diff --git a/lib/wp/factory.c b/lib/wp/factory.c
index 82cb6562e7b8f657bef8d25cc657365d84a98b0f..3093c337acb85a3a7bde2ec87d8220f1639d3002 100644
--- a/lib/wp/factory.c
+++ b/lib/wp/factory.c
@@ -15,10 +15,7 @@ struct _WpFactory
   GWeakRef core;
   gchar *name;
   GQuark name_quark;
-  union {
-    WpFactoryFunc sync;
-    WpFactoryAsyncFunc async;
-  } create_object;
+  WpFactoryFunc create_object;
 G_DEFINE_TYPE (WpFactory, wp_factory, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
@@ -48,29 +45,20 @@ wp_factory_class_init (WpFactoryClass * klass)
   object_class->finalize = wp_factory_finalize;
-WpFactory * create_factory (WpCore * core, const gchar * name)
+WpFactory *
+wp_factory_new (WpCore * core, const gchar * name,
+    WpFactoryFunc func)
   WpFactory *f = NULL;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (func, NULL);
   g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL && *name != '\0', NULL);
   f = g_object_new (WP_TYPE_FACTORY, NULL);
   g_weak_ref_init (&f->core, core);
   f->name = g_strdup (name);
   f->name_quark = g_quark_from_string (f->name);
-  return f;
-WpFactory *
-wp_factory_new (WpCore * core, const gchar * name, WpFactoryFunc func)
-  WpFactory *f = NULL;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (func, NULL);
-  f = create_factory(core, name);
-  f->create_object.sync = func;
+  f->create_object = func;
   g_info ("WpFactory:%p new factory: %s", f, name);
@@ -79,23 +67,6 @@ wp_factory_new (WpCore * core, const gchar * name, WpFactoryFunc func)
   return f;
-WpFactory *
-wp_factory_new_async (WpCore * core, const gchar * name,
-    WpFactoryAsyncFunc func)
-  WpFactory *f = NULL;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (func, NULL);
-  f = create_factory(core, name);
-  f->create_object.async = func;
-  g_info ("WpFactory:%p new async factory: %s", f, name);
-  wp_core_register_global (core, WP_GLOBAL_FACTORY, f, g_object_unref);
-  return f;
 const gchar *
 wp_factory_get_name (WpFactory * self)
@@ -114,23 +85,14 @@ wp_factory_get_core (WpFactory * self)
   return g_weak_ref_get (&self->core);
-wp_factory_create_object (WpFactory * self, GType type, GVariant * properties)
-  g_debug ("WpFactory:%p (%s) create object of type %s", self, self->name,
-      g_type_name (type));
-  return self->create_object.sync (self, type, properties);
-wp_factory_create_object_async (WpFactory * self, GType type,
+wp_factory_create_object (WpFactory * self, GType type,
     GVariant * properties, GAsyncReadyCallback ready, gpointer user_data)
-  g_debug ("WpFactory:%p (%s) create object async of type %s", self, self->name,
+  g_debug ("WpFactory:%p (%s) create object of type %s", self, self->name,
       g_type_name (type));
-  self->create_object.async (self, type, properties, ready, user_data);
+  self->create_object (self, type, properties, ready, user_data);
 struct find_factory_data
@@ -160,20 +122,11 @@ wp_factory_find (WpCore * core, const gchar * name)
   return d.ret;
-wp_factory_make (WpCore * core, const gchar * name, GType type,
-    GVariant * properties)
-  WpFactory *f = wp_factory_find (core, name);
-  if (!f) return NULL;
-  return wp_factory_create_object (f, type, properties);
-wp_factory_make_async (WpCore * core, const gchar * name, GType type,
+wp_factory_make (WpCore * core, const gchar * name, GType type,
     GVariant * properties, GAsyncReadyCallback ready, gpointer user_data)
   WpFactory *f = wp_factory_find (core, name);
   if (!f) return;
-  wp_factory_create_object_async (f, type, properties, ready, user_data);
+  wp_factory_create_object (f, type, properties, ready, user_data);
diff --git a/lib/wp/factory.h b/lib/wp/factory.h
index 9f74c22c593b3a5e4db3694d5275c2e7cb2f47c4..c43739d334e9b2792be6b54e4f2baa67b1b5dd2e 100644
--- a/lib/wp/factory.h
+++ b/lib/wp/factory.h
@@ -18,27 +18,19 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
 #define WP_TYPE_FACTORY (wp_factory_get_type ())
 G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (WpFactory, wp_factory, WP, FACTORY, GObject)
-typedef gpointer (*WpFactoryFunc) (WpFactory * self, GType type,
-    GVariant * properties);
-typedef void (*WpFactoryAsyncFunc) (WpFactory * self, GType type,
+typedef void (*WpFactoryFunc) (WpFactory * self, GType type,
     GVariant * properties, GAsyncReadyCallback ready, gpointer user_data);
 WpFactory * wp_factory_new (WpCore * core, const gchar * name,
     WpFactoryFunc func);
-WpFactory * wp_factory_new_async (WpCore * core, const gchar * name,
-    WpFactoryAsyncFunc func);
 const gchar * wp_factory_get_name (WpFactory * self);
 WpCore * wp_factory_get_core (WpFactory * self);
-gpointer wp_factory_create_object (WpFactory * self, GType type,
-    GVariant * properties);
-void wp_factory_create_object_async (WpFactory * self, GType type,
+void wp_factory_create_object (WpFactory * self, GType type,
     GVariant * properties, GAsyncReadyCallback ready, gpointer user_data);
 WpFactory * wp_factory_find (WpCore * core, const gchar * name);
-gpointer wp_factory_make (WpCore * core, const gchar * name, GType type,
-    GVariant * properties);
-void wp_factory_make_async (WpCore * core, const gchar * name, GType type,
+void wp_factory_make (WpCore * core, const gchar * name, GType type,
     GVariant * properties, GAsyncReadyCallback ready, gpointer user_data);