) { case EXPORTED_PROP_GLOBAL_ID: g_value_set_uint (value, priv->info.id); break; case EXPORTED_PROP_PROPERTIES: g_value_set_boxed (value, priv->properties); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void client_session_update (WpExportedSession * self, guint32 change_mask, guint32 info_change_mask) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (self); char buf[1024]; struct spa_pod_builder b = SPA_POD_BUILDER_INIT (buf, sizeof (buf)); struct pw_client_session_proxy *pw_proxy = NULL; struct pw_session_info *info = NULL; g_autoptr (GPtrArray) params = NULL; pw_proxy = (struct pw_client_session_proxy *) wp_proxy_get_pw_proxy ( priv->client_sess); if (change_mask & PW_CLIENT_SESSION_UPDATE_PARAMS) { params = wp_spa_props_build_all_pods (&priv->spa_props, &b); } if (change_mask & PW_CLIENT_SESSION_UPDATE_INFO) { info = &priv->info; info->change_mask = info_change_mask; } pw_client_session_proxy_update (pw_proxy, change_mask, params ? params->len : 0, (const struct spa_pod **) (params ? params->pdata : NULL), info); if (info) info->change_mask = 0; } static int client_session_set_param (void *object, uint32_t id, uint32_t flags, const struct spa_pod *param) { WpExportedSession *self = WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (object); WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (self); g_autoptr (GArray) changed_ids = NULL; guint32 prop_id; gint32 value; if (id != SPA_PARAM_Props) return -ENOENT; changed_ids = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (guint32)); wp_spa_props_store_from_props (&priv->spa_props, param, changed_ids); for (guint i = 0; i < changed_ids->len; i++) { prop_id = g_array_index (changed_ids, guint32, i); param = wp_spa_props_get_stored (&priv->spa_props, prop_id); if (spa_pod_get_int (param, &value) == 0) { g_signal_emit (self, signals[SIGNAL_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_CHANGED], 0, prop_id, value); } } client_session_update (self, PW_CLIENT_SESSION_UPDATE_PARAMS, 0); return 0; } static void client_session_proxy_bound (void *object, uint32_t global_id) { WpExportedSession *self = WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (object); WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (self); priv->info.id = global_id; wp_exported_notify_export_done (WP_EXPORTED (self), NULL); } static struct pw_client_session_proxy_events client_session_events = { PW_VERSION_CLIENT_SESSION_PROXY_EVENTS, .set_param = client_session_set_param, }; static struct pw_proxy_events client_sess_proxy_events = { PW_VERSION_PROXY_EVENTS, .bound = client_session_proxy_bound, }; static void wp_exported_session_export (WpExported * self) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (self)); g_autoptr (WpCore) core = wp_exported_get_core (self); struct pw_client_session_proxy *pw_proxy = NULL; priv->client_sess = wp_core_create_remote_object (core, "client-session", PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_ClientSession, PW_VERSION_CLIENT_SESSION_PROXY, priv->properties); pw_proxy = (struct pw_client_session_proxy *) wp_proxy_get_pw_proxy ( priv->client_sess); pw_client_session_proxy_add_listener (pw_proxy, &priv->listener, &client_session_events, self); pw_proxy_add_listener ((struct pw_proxy *) pw_proxy, &priv->proxy_listener, &client_sess_proxy_events, self); client_session_update (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (self), PW_CLIENT_SESSION_UPDATE_PARAMS | PW_CLIENT_SESSION_UPDATE_INFO, PW_SESSION_CHANGE_MASK_ALL); } static void wp_exported_session_unexport (WpExported * self) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (self)); g_clear_object (&priv->client_sess); priv->info.id = 0; } static WpProxy * wp_exported_session_get_proxy (WpExported * self) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (self)); return priv->client_sess ? g_object_ref (priv->client_sess) : NULL; } static WpProperties * wp_exported_session_get_properties (WpSession * session) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (session)); return wp_properties_ref (priv->properties); } static guint32 wp_exported_session_get_default_endpoint (WpSession * session, WpDefaultEndpointType type) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (session)); const struct spa_pod *pod; gint32 value; pod = wp_spa_props_get_stored (&priv->spa_props, type); if (pod && spa_pod_get_int (pod, &value) == 0) return (guint32) value; return 0; } static void wp_exported_session_set_default_endpoint (WpSession * session, WpDefaultEndpointType type, guint32 id) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (session)); wp_spa_props_store (&priv->spa_props, type, SPA_POD_Int (id)); g_signal_emit (session, signals[SIGNAL_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_CHANGED], 0, type, id); /* update only after the session has been exported */ if (priv->info.id != 0) { client_session_update (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (session), PW_CLIENT_SESSION_UPDATE_PARAMS, 0); } } static void wp_exported_session_class_init (WpExportedSessionClass * klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass *) klass; WpExportedClass *exported_class = (WpExportedClass *) klass; object_class->finalize = wp_exported_session_finalize; object_class->get_property = wp_exported_session_get_property; exported_class->export = wp_exported_session_export; exported_class->unexport = wp_exported_session_unexport; exported_class->get_proxy = wp_exported_session_get_proxy; g_object_class_install_property (object_class, EXPORTED_PROP_GLOBAL_ID, g_param_spec_uint ("global-id", "global-id", "The pipewire global id of the exported session", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_override_property (object_class, EXPORTED_PROP_PROPERTIES, "properties"); } static void wp_exported_session_iface_init (WpSessionInterface * iface) { iface->get_properties = wp_exported_session_get_properties; iface->get_default_endpoint = wp_exported_session_get_default_endpoint; iface->set_default_endpoint = wp_exported_session_set_default_endpoint; } WpExportedSession * wp_exported_session_new (WpCore * core) { g_return_val_if_fail (WP_IS_CORE (core), NULL); return g_object_new (WP_TYPE_EXPORTED_SESSION, "core", core, NULL); } /** * wp_exported_session_get_global_id: (method) * @self: the session * * Returns: the pipewire global id of the exported session object. This * is only valid after the wp_exported_export() async operation has finished. */ guint32 wp_exported_session_get_global_id (WpExportedSession * self) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (WP_IS_EXPORTED_SESSION (self), 0); priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (self)); return priv->info.id; } void wp_exported_session_set_property (WpExportedSession * self, const gchar * key, const gchar * value) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (WP_IS_EXPORTED_SESSION (self)); priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (self)); wp_properties_set (priv->properties, key, value); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "properties"); /* update only after the session has been exported */ if (priv->info.id != 0) { client_session_update (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (self), PW_CLIENT_SESSION_UPDATE_INFO, PW_SESSION_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS); } } void wp_exported_session_update_properties (WpExportedSession * self, WpProperties * updates) { WpExportedSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (WP_IS_EXPORTED_SESSION (self)); priv = wp_exported_session_get_instance_private (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (self)); wp_properties_update_from_dict (priv->properties, wp_properties_peek_dict (updates)); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "properties"); /* update only after the session has been exported */ if (priv->info.id != 0) { client_session_update (WP_EXPORTED_SESSION (self), PW_CLIENT_SESSION_UPDATE_INFO, PW_SESSION_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS); } }