From 40d2a186b62890872997b814efc8a5c98be9bda5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: George Kiagiadakis <>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 16:16:07 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] tests: implement a WpMetadata unit test

 tests/wp/ |   6 +
 tests/wp/metadata.c  | 477 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 483 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/wp/metadata.c

diff --git a/tests/wp/ b/tests/wp/
index f5c05988..11767a46 100644
--- a/tests/wp/
+++ b/tests/wp/
@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ test(
   env: common_env,
+  'test-metadata',
+  executable('test-metadata', 'metadata.c',
+      dependencies: common_deps, c_args: common_args),
+  env: common_env,
   executable('test-object-interest', 'object-interest.c',
diff --git a/tests/wp/metadata.c b/tests/wp/metadata.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e83be19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wp/metadata.c
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+/* WirePlumber
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2020 Collabora Ltd.
+ *    @author George Kiagiadakis <>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ */
+#include "../common/base-test-fixture.h"
+typedef struct {
+  WpBaseTestFixture base;
+  WpObjectManager *export_om;
+  WpObjectManager *proxy_om;
+  WpMetadata *impl_metadata;
+  WpMetadata *proxy_metadata;
+  gint n_events;
+} TestFixture;
+static void
+test_metadata_setup (TestFixture *self, gconstpointer user_data)
+  wp_base_test_fixture_setup (&self->base, WP_BASE_TEST_FLAG_CLIENT_CORE);
+  self->export_om = wp_object_manager_new ();
+  self->proxy_om = wp_object_manager_new ();
+static void
+test_metadata_teardown (TestFixture *self, gconstpointer user_data)
+  g_clear_object (&self->proxy_om);
+  g_clear_object (&self->export_om);
+  wp_base_test_fixture_teardown (&self->base);
+static void
+test_metadata_basic_exported_object_added (WpObjectManager *om,
+    WpMetadata *metadata, TestFixture *fixture)
+  g_debug ("exported object added");
+  g_assert_true (WP_IS_IMPL_METADATA (metadata));
+  g_assert_null (fixture->impl_metadata);
+  fixture->impl_metadata = WP_METADATA (metadata);
+  if (++fixture->n_events == 3)
+    g_main_loop_quit (fixture->base.loop);
+static void
+test_metadata_basic_exported_object_removed (WpObjectManager *om,
+    WpMetadata *metadata, TestFixture *fixture)
+  g_debug ("exported object removed");
+  g_assert_true (WP_IS_IMPL_METADATA (metadata));
+  g_assert_nonnull (fixture->impl_metadata);
+  fixture->impl_metadata = NULL;
+  if (++fixture->n_events == 2)
+    g_main_loop_quit (fixture->base.loop);
+static void
+test_metadata_basic_proxy_object_added (WpObjectManager *om,
+    WpMetadata *metadata, TestFixture *fixture)
+  g_debug ("proxy object added");
+  g_assert_true (WP_IS_METADATA (metadata));
+  g_assert_null (fixture->proxy_metadata);
+  fixture->proxy_metadata = WP_METADATA (metadata);
+  if (++fixture->n_events == 3)
+    g_main_loop_quit (fixture->base.loop);
+static void
+test_metadata_basic_proxy_object_removed (WpObjectManager *om,
+    WpMetadata *metadata, TestFixture *fixture)
+  g_debug ("proxy object removed");
+  g_assert_true (WP_IS_METADATA (metadata));
+  g_assert_nonnull (fixture->proxy_metadata);
+  fixture->proxy_metadata = NULL;
+  if (++fixture->n_events == 2)
+    g_main_loop_quit (fixture->base.loop);
+static void
+test_metadata_basic_export_done (WpProxy * metadata, GAsyncResult * res,
+    TestFixture *fixture)
+  g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL;
+  g_debug ("export done");
+  g_assert_true (wp_proxy_augment_finish (metadata, res, &error));
+  g_assert_no_error (error);
+  g_assert_true (WP_IS_IMPL_METADATA (metadata));
+  if (++fixture->n_events == 3)
+    g_main_loop_quit (fixture->base.loop);
+static void
+test_metadata_basic_changed (WpMetadata *metadata, guint32 subject,
+    const gchar *key, const gchar *type, const gchar *value,
+    TestFixture *fixture)
+  g_debug ("changed: %u %s", subject, key);
+  g_assert_true (WP_IS_METADATA (metadata));
+  g_assert_cmpuint (subject, !=, PW_ID_ANY);
+  if (++fixture->n_events == 4)
+    g_main_loop_quit (fixture->base.loop);
+static void
+test_metadata_basic (TestFixture *fixture, gconstpointer data)
+  g_autoptr (WpMetadata) metadata = NULL;
+  /* set up the export side */
+  g_signal_connect (fixture->export_om, "object_added",
+      (GCallback) test_metadata_basic_exported_object_added, fixture);
+  g_signal_connect (fixture->export_om, "object-removed",
+      (GCallback) test_metadata_basic_exported_object_removed, fixture);
+  wp_object_manager_add_interest (fixture->export_om,
+  wp_object_manager_request_proxy_features (fixture->export_om,
+  wp_core_install_object_manager (fixture->base.core, fixture->export_om);
+  /* set up the proxy side */
+  g_signal_connect (fixture->proxy_om, "object_added",
+      (GCallback) test_metadata_basic_proxy_object_added, fixture);
+  g_signal_connect (fixture->proxy_om, "object-removed",
+      (GCallback) test_metadata_basic_proxy_object_removed, fixture);
+  wp_object_manager_add_interest (fixture->proxy_om, WP_TYPE_METADATA, NULL);
+  wp_object_manager_request_proxy_features (fixture->proxy_om,
+  wp_core_install_object_manager (fixture->base.client_core, fixture->proxy_om);
+  /* create metadata */
+  metadata = WP_METADATA (wp_impl_metadata_new (fixture->base.core));
+  wp_metadata_set (metadata, 0, "test-key", NULL, "test-value");
+  wp_metadata_set (metadata, 15, "toast", "Spa:Int", "15");
+  /* verify properties are set before export */
+  {
+    g_autoptr (WpIterator) iter =
+        wp_metadata_find (metadata, PW_ID_ANY, NULL, NULL);
+    g_auto (GValue) val = G_VALUE_INIT;
+    guint subject = -1;
+    const gchar *key = NULL, *type = NULL, *value = NULL;
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "test-key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "test-value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 15);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "toast");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "Spa:Int");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "15");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_false (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+  }
+  /* do export */
+  wp_proxy_augment (WP_PROXY (metadata), WP_PROXY_FEATURES_STANDARD, NULL,
+      (GAsyncReadyCallback) test_metadata_basic_export_done, fixture);
+  /* run until objects are created and features are cached */
+  fixture->n_events = 0;
+  g_main_loop_run (fixture->base.loop);
+  g_assert_cmpint (fixture->n_events, ==, 3);
+  g_assert_nonnull (fixture->impl_metadata);
+  g_assert_nonnull (fixture->proxy_metadata);
+  g_assert_true (fixture->impl_metadata == metadata);
+  /* test round 1: verify the values on the proxy */
+  {
+    g_autoptr (WpIterator) iter =
+        wp_metadata_find (fixture->proxy_metadata, PW_ID_ANY, NULL, NULL);
+    g_auto (GValue) val = G_VALUE_INIT;
+    guint subject = -1;
+    const gchar *key = NULL, *type = NULL, *value = NULL;
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "test-key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "test-value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 15);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "toast");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "Spa:Int");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "15");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_false (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+  }
+  /* setup change signals */
+  g_signal_connect (fixture->proxy_metadata, "changed",
+      (GCallback) test_metadata_basic_changed, fixture);
+  g_signal_connect (metadata, "changed",
+      (GCallback) test_metadata_basic_changed, fixture);
+  /* change properties on the proxy */
+  wp_metadata_set (fixture->proxy_metadata, 15, "toast", "Spa:Int", "20");
+  wp_metadata_set (fixture->proxy_metadata, 0, "3rd.key", NULL, "3rd.value");
+  /* run until the change is on both sides */
+  fixture->n_events = 0;
+  g_main_loop_run (fixture->base.loop);
+  g_assert_cmpint (fixture->n_events, ==, 4);
+  /* test round 2: verify the value change on both sides */
+  {
+    g_autoptr (WpIterator) iter =
+        wp_metadata_find (fixture->proxy_metadata, PW_ID_ANY, NULL, NULL);
+    g_auto (GValue) val = G_VALUE_INIT;
+    guint subject = -1;
+    const gchar *key = NULL, *type = NULL, *value = NULL;
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "test-key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "test-value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 15);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "toast");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "Spa:Int");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "20");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "3rd.key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "3rd.value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_false (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+  }
+  {
+    g_autoptr (WpIterator) iter =
+        wp_metadata_find (metadata, PW_ID_ANY, NULL, NULL);
+    g_auto (GValue) val = G_VALUE_INIT;
+    guint subject = -1;
+    const gchar *key = NULL, *type = NULL, *value = NULL;
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "test-key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "test-value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 15);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "toast");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "Spa:Int");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "20");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "3rd.key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "3rd.value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_false (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+  }
+  /* change properties on the exported */
+  fixture->n_events = 0;
+  wp_metadata_set (metadata, 0, "4th.key", NULL, "4th.value");
+  wp_metadata_set (metadata, 0, "test-key", NULL, "new.value");
+  /* run until the change is on both sides */
+  g_main_loop_run (fixture->base.loop);
+  g_assert_cmpint (fixture->n_events, ==, 4);
+  /* test round 3: verify the value change on both sides */
+  {
+    g_autoptr (WpIterator) iter =
+        wp_metadata_find (fixture->proxy_metadata, PW_ID_ANY, NULL, NULL);
+    g_auto (GValue) val = G_VALUE_INIT;
+    guint subject = -1;
+    const gchar *key = NULL, *type = NULL, *value = NULL;
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "test-key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "new.value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 15);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "toast");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "Spa:Int");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "20");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "3rd.key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "3rd.value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "4th.key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "4th.value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_false (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+  }
+  {
+    g_autoptr (WpIterator) iter =
+        wp_metadata_find (metadata, PW_ID_ANY, NULL, NULL);
+    g_auto (GValue) val = G_VALUE_INIT;
+    guint subject = -1;
+    const gchar *key = NULL, *type = NULL, *value = NULL;
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "test-key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "new.value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 15);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "toast");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "Spa:Int");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "20");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "3rd.key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "3rd.value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "4th.key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "4th.value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_false (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+  }
+  /* find with constraints */
+  {
+    g_autoptr (WpIterator) iter =
+        wp_metadata_find (metadata, 0, NULL, NULL);
+    g_auto (GValue) val = G_VALUE_INIT;
+    guint subject = -1;
+    const gchar *key = NULL, *type = NULL, *value = NULL;
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "test-key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "new.value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "3rd.key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "3rd.value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "4th.key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "4th.value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_false (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+  }
+  {
+    g_autoptr (WpIterator) iter =
+        wp_metadata_find (metadata, 0, "3rd.key", NULL);
+    g_auto (GValue) val = G_VALUE_INIT;
+    guint subject = -1;
+    const gchar *key = NULL, *type = NULL, *value = NULL;
+    g_assert_true (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+    wp_metadata_iterator_item_extract (&val, &subject, &key, &type, &value);
+    g_assert_cmpint (subject, ==, 0);
+    g_assert_cmpstr (key, ==, "3rd.key");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (type, ==, "string");
+    g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "3rd.value");
+    g_value_unset (&val);
+    g_assert_false (wp_iterator_next (iter, &val));
+  }
+  /* destroy impl metadata */
+  fixture->n_events = 0;
+  g_clear_object (&metadata);
+  /* run until objects are destroyed */
+  g_main_loop_run (fixture->base.loop);
+  g_assert_cmpint (fixture->n_events, ==, 2);
+  g_assert_null (fixture->impl_metadata);
+  g_assert_null (fixture->proxy_metadata);
+main (gint argc, gchar *argv[])
+  g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
+  wp_init (WP_INIT_ALL);
+  g_test_add ("/wp/metadata/basic", TestFixture, NULL,
+      test_metadata_setup, test_metadata_basic, test_metadata_teardown);
+  return g_test_run ();