diff --git a/modules/module-pw-audio-softdsp-endpoint.c b/modules/module-pw-audio-softdsp-endpoint.c
index 5d2d8231e3a3547d123ebf743a3f29d0769559f5..e1fdd9eb18b6aa01fa7a9b2486c01c319c384851 100644
--- a/modules/module-pw-audio-softdsp-endpoint.c
+++ b/modules/module-pw-audio-softdsp-endpoint.c
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 #include <wp/wp.h>
 #include <pipewire/pipewire.h>
 #include <spa/param/audio/format-utils.h>
+#include <spa/pod/builder.h>
+#include <spa/param/props.h>
 #include "module-pipewire/port.h"
@@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ struct _WpPwAudioSoftdspEndpoint {
   struct pw_core_proxy *core_proxy;
   /* Node proxy and listener */
-  struct pw_proxy *node_proxy;
+  struct pw_node_proxy *node_proxy;
   struct spa_hook listener;
   struct spa_hook proxy_listener;
@@ -41,11 +43,13 @@ struct _WpPwAudioSoftdspEndpoint {
   enum pw_direction direction;
   /* DSP proxy and listener */
-  struct pw_proxy *dsp_proxy;
+  struct pw_node_proxy *dsp_proxy;
   struct spa_hook dsp_listener;
   /* DSP info */
   struct pw_node_info *dsp_info;
+  gfloat master_volume;
+  gboolean master_mute;
   /* Link proxy and listener */
   struct pw_proxy *link_proxy;
@@ -60,6 +64,11 @@ enum {
+enum {
 G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (WpPwAudioSoftdspEndpoint, endpoint,
@@ -134,9 +143,56 @@ dsp_node_event_info (void *data, const struct pw_node_info *info)
+static void
+dsp_node_event_param (void *object, int seq, uint32_t id,
+    uint32_t index, uint32_t next, const struct spa_pod *param)
+  WpPwAudioSoftdspEndpoint *self = WP_PW_AUDIO_SOFTDSP_ENDPOINT (object);
+  switch (id) {
+    case SPA_PARAM_Props:
+    {
+      struct spa_pod_prop *prop;
+      struct spa_pod_object *obj = (struct spa_pod_object *) param;
+      float volume = self->master_volume;
+      bool mute = self->master_mute;
+      SPA_POD_OBJECT_FOREACH(obj, prop) {
+        switch (prop->key) {
+        case SPA_PROP_volume:
+          spa_pod_get_float(&prop->value, &volume);
+          break;
+        case SPA_PROP_mute:
+          spa_pod_get_bool(&prop->value, &mute);
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      g_debug ("WpEndpoint:%p param event, vol:(%lf -> %f) mute:(%d -> %d)",
+          self, self->master_volume, volume, self->master_mute, mute);
+      if (self->master_volume != volume) {
+        self->master_volume = volume;
+        wp_endpoint_notify_control_value (WP_ENDPOINT (self), CONTROL_VOLUME);
+      }
+      if (self->master_mute != mute) {
+        self->master_mute = mute;
+        wp_endpoint_notify_control_value (WP_ENDPOINT (self), CONTROL_MUTE);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
 static const struct pw_node_proxy_events dsp_node_events = {
   .info = dsp_node_event_info,
+  .param = dsp_node_event_param,
 static void
@@ -147,6 +203,7 @@ emit_audio_dsp_node (WpPwAudioSoftdspEndpoint *self)
   uint8_t buf[1024];
   struct spa_pod_builder pod_builder = { 0, };
   struct spa_pod *param;
+  uint32_t ids[1] = { SPA_PARAM_Props };
   /* Return if the node has been already emitted */
   if (self->dsp_proxy)
@@ -171,8 +228,9 @@ emit_audio_dsp_node (WpPwAudioSoftdspEndpoint *self)
   /* Set the DSP proxy and listener */
   self->dsp_proxy = pw_core_proxy_create_object(self->core_proxy, "audio-dsp",
       PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Node, PW_VERSION_NODE, &props->dict, 0);
-  pw_proxy_add_proxy_listener(self->dsp_proxy, &self->dsp_listener,
+  pw_node_proxy_add_listener(self->dsp_proxy, &self->dsp_listener,
       &dsp_node_events, self);
+  pw_node_proxy_subscribe_params (self->dsp_proxy, ids, SPA_N_ELEMENTS (ids));
   /* Set DSP proxy params */
   spa_pod_builder_init(&pod_builder, buf, sizeof(buf));
@@ -251,6 +309,7 @@ endpoint_constructed (GObject * object)
   WpPwAudioSoftdspEndpoint *self = WP_PW_AUDIO_SOFTDSP_ENDPOINT (object);
   const gchar *media_class = wp_endpoint_get_media_class (WP_ENDPOINT (self));
+  GVariantDict d;
   /* Set the direction */
   if (g_str_has_suffix (media_class, "Source")) {
@@ -262,10 +321,32 @@ endpoint_constructed (GObject * object)
   /* Set the node and proxy listeners */
-  pw_proxy_add_listener (self->node_proxy, &self->listener, &node_proxy_events,
-      self);
-  pw_node_proxy_add_listener((struct pw_node_proxy *) self->node_proxy,
-      &self->proxy_listener, &node_events, self);
+  pw_proxy_add_listener ((struct pw_proxy *) self->node_proxy, &self->listener,
+      &node_proxy_events, self);
+  pw_node_proxy_add_listener(self->node_proxy, &self->proxy_listener,
+      &node_events, self);
+  g_variant_dict_init (&d, NULL);
+  g_variant_dict_insert (&d, "id", "u", 0);
+  g_variant_dict_insert (&d, "name", "s", "default");
+  wp_endpoint_register_stream (WP_ENDPOINT (self), g_variant_dict_end (&d));
+  self->master_volume = 1.0;
+  g_variant_dict_init (&d, NULL);
+  g_variant_dict_insert (&d, "id", "u", CONTROL_VOLUME);
+  g_variant_dict_insert (&d, "name", "s", "volume");
+  g_variant_dict_insert (&d, "type", "s", "d");
+  g_variant_dict_insert (&d, "range", "(dd)", 0.0, 1.0);
+  g_variant_dict_insert (&d, "default-value", "d", self->master_volume);
+  wp_endpoint_register_control (WP_ENDPOINT (self), g_variant_dict_end (&d));
+  self->master_mute = FALSE;
+  g_variant_dict_init (&d, NULL);
+  g_variant_dict_insert (&d, "id", "u", CONTROL_MUTE);
+  g_variant_dict_insert (&d, "name", "s", "mute");
+  g_variant_dict_insert (&d, "type", "s", "b");
+  g_variant_dict_insert (&d, "default-value", "b", self->master_mute);
+  wp_endpoint_register_control (WP_ENDPOINT (self), g_variant_dict_end (&d));
   G_OBJECT_CLASS (endpoint_parent_class)->constructed (object);
@@ -368,6 +449,75 @@ endpoint_prepare_link (WpEndpoint * ep, guint32 stream_id,
   return TRUE;
+static GVariant *
+endpoint_get_control_value (WpEndpoint * ep, guint32 control_id)
+  WpPwAudioSoftdspEndpoint *self = WP_PW_AUDIO_SOFTDSP_ENDPOINT (ep);
+  switch (control_id) {
+      return g_variant_new_double (self->master_volume);
+    case CONTROL_MUTE:
+      return g_variant_new_boolean (self->master_mute);
+    default:
+      g_warning ("Unknown control id %u", control_id);
+      return NULL;
+  }
+static gboolean
+endpoint_set_control_value (WpEndpoint * ep, guint32 control_id,
+    GVariant * value)
+  WpPwAudioSoftdspEndpoint *self = WP_PW_AUDIO_SOFTDSP_ENDPOINT (ep);
+  char buf[1024];
+  struct spa_pod_builder b = SPA_POD_BUILDER_INIT(buf, sizeof(buf));
+  float volume;
+  bool mute;
+  if (!self->dsp_proxy) {
+    g_debug("WpEndpoint:%p too early to set control, dsp is not created yet",
+        self);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  switch (control_id) {
+      volume = g_variant_get_double (value);
+      g_debug("WpEndpoint:%p set volume control (%u) value, vol:%f", self,
+          control_id, volume);
+      pw_node_proxy_set_param (self->dsp_proxy,
+          SPA_PARAM_Props, 0,
+          spa_pod_builder_add_object (&b,
+              SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_Props, SPA_PARAM_Props,
+              SPA_PROP_volume, SPA_POD_Float(volume),
+              NULL));
+      break;
+    case CONTROL_MUTE:
+      mute = g_variant_get_boolean (value);
+      g_debug("WpEndpoint:%p set mute control (%u) value, mute:%d", self,
+          control_id, mute);
+      pw_node_proxy_set_param (self->dsp_proxy,
+          SPA_PARAM_Props, 0,
+          spa_pod_builder_add_object (&b,
+              SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_Props, SPA_PARAM_Props,
+              SPA_PROP_mute, SPA_POD_Bool(mute),
+              NULL));
+      break;
+    default:
+      g_warning ("Unknown control id %u", control_id);
+      return FALSE;
+  }
+  return TRUE;
 static void
 endpoint_class_init (WpPwAudioSoftdspEndpointClass * klass)
@@ -380,6 +530,8 @@ endpoint_class_init (WpPwAudioSoftdspEndpointClass * klass)
   object_class->get_property = endpoint_get_property;
   endpoint_class->prepare_link = endpoint_prepare_link;
+  endpoint_class->get_control_value = endpoint_get_control_value;
+  endpoint_class->set_control_value = endpoint_set_control_value;
   g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_NODE_PROXY,
       g_param_spec_pointer ("node-proxy", "node-proxy",