/* WirePlumber * * Copyright © 2020 Collabora Ltd. * @author George Kiagiadakis <george.kiagiadakis@collabora.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include <wp/wp.h> #include <pipewire/keys.h> #include <pipewire/properties.h> #include <pipewire/extensions/session-manager/keys.h> #include <spa/param/format.h> #include <spa/param/audio/raw.h> #include <spa/param/param.h> #include "module-si-adapter/algorithms.h" enum { STEP_VERIFY_CONFIG = WP_TRANSITION_STEP_CUSTOM_START, STEP_CHOOSE_FORMAT, STEP_CONFIGURE_PORTS, STEP_GET_PORTS, }; struct _WpSiAdapter { WpSessionItem parent; /* configuration */ WpNode *node; gchar name[96]; gchar media_class[32]; gchar role[32]; guint priority; guint preferred_n_channels; gboolean control_port; gboolean monitor; WpDirection direction; struct spa_audio_info_raw format; }; static void si_adapter_endpoint_init (WpSiEndpointInterface * iface); static void si_adapter_stream_init (WpSiStreamInterface * iface); static void si_adapter_port_info_init (WpSiPortInfoInterface * iface); G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE(WpSiAdapter, si_adapter, WP, SI_ADAPTER, WpSessionItem) G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (WpSiAdapter, si_adapter, WP_TYPE_SESSION_ITEM, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (WP_TYPE_SI_ENDPOINT, si_adapter_endpoint_init) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (WP_TYPE_SI_STREAM, si_adapter_stream_init) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (WP_TYPE_SI_PORT_INFO, si_adapter_port_info_init)) static void si_adapter_init (WpSiAdapter * self) { } static void si_adapter_reset (WpSessionItem * item) { WpSiAdapter *self = WP_SI_ADAPTER (item); /* unexport & deactivate first */ WP_SESSION_ITEM_CLASS (si_adapter_parent_class)->reset (item); g_clear_object (&self->node); } static gpointer si_adapter_get_associated_proxy (WpSessionItem * item, GType proxy_type) { WpSiAdapter *self = WP_SI_ADAPTER (item); if (proxy_type == WP_TYPE_NODE) return self->node ? g_object_ref (self->node) : NULL; return WP_SESSION_ITEM_CLASS (si_adapter_parent_class)->get_associated_proxy ( item, proxy_type); } static GVariant * si_adapter_get_configuration (WpSessionItem * item) { WpSiAdapter *self = WP_SI_ADAPTER (item); GVariantBuilder b; /* Set the properties */ g_variant_builder_init (&b, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "node", g_variant_new_uint64 ((guint64) self->node)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "name", g_variant_new_string (self->name)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "media-class", g_variant_new_string (self->media_class)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "role", g_variant_new_string (self->role)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "priority", g_variant_new_uint32 (self->priority)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "preferred-n-channels", g_variant_new_uint32 (self->preferred_n_channels)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "enable-control-port", g_variant_new_boolean (self->control_port)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "enable-monitor", g_variant_new_boolean (self->monitor)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "direction", g_variant_new_byte (self->direction)); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "{sv}", "channels", g_variant_new_uint32 (self->format.channels)); return g_variant_builder_end (&b); } static gboolean si_adapter_configure (WpSessionItem * item, GVariant * args) { WpSiAdapter *self = WP_SI_ADAPTER (item); guint64 node_i; const gchar *tmp_str; g_autoptr (WpProperties) props = NULL; if (wp_session_item_get_flags (item) & (WP_SI_FLAG_ACTIVATING | WP_SI_FLAG_ACTIVE)) return FALSE; /* reset previous config */ g_clear_object (&self->node); self->name[0] = '\0'; self->media_class[0] = '\0'; self->role[0] = '\0'; self->priority = 0; self->control_port = FALSE; self->monitor = FALSE; self->direction = WP_DIRECTION_INPUT; self->preferred_n_channels = 0; if (!g_variant_lookup (args, "node", "t", &node_i)) return FALSE; g_return_val_if_fail (WP_IS_NODE (GUINT_TO_POINTER (node_i)), FALSE); self->node = g_object_ref (GUINT_TO_POINTER (node_i)); props = wp_proxy_get_properties (WP_PROXY (self->node)); if (g_variant_lookup (args, "name", "&s", &tmp_str)) { strncpy (self->name, tmp_str, sizeof (self->name) - 1); } else { tmp_str = wp_properties_get (props, PW_KEY_NODE_NAME); if (G_LIKELY (tmp_str)) strncpy (self->name, tmp_str, sizeof (self->name) - 1); } if (g_variant_lookup (args, "media-class", "&s", &tmp_str)) { strncpy (self->media_class, tmp_str, sizeof (self->media_class) - 1); } else { tmp_str = wp_properties_get (props, PW_KEY_MEDIA_CLASS); if (G_LIKELY (tmp_str)) strncpy (self->media_class, tmp_str, sizeof (self->media_class) - 1); } if (g_variant_lookup (args, "role", "&s", &tmp_str)) { strncpy (self->role, tmp_str, sizeof (self->role) - 1); } else { tmp_str = wp_properties_get (props, PW_KEY_MEDIA_ROLE); if (tmp_str) strncpy (self->role, tmp_str, sizeof (self->role) - 1); } if (strstr (self->media_class, "Source") || strstr (self->media_class, "Output")) self->direction = WP_DIRECTION_OUTPUT; g_variant_lookup (args, "priority", "u", &self->priority); g_variant_lookup (args, "preferred-n-channels", "u", &self->preferred_n_channels); g_variant_lookup (args, "enable-control-port", "b", &self->control_port); g_variant_lookup (args, "enable-monitor", "b", &self->monitor); return TRUE; } static guint si_adapter_activate_get_next_step (WpSessionItem * item, WpTransition * transition, guint step) { switch (step) { case WP_TRANSITION_STEP_NONE: return STEP_VERIFY_CONFIG; case STEP_VERIFY_CONFIG: case STEP_CHOOSE_FORMAT: case STEP_CONFIGURE_PORTS: return step + 1; case STEP_GET_PORTS: return WP_TRANSITION_STEP_NONE; default: return WP_TRANSITION_STEP_ERROR; } } static void on_node_enum_format_done (WpProxy *proxy, GAsyncResult *res, WpTransition * transition) { WpSiAdapter *self = wp_transition_get_source_object (transition); g_autoptr (WpIterator) formats = NULL; g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL; gint pref_chan; formats = wp_proxy_enum_params_finish (proxy, res, &error); if (error) { wp_transition_return_error (transition, g_steal_pointer (&error)); return; } /* 34 is the max number of channels that SPA knows about in the spa_audio_channel enum */ pref_chan = self->preferred_n_channels ? self->preferred_n_channels : 34; if (!choose_sensible_raw_audio_format (formats, pref_chan, &self->format)) { wp_warning_object (self, "failed to choose a sensible audio format"); wp_transition_return_error (transition, g_error_new (WP_DOMAIN_LIBRARY, WP_LIBRARY_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED, "failed to choose a sensible audio format")); return; } wp_session_item_set_flag (WP_SESSION_ITEM (self), WP_SI_FLAG_CONFIGURED); wp_transition_advance (transition); } static void on_ports_configuration_done (WpCore * core, GAsyncResult * res, WpTransition * transition) { g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL; if (!wp_core_sync_finish (core, res, &error)) { wp_transition_return_error (transition, g_steal_pointer (&error)); return; } wp_transition_advance (transition); } static void on_feature_ports_ready (WpProxy * node, GAsyncResult * res, WpTransition * transition) { g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL; if (!wp_proxy_augment_finish (node, res, &error)) { wp_transition_return_error (transition, g_steal_pointer (&error)); return; } wp_transition_advance (transition); } static WpSpaPod * format_audio_raw_build (const struct spa_audio_info_raw *info) { g_autoptr (WpSpaPodBuilder) builder = wp_spa_pod_builder_new_object ( "Format", "Format"); wp_spa_pod_builder_add (builder, "mediaType", "I", SPA_MEDIA_TYPE_audio, "mediaSubtype", "I", SPA_MEDIA_SUBTYPE_raw, "format", "I", info->format, "rate", "i", info->rate, "channels", "i", info->channels, NULL); if (!SPA_FLAG_IS_SET (info->flags, SPA_AUDIO_FLAG_UNPOSITIONED)) { /* Build the position array spa pod */ g_autoptr (WpSpaPodBuilder) position_builder = wp_spa_pod_builder_new_array (); for (guint i = 0; i < info->channels; i++) wp_spa_pod_builder_add_id (position_builder, info->position[i]); /* Add the position property */ wp_spa_pod_builder_add_property (builder, "position"); g_autoptr (WpSpaPod) position = wp_spa_pod_builder_end (position_builder); wp_spa_pod_builder_add_pod (builder, position); } return wp_spa_pod_builder_end (builder); } static void si_adapter_activate_execute_step (WpSessionItem * item, WpTransition * transition, guint step) { WpSiAdapter *self = WP_SI_ADAPTER (item); switch (step) { case STEP_VERIFY_CONFIG: if (!self->node) { wp_transition_return_error (transition, g_error_new (WP_DOMAIN_LIBRARY, WP_LIBRARY_ERROR_INVARIANT, "si-adapter: node was not set on the configuration")); } wp_transition_advance (transition); break; case STEP_CHOOSE_FORMAT: wp_proxy_enum_params (WP_PROXY (self->node), "EnumFormat", NULL, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) on_node_enum_format_done, transition); break; case STEP_CONFIGURE_PORTS: { g_autoptr (WpSpaPod) format = NULL, port_format = NULL; g_autoptr (WpSpaPod) pod = NULL; /* set the chosen device/client format on the node */ format = format_audio_raw_build (&self->format); wp_proxy_set_param (WP_PROXY (self->node), "Format", format); /* now choose the DSP format: keep the chanels but use F32 plannar @ 48K */ self->format.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_F32P; self->format.rate = 48000; port_format = format_audio_raw_build (&self->format); pod = wp_spa_pod_new_object ("PortConfig", "PortConfig", "direction", "I", self->direction, "mode", "I", SPA_PARAM_PORT_CONFIG_MODE_dsp, "monitor", "b", self->monitor, "control", "b", self->control_port, "format", "P", port_format, NULL); wp_proxy_set_param (WP_PROXY (self->node), "PortConfig", pod); g_autoptr (WpCore) core = wp_proxy_get_core (WP_PROXY (self->node)); wp_core_sync (core, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) on_ports_configuration_done, transition); break; } case STEP_GET_PORTS: { wp_proxy_augment (WP_PROXY (self->node), WP_NODE_FEATURE_PORTS, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) on_feature_ports_ready, transition); break; } default: g_return_if_reached (); } } static void si_adapter_activate_rollback (WpSessionItem * item) { wp_session_item_clear_flag (item, WP_SI_FLAG_CONFIGURED); } static void si_adapter_class_init (WpSiAdapterClass * klass) { WpSessionItemClass *si_class = (WpSessionItemClass *) klass; si_class->reset = si_adapter_reset; si_class->get_associated_proxy = si_adapter_get_associated_proxy; si_class->configure = si_adapter_configure; si_class->get_configuration = si_adapter_get_configuration; si_class->activate_get_next_step = si_adapter_activate_get_next_step; si_class->activate_execute_step = si_adapter_activate_execute_step; si_class->activate_rollback = si_adapter_activate_rollback; } static GVariant * si_adapter_get_registration_info (WpSiEndpoint * item) { WpSiAdapter *self = WP_SI_ADAPTER (item); GVariantBuilder b; g_variant_builder_init (&b, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(ssya{ss})")); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "s", self->name); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "s", self->media_class); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "y", (guchar) self->direction); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "a{ss}", NULL); return g_variant_builder_end (&b); } static WpProperties * si_adapter_get_properties (WpSiEndpoint * item) { WpSiAdapter *self = WP_SI_ADAPTER (item); g_autoptr (WpProperties) node_props = NULL; WpProperties *result; result = wp_properties_new ( PW_KEY_MEDIA_ROLE, self->role, NULL); wp_properties_setf (result, "endpoint.priority", "%u", self->priority); /* copy useful properties from the node */ node_props = wp_proxy_get_properties (WP_PROXY (self->node)); wp_properties_update_keys (result, node_props, PW_KEY_DEVICE_ID, PW_KEY_NODE_TARGET, NULL); /* associate with the node */ wp_properties_setf (result, PW_KEY_NODE_ID, "%d", wp_proxy_get_bound_id (WP_PROXY (self->node))); wp_properties_set (result, "endpoint.description", wp_properties_get (node_props, PW_KEY_NODE_DESCRIPTION)); /* propagate the device icon, if this is a device */ const gchar *icon = wp_properties_get (node_props, PW_KEY_DEVICE_ICON_NAME); if (icon) wp_properties_set (result, PW_KEY_ENDPOINT_ICON_NAME, icon); /* endpoint.client.id: the id of the client that created the node * Not to be confused with client.id, which will also be set on the endpoint * to the id of the client object that creates the endpoint (wireplumber) */ wp_properties_set (result, PW_KEY_ENDPOINT_CLIENT_ID, wp_properties_get (node_props, PW_KEY_CLIENT_ID)); return result; } static guint si_adapter_get_n_streams (WpSiEndpoint * item) { return 1; } static WpSiStream * si_adapter_get_stream (WpSiEndpoint * item, guint index) { g_return_val_if_fail (index == 0, NULL); return WP_SI_STREAM (item); } static void si_adapter_endpoint_init (WpSiEndpointInterface * iface) { iface->get_registration_info = si_adapter_get_registration_info; iface->get_properties = si_adapter_get_properties; iface->get_n_streams = si_adapter_get_n_streams; iface->get_stream = si_adapter_get_stream; } static GVariant * si_adapter_get_stream_registration_info (WpSiStream * self) { GVariantBuilder b; g_variant_builder_init (&b, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(sa{ss})")); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "s", "default"); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "a{ss}", NULL); return g_variant_builder_end (&b); } static WpProperties * si_adapter_get_stream_properties (WpSiStream * self) { return NULL; } static WpSiEndpoint * si_adapter_get_stream_parent_endpoint (WpSiStream * self) { WpSessionItem *parent = wp_session_item_get_parent (WP_SESSION_ITEM (self)); if (!parent) parent = g_object_ref (WP_SESSION_ITEM (self)); return WP_SI_ENDPOINT (parent); } static void si_adapter_stream_init (WpSiStreamInterface * iface) { iface->get_registration_info = si_adapter_get_stream_registration_info; iface->get_properties = si_adapter_get_stream_properties; iface->get_parent_endpoint = si_adapter_get_stream_parent_endpoint; } static GVariant * si_adapter_get_ports (WpSiPortInfo * item, const gchar * context) { WpSiAdapter *self = WP_SI_ADAPTER (item); g_auto (GVariantBuilder) b = G_VARIANT_BUILDER_INIT (G_VARIANT_TYPE_ARRAY); g_autoptr (WpIterator) it = NULL; g_auto (GValue) val = G_VALUE_INIT; WpDirection direction = self->direction; gboolean monitor_context = FALSE; guint32 node_id; /* context can only be NULL, "reverse" or "monitor" */ if (!g_strcmp0 (context, "reverse")) { direction = (self->direction == WP_DIRECTION_INPUT) ? WP_DIRECTION_OUTPUT : WP_DIRECTION_INPUT; } else if (!g_strcmp0 (context, "monitor")) { direction = WP_DIRECTION_OUTPUT; monitor_context = TRUE; } else if (context != NULL) { /* on any other context, return an empty list of ports */ return g_variant_new_array (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(uuu)"), NULL, 0); } g_variant_builder_init (&b, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(uuu)")); node_id = wp_proxy_get_bound_id (WP_PROXY (self->node)); for (it = wp_node_iterate_ports (self->node); wp_iterator_next (it, &val); g_value_unset (&val)) { WpPort *port = g_value_get_object (&val); g_autoptr (WpProperties) props = NULL; const gchar *str; const gchar *channel; guint32 port_id, channel_id = 0; gboolean is_monitor = FALSE; if (wp_port_get_direction (port) != direction) continue; /* skip monitor ports if not monitor context, or skip non-monitor ports if * monitor context */ props = wp_proxy_get_properties (WP_PROXY (port)); str = wp_properties_get (props, PW_KEY_PORT_MONITOR); is_monitor = str && pw_properties_parse_bool (str); if (is_monitor != monitor_context) continue; port_id = wp_proxy_get_bound_id (WP_PROXY (port)); /* try to find the audio channel; if channel is NULL, this will silently leave the channel_id to its default value, 0 */ channel = wp_properties_get (props, PW_KEY_AUDIO_CHANNEL); wp_spa_type_get_by_nick (WP_SPA_TYPE_TABLE_AUDIO_CHANNEL, channel, &channel_id, NULL, NULL); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "(uuu)", node_id, port_id, channel_id); } return g_variant_builder_end (&b); } static void si_adapter_port_info_init (WpSiPortInfoInterface * iface) { iface->get_ports = si_adapter_get_ports; } WP_PLUGIN_EXPORT void wireplumber__module_init (WpModule * module, WpCore * core, GVariant * args) { GVariantBuilder b; g_variant_builder_init (&b, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(ssymv)")); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "(ssymv)", "node", "t", WP_SI_CONFIG_OPTION_WRITEABLE | WP_SI_CONFIG_OPTION_REQUIRED, NULL); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "(ssymv)", "name", "s", WP_SI_CONFIG_OPTION_WRITEABLE, NULL); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "(ssymv)", "media-class", "s", WP_SI_CONFIG_OPTION_WRITEABLE, NULL); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "(ssymv)", "role", "s", WP_SI_CONFIG_OPTION_WRITEABLE, NULL); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "(ssymv)", "priority", "u", WP_SI_CONFIG_OPTION_WRITEABLE, NULL); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "(ssymv)", "preferred-n-channels", "u", WP_SI_CONFIG_OPTION_WRITEABLE, NULL); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "(ssymv)", "enable-control-port", "b", WP_SI_CONFIG_OPTION_WRITEABLE, NULL); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "(ssymv)", "enable-monitor", "b", WP_SI_CONFIG_OPTION_WRITEABLE, NULL); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "(ssymv)", "direction", "y", 0, NULL); g_variant_builder_add (&b, "(ssymv)", "channels", "u", 0, NULL); wp_si_factory_register (core, wp_si_factory_new_simple ( "si-adapter", si_adapter_get_type (), g_variant_builder_end (&b))); }