diff --git a/debian/patches/Ignore-a-test.patch b/debian/patches/Ignore-a-test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1584ee66313076d299705623cfad614f6d742761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/Ignore-a-test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+From: Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@debian.org>
+Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2021 10:14:41 +0200
+Subject: Ignore a test (#2053)
+* Disable chksum: test_arg_overrides_stdin
+fails often with:
+---- test_cksum::test_arg_overrides_stdin stdout ----
+touch: /tmp/.tmpv9hydc/a
+run: /target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/coreutils cksum a
+thread 'test_cksum::test_arg_overrides_stdin' panicked at 'Broken pipe (os error 32)', tests/common/util.rs:742:37
+note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
+* rustfmt the recent change
+Origin: upstream, https://github.com/uutils/coreutils/commit/9ae4928b7b4f43495921fe8ac6128ea226d20dbd
+ src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs     | 6 ++----
+ src/uu/stdbuf/src/stdbuf.rs | 3 +--
+ 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs b/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs
+index 08936ff..cf6c258 100644
+--- a/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs
++++ b/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs
+@@ -665,9 +665,7 @@ fn get_leading_gen(a: &str) -> String {
+     for c in p_iter.to_owned() {
+         let next_char_numeric = p_iter.peek().unwrap_or(&'\0').is_numeric();
+         // Only general numeric recognizes e notation and, see block below, the '+' sign
+-        if (c.eq(&'e') && !next_char_numeric)
+-            || (c.eq(&'E') && !next_char_numeric)
+-        {
++        if (c.eq(&'e') && !next_char_numeric) || (c.eq(&'E') && !next_char_numeric) {
+             r = a.split(c).next().unwrap_or("").to_owned();
+             break;
+         // If positive sign and next char is not numeric, split at postive sign at keep trailing numbers
+@@ -813,7 +811,7 @@ fn human_numeric_convert(a: &str) -> f64 {
+         'E' => 1E18,
+         'Z' => 1E21,
+         'Y' => 1E24,
+-         _ => 1f64,
++        _ => 1f64,
+     };
+     num_part * suffix
+ }
+diff --git a/src/uu/stdbuf/src/stdbuf.rs b/src/uu/stdbuf/src/stdbuf.rs
+index a61ba96..67ed9a8 100644
+--- a/src/uu/stdbuf/src/stdbuf.rs
++++ b/src/uu/stdbuf/src/stdbuf.rs
+@@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ fn print_version() {
+ fn print_usage(opts: &Options) {
+     let brief = "Run COMMAND, with modified buffering operations for its standard streams\n \
+                  Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.";
+-    let explanation =
+-        "If MODE is 'L' the corresponding stream will be line buffered.\n \
++    let explanation = "If MODE is 'L' the corresponding stream will be line buffered.\n \
+          This option is invalid with standard input.\n\n \
+          If MODE is '0' the corresponding stream will be unbuffered.\n\n \
+          Otherwise MODE is a number which may be followed by one of the following:\n\n \
diff --git a/debian/patches/Sort-Implement-stable-sort-ignore-non-printing-month.patch b/debian/patches/Sort-Implement-stable-sort-ignore-non-printing-month.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f023d255d970ed0eef58be3ae4b949e952713045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/Sort-Implement-stable-sort-ignore-non-printing-month.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2303 @@
+From: electricboogie <32370782+electricboogie@users.noreply.github.com>
+Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2021 15:07:09 -0500
+Subject: Sort: Implement stable sort, ignore non-printing, month sort dedup,
+ auto parallel sort through rayon, zero terminated sort, check silent (#2008)
+Origin: upstream, https://github.com/uutils/coreutils/commit/8474249e5f301068565c2d62f04b04d40b0b5817
+ Cargo.lock                                         |  20 +-
+ src/uu/sort/Cargo.toml                             |   3 +-
+ src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs                            | 558 ++++++++++++++++-----
+ tests/by-util/test_sort.rs                         | 252 ++++++++--
+ .../sort/exponents-positive-general.expected       |  12 +
+ tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-general.txt |  12 +
+ .../sort/exponents-positive-numeric.expected       |  12 +
+ tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-numeric.txt |  12 +
+ .../sort/human-mixed-inputs-reverse.expected       |  37 ++
+ tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-reverse.txt |  37 ++
+ .../sort/human-mixed-inputs-stable.expected        |  37 ++
+ tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-stable.txt  |  37 ++
+ .../sort/human-mixed-inputs-unique.expected        |  13 +
+ tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-unique.txt  |  37 ++
+ tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs.expected    |  37 ++
+ tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs.txt         |  46 ++
+ .../sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric.expected  |  30 ++
+ .../sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric.txt       |  30 ++
+ ...ixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse.expected |  30 ++
+ ...oats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse_stable.expected |  30 ++
+ ...ed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse_stable.txt |  30 ++
+ ...mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_stable.expected |  30 ++
+ .../mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_stable.txt     |  30 ++
+ ...mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique.expected |  20 +
+ .../mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique.txt     |  30 ++
+ ...oats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse.expected |  20 +
+ ...ed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse.txt |  30 ++
+ ...loats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_stable.expected |  20 +
+ ...xed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_stable.txt |  30 ++
+ tests/fixtures/sort/months-dedup.expected          |   6 +
+ tests/fixtures/sort/months-dedup.txt               |  37 ++
+ .../sort/numeric-floats-with-nan2.expected         |  23 +
+ tests/fixtures/sort/numeric-floats-with-nan2.txt   |  23 +
+ tests/fixtures/sort/zero-terminated.expected       |   1 +
+ tests/fixtures/sort/zero-terminated.txt            |   1 +
+ 35 files changed, 1422 insertions(+), 191 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-general.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-general.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-numeric.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-numeric.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-reverse.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-reverse.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-stable.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-stable.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-unique.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-unique.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse_stable.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse_stable.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_stable.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_stable.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_stable.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_stable.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/months-dedup.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/months-dedup.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/numeric-floats-with-nan2.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/numeric-floats-with-nan2.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/zero-terminated.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/zero-terminated.txt
+diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
+index 88ac18c..53eb8b4 100644
+--- a/Cargo.lock
++++ b/Cargo.lock
+@@ -994,12 +994,6 @@ dependencies = [
+  "maybe-uninit",
+ ]
+-name = "static_assertions"
+-version = "1.1.0"
+-source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+-checksum = "a2eb9349b6444b326872e140eb1cf5e7c522154d69e7a0ffb0fb81c06b37543f"
+ [[package]]
+ name = "strsim"
+ version = "0.8.0"
+@@ -1126,17 +1120,6 @@ dependencies = [
+  "winapi 0.3.9",
+ ]
+-name = "twox-hash"
+-version = "1.6.0"
+-source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+-checksum = "04f8ab788026715fa63b31960869617cba39117e520eb415b0139543e325ab59"
+-dependencies = [
+- "cfg-if 0.1.10",
+- "rand 0.7.3",
+- "static_assertions",
+ [[package]]
+ name = "typenum"
+ version = "1.13.0"
+@@ -2028,10 +2011,11 @@ source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+ checksum = "81feaf23fcf9fd3df43afd736c6785292d6f8ce9d202ac0dc7585c2a49879762"
+ dependencies = [
+  "clap",
++ "fnv",
+  "itertools",
+  "rand 0.7.3",
++ "rayon",
+  "semver",
+- "twox-hash",
+  "uucore",
+  "uucore_procs",
+ ]
+diff --git a/src/uu/sort/Cargo.toml b/src/uu/sort/Cargo.toml
+index 16ae0cb..cfcd74d 100644
+--- a/src/uu/sort/Cargo.toml
++++ b/src/uu/sort/Cargo.toml
+@@ -15,9 +15,10 @@ edition = "2018"
+ path = "src/sort.rs"
+ [dependencies]
++rayon = "1.5"
+ rand = "0.7"
+ clap = "2.33"
+-twox-hash = "1.6.0"
++fnv = "1.0.7"
+ itertools = "0.9"
+ semver = "0.9.0"
+ uucore = { version=">=0.0.8", package="uucore", path="../../uucore", features=["fs"] }
+diff --git a/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs b/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs
+index 6c29ad9..08936ff 100644
+--- a/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs
++++ b/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs
+@@ -7,23 +7,29 @@
+ //  * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ #![allow(dead_code)]
++// Although these links don't always seem to describe reality, check out the POSIX and GNU specs:
++// https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/sort.html
++// https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/sort-invocation.html
+ // spell-checker:ignore (ToDO) outfile nondictionary
+ #[macro_use]
+ extern crate uucore;
+ use clap::{App, Arg};
++use fnv::FnvHasher;
+ use itertools::Itertools;
+ use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
+ use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
++use rayon::prelude::*;
+ use semver::Version;
+ use std::cmp::Ordering;
+ use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
++use std::env;
+ use std::fs::File;
+ use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
+ use std::io::{stdin, stdout, BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Lines, Read, Write};
+ use std::mem::replace;
+ use std::path::Path;
+-use twox_hash::XxHash64;
+ use uucore::fs::is_stdin_interactive; // for Iterator::dedup()
+ static NAME: &str = "sort";
+@@ -33,27 +39,37 @@ static VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
+ static OPT_HUMAN_NUMERIC_SORT: &str = "human-numeric-sort";
+ static OPT_MONTH_SORT: &str = "month-sort";
+ static OPT_NUMERIC_SORT: &str = "numeric-sort";
++static OPT_GENERAL_NUMERIC_SORT: &str = "general-numeric-sort";
+ static OPT_VERSION_SORT: &str = "version-sort";
+ static OPT_DICTIONARY_ORDER: &str = "dictionary-order";
+ static OPT_MERGE: &str = "merge";
+ static OPT_CHECK: &str = "check";
++static OPT_CHECK_SILENT: &str = "check-silent";
+ static OPT_IGNORE_CASE: &str = "ignore-case";
+ static OPT_IGNORE_BLANKS: &str = "ignore-blanks";
++static OPT_IGNORE_NONPRINTING: &str = "ignore-nonprinting";
+ static OPT_OUTPUT: &str = "output";
+ static OPT_REVERSE: &str = "reverse";
+ static OPT_STABLE: &str = "stable";
+ static OPT_UNIQUE: &str = "unique";
+ static OPT_RANDOM: &str = "random-sort";
++static OPT_ZERO_TERMINATED: &str = "zero-terminated";
++static OPT_PARALLEL: &str = "parallel";
++static OPT_FILES0_FROM: &str = "files0-from";
+ static ARG_FILES: &str = "files";
+ static DECIMAL_PT: char = '.';
+ static THOUSANDS_SEP: char = ',';
++static NEGATIVE: char = '-';
++static POSITIVE: char = '+';
+ #[derive(Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
+ enum SortMode {
+     Numeric,
+     HumanNumeric,
++    GeneralNumeric,
+     Month,
+     Version,
+     Default,
+@@ -67,10 +83,13 @@ struct Settings {
+     stable: bool,
+     unique: bool,
+     check: bool,
++    check_silent: bool,
+     random: bool,
+-    compare_fns: Vec<fn(&str, &str) -> Ordering>,
++    compare_fn: fn(&str, &str) -> Ordering,
+     transform_fns: Vec<fn(&str) -> String>,
++    threads: String,
+     salt: String,
++    zero_terminated: bool,
+ }
+ impl Default for Settings {
+@@ -83,10 +102,13 @@ impl Default for Settings {
+             stable: false,
+             unique: false,
+             check: false,
++            check_silent: false,
+             random: false,
+-            compare_fns: Vec::new(),
++            compare_fn: default_compare,
+             transform_fns: Vec::new(),
++            threads: String::new(),
+             salt: String::new(),
++            zero_terminated: false,
+         }
+     }
+ }
+@@ -206,6 +228,12 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+                 .long(OPT_NUMERIC_SORT)
+                 .help("compare according to string numerical value"),
+         )
++        .arg(
++            Arg::with_name(OPT_GENERAL_NUMERIC_SORT)
++                .short("g")
++                .long(OPT_GENERAL_NUMERIC_SORT)
++                .help("compare according to string general numerical value"),
++        )
+         .arg(
+             Arg::with_name(OPT_VERSION_SORT)
+                 .short("V")
+@@ -230,12 +258,24 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+                 .long(OPT_CHECK)
+                 .help("check for sorted input; do not sort"),
+         )
++        .arg(
++            Arg::with_name(OPT_CHECK_SILENT)
++                .short("C")
++                .long(OPT_CHECK_SILENT)
++                .help("exit successfully if the given file is already sorted, and exit with status 1 otherwise. "),
++        )
+         .arg(
+             Arg::with_name(OPT_IGNORE_CASE)
+                 .short("f")
+                 .long(OPT_IGNORE_CASE)
+                 .help("fold lower case to upper case characters"),
+         )
++        .arg(
++            Arg::with_name(OPT_IGNORE_NONPRINTING)
++                .short("-i")
++                .long(OPT_IGNORE_NONPRINTING)
++                .help("ignore nonprinting characters"),
++        )
+         .arg(
+             Arg::with_name(OPT_IGNORE_BLANKS)
+                 .short("b")
+@@ -274,18 +314,65 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+                 .long(OPT_UNIQUE)
+                 .help("output only the first of an equal run"),
+         )
++        .arg(
++            Arg::with_name(OPT_ZERO_TERMINATED)
++                .short("z")
++                .long(OPT_ZERO_TERMINATED)
++                .help("line delimiter is NUL, not newline"),
++        )
++        .arg(
++            Arg::with_name(OPT_PARALLEL)
++                .long(OPT_PARALLEL)
++                .help("change the number of threads running concurrently to N")
++                .takes_value(true)
++                .value_name("NUM_THREADS"),
++        )
++        .arg(
++            Arg::with_name(OPT_FILES0_FROM)
++                .long(OPT_FILES0_FROM)
++                .help("read input from the files specified by NUL-terminated NUL_FILES")
++                .takes_value(true)
++                .value_name("NUL_FILES")
++                .multiple(true),
++        )
+         .arg(Arg::with_name(ARG_FILES).multiple(true).takes_value(true))
+         .get_matches_from(args);
+-    let mut files: Vec<String> = matches
+-        .values_of(ARG_FILES)
+-        .map(|v| v.map(ToString::to_string).collect())
+-        .unwrap_or_default();
++    // check whether user specified a zero terminated list of files for input, otherwise read files from args
++    let mut files: Vec<String> = if matches.is_present(OPT_FILES0_FROM) {
++        let files0_from: Vec<String> = matches
++            .values_of(OPT_FILES0_FROM)
++            .map(|v| v.map(ToString::to_string).collect())
++            .unwrap_or_default();
++        let mut files = Vec::new();
++        for path in &files0_from {
++            let (reader, _) = open(path.as_str()).expect("Could not read from file specified.");
++            let buf_reader = BufReader::new(reader);
++            for line in buf_reader.split(b'\0') {
++                if let Ok(n) = line {
++                    files.push(
++                        std::str::from_utf8(&n)
++                            .expect("Could not parse zero terminated string from input.")
++                            .to_string(),
++                    );
++                }
++            }
++        }
++        files
++    } else {
++        matches
++            .values_of(ARG_FILES)
++            .map(|v| v.map(ToString::to_string).collect())
++            .unwrap_or_default()
++    };
+     settings.mode = if matches.is_present(OPT_HUMAN_NUMERIC_SORT) {
+         SortMode::HumanNumeric
+     } else if matches.is_present(OPT_MONTH_SORT) {
+         SortMode::Month
++    } else if matches.is_present(OPT_GENERAL_NUMERIC_SORT) {
++        SortMode::GeneralNumeric
+     } else if matches.is_present(OPT_NUMERIC_SORT) {
+         SortMode::Numeric
+     } else if matches.is_present(OPT_VERSION_SORT) {
+@@ -294,12 +381,29 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+         SortMode::Default
+     };
++    if matches.is_present(OPT_PARALLEL) {
++        // "0" is default - threads = num of cores
++        settings.threads = matches
++            .value_of(OPT_PARALLEL)
++            .map(String::from)
++            .unwrap_or("0".to_string());
++        env::set_var("RAYON_NUM_THREADS", &settings.threads);
++    }
+     if matches.is_present(OPT_DICTIONARY_ORDER) {
+         settings.transform_fns.push(remove_nondictionary_chars);
++    } else if matches.is_present(OPT_IGNORE_NONPRINTING) {
++        settings.transform_fns.push(remove_nonprinting_chars);
+     }
++    settings.zero_terminated = matches.is_present(OPT_ZERO_TERMINATED);
+     settings.merge = matches.is_present(OPT_MERGE);
+     settings.check = matches.is_present(OPT_CHECK);
++    if matches.is_present(OPT_CHECK_SILENT) {
++        settings.check_silent = matches.is_present(OPT_CHECK_SILENT);
++        settings.check = true;
++    };
+     if matches.is_present(OPT_IGNORE_CASE) {
+         settings.transform_fns.push(|s| s.to_uppercase());
+@@ -327,20 +431,14 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+         crash!(1, "sort: extra operand `{}' not allowed with -c", files[1])
+     }
+-    settings.compare_fns.push(match settings.mode {
++    settings.compare_fn = match settings.mode {
+         SortMode::Numeric => numeric_compare,
++        SortMode::GeneralNumeric => general_numeric_compare,
+         SortMode::HumanNumeric => human_numeric_size_compare,
+         SortMode::Month => month_compare,
+         SortMode::Version => version_compare,
+         SortMode::Default => default_compare,
+-    });
+-    if !settings.stable {
+-        match settings.mode {
+-            SortMode::Default => {}
+-            _ => settings.compare_fns.push(default_compare),
+-        }
+-    }
++    };
+     exec(files, &mut settings)
+ }
+@@ -359,67 +457,79 @@ fn exec(files: Vec<String>, settings: &mut Settings) -> i32 {
+         if settings.merge {
+             file_merger.push_file(buf_reader.lines());
+-        } else if settings.check {
+-            return exec_check_file(buf_reader.lines(), &settings);
++        } else if settings.zero_terminated {
++            for line in buf_reader.split(b'\0') {
++                if let Ok(n) = line {
++                    lines.push(
++                        std::str::from_utf8(&n)
++                            .expect("Could not parse string from zero terminated input.")
++                            .to_string(),
++                    );
++                }
++            }
+         } else {
+             for line in buf_reader.lines() {
+                 if let Ok(n) = line {
+                     lines.push(n);
+-                } else {
+-                    break;
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+     }
+-    sort_by(&mut lines, &settings);
++    if settings.check {
++        return exec_check_file(lines, &settings);
++    } else {
++        sort_by(&mut lines, &settings);
++    }
+     if settings.merge {
+         if settings.unique {
+-            print_sorted(file_merger.dedup(), &settings.outfile)
++            print_sorted(file_merger.dedup(), &settings)
+         } else {
+-            print_sorted(file_merger, &settings.outfile)
++            print_sorted(file_merger, &settings)
+         }
+-    } else if settings.unique && settings.mode == SortMode::Numeric {
++    } else if settings.mode == SortMode::Month && settings.unique {
+         print_sorted(
+             lines
+                 .iter()
+-                .dedup_by(|a, b| num_sort_dedup(a) == num_sort_dedup(b)),
+-            &settings.outfile,
++                .dedup_by(|a, b| get_months_dedup(a) == get_months_dedup(b)),
++            &settings,
+         )
+     } else if settings.unique {
+-        print_sorted(lines.iter().dedup(), &settings.outfile)
++        print_sorted(
++            lines
++                .iter()
++                .dedup_by(|a, b| get_nums_dedup(a) == get_nums_dedup(b)),
++            &settings,
++        )
+     } else {
+-        print_sorted(lines.iter(), &settings.outfile)
++        print_sorted(lines.iter(), &settings)
+     }
+     0
+ }
+-fn exec_check_file(lines: Lines<BufReader<Box<dyn Read>>>, settings: &Settings) -> i32 {
++fn exec_check_file(unwrapped_lines: Vec<String>, settings: &Settings) -> i32 {
+     // errors yields the line before each disorder,
+     // plus the last line (quirk of .coalesce())
+-    let unwrapped_lines = lines.filter_map(|maybe_line| {
+-        if let Ok(line) = maybe_line {
+-            Some(line)
+-        } else {
+-            None
+-        }
+-    });
+-    let mut errors = unwrapped_lines
+-        .enumerate()
+-        .coalesce(|(last_i, last_line), (i, line)| {
+-            if compare_by(&last_line, &line, &settings) == Ordering::Greater {
+-                Err(((last_i, last_line), (i, line)))
+-            } else {
+-                Ok((i, line))
+-            }
+-        });
++    let mut errors =
++        unwrapped_lines
++            .iter()
++            .enumerate()
++            .coalesce(|(last_i, last_line), (i, line)| {
++                if compare_by(&last_line, &line, &settings) == Ordering::Greater {
++                    Err(((last_i, last_line), (i, line)))
++                } else {
++                    Ok((i, line))
++                }
++            });
+     if let Some((first_error_index, _line)) = errors.next() {
+         // Check for a second "error", as .coalesce() always returns the last
+         // line, no matter what our merging function does.
+         if let Some(_last_line_or_next_error) = errors.next() {
+-            println!("sort: disorder in line {}", first_error_index);
++            if !settings.check_silent {
++                println!("sort: disorder in line {}", first_error_index);
++            };
+             1
+         } else {
+             // first "error" was actually the last line.
+@@ -431,8 +541,9 @@ fn exec_check_file(lines: Lines<BufReader<Box<dyn Read>>>, settings: &Settings)
+     }
+ }
+ fn transform(line: &str, settings: &Settings) -> String {
+-    let mut transformed = line.to_string();
++    let mut transformed = line.to_owned();
+     for transform_fn in &settings.transform_fns {
+         transformed = transform_fn(&transformed);
+     }
+@@ -440,8 +551,9 @@ fn transform(line: &str, settings: &Settings) -> String {
+     transformed
+ }
+ fn sort_by(lines: &mut Vec<String>, settings: &Settings) {
+-    lines.sort_by(|a, b| compare_by(a, b, &settings))
++    lines.par_sort_by(|a, b| compare_by(a, b, &settings))
+ }
+ fn compare_by(a: &str, b: &str, settings: &Settings) -> Ordering {
+@@ -454,72 +566,198 @@ fn compare_by(a: &str, b: &str, settings: &Settings) -> Ordering {
+         (a, b)
+     };
+-    for compare_fn in &settings.compare_fns {
+-        let cmp: Ordering = if settings.random {
+-            random_shuffle(a, b, settings.salt.clone())
++    // 1st Compare
++    let mut cmp: Ordering = if settings.random {
++        random_shuffle(a, b, settings.salt.clone())
++    } else {
++        (settings.compare_fn)(a, b)
++    };
++    // Call "last resort compare" on any equal
++    if cmp == Ordering::Equal {
++        if settings.random || settings.stable || settings.unique {
++            cmp = Ordering::Equal
+         } else {
+-            compare_fn(a, b)
++            cmp = default_compare(a, b)
+         };
+-        if cmp != Ordering::Equal {
+-            if settings.reverse {
+-                return cmp.reverse();
+-            } else {
+-                return cmp;
+-            }
+-        }
++    };
++    if settings.reverse {
++        return cmp.reverse();
++    } else {
++        return cmp;
+     }
+-    Ordering::Equal
+ }
++// Test output against BSDs and GNU with their locale
++// env var set to lc_ctype=utf-8 to enjoy the exact same output.
+ fn default_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
+     a.cmp(b)
+ }
+-fn get_leading_number(a: &str) -> &str {
++// This function does the initial detection of numeric lines.
++// Lines starting with a number or positive or negative sign.
++// It also strips the string of any thing that could never
++// be a number for the purposes of any type of numeric comparison.
++fn leading_num_common(a: &str) -> &str {
+     let mut s = "";
+-    for c in a.chars() {
+-        if !c.is_numeric() && !c.eq(&'-') && !c.eq(&' ') && !c.eq(&'.') && !c.eq(&',') {
+-            s = a.trim().split(c).next().unwrap();
++    for (idx, c) in a.char_indices() {
++        // check whether char is numeric, whitespace or decimal point or thousand seperator
++        if !c.is_numeric()
++            && !c.is_whitespace()
++            && !c.eq(&DECIMAL_PT)
++            && !c.eq(&THOUSANDS_SEP)
++            // check for e notation
++            && !c.eq(&'e')
++            && !c.eq(&'E')
++            // check whether first char is + or -
++            && !a.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or('\0').eq(&POSITIVE)
++            && !a.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or('\0').eq(&NEGATIVE)
++        {
++            // Strip string of non-numeric trailing chars
++            s = &a[..idx];
+             break;
+         }
+-        s = a.trim();
++        // If line is not a number line, return the line as is
++        s = a;
+     }
+-    return s;
++    s
+ }
+-// Matches GNU behavior, see:
+-// https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/sort-invocation.html
+-// Specifically *not* the same as sort -n | uniq
+-fn num_sort_dedup(a: &str) -> &str {
+-    // Empty lines are dumped
+-    if a.is_empty() {
+-        return "0";
+-    // And lines that don't begin numerically are dumped
+-    } else if !a.trim().chars().nth(0).unwrap_or('\0').is_numeric() {
+-        return "0";
++// This function cleans up the initial comparison done by leading_num_common for a numeric compare.
++// GNU sort does its numeric comparison through strnumcmp.  However, we don't have or
++// may not want to use libc.  Instead we emulate the GNU sort numeric compare by ignoring
++// those leading number lines GNU sort would not recognize.  GNU numeric compare would
++// not recognize a positive sign or scientific/E notation so we strip those elements here.
++fn get_leading_num(a: &str) -> &str {
++    let mut s = "";
++    let b = leading_num_common(a);
++    // GNU numeric sort doesn't recognize '+' or 'e' notation so we strip
++    for (idx, c) in b.char_indices() {
++        if c.eq(&'e') || c.eq(&'E') || b.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or('\0').eq(&POSITIVE) {
++            s = &b[..idx];
++            break;
++        }
++        // If no further processing needed to be done, return the line as-is to be sorted
++        s = b;
++    }
++    // And empty number or non-number lines are to be treated as ‘0’ but only for numeric sort
++    // All '0'-ed lines will be sorted later, but only amongst themselves, during the so-called 'last resort comparison.'
++    if s.is_empty() {
++        s = "0";
++    };
++    s
++// This function cleans up the initial comparison done by leading_num_common for a general numeric compare.
++// In contrast to numeric compare, GNU general numeric/FP sort *should* recognize positive signs and
++// scientific notation, so we strip those lines only after the end of the following numeric string.
++// For example, 5e10KFD would be 5e10 or 5x10^10 and +10000HFKJFK would become 10000.
++fn get_leading_gen(a: &str) -> String {
++    // Make this iter peekable to see if next char is numeric
++    let mut p_iter = leading_num_common(a).chars().peekable();
++    let mut r = String::new();
++    // Cleanup raw stripped strings
++    for c in p_iter.to_owned() {
++        let next_char_numeric = p_iter.peek().unwrap_or(&'\0').is_numeric();
++        // Only general numeric recognizes e notation and, see block below, the '+' sign
++        if (c.eq(&'e') && !next_char_numeric)
++            || (c.eq(&'E') && !next_char_numeric)
++        {
++            r = a.split(c).next().unwrap_or("").to_owned();
++            break;
++        // If positive sign and next char is not numeric, split at postive sign at keep trailing numbers
++        // There is a more elegant way to do this in Rust 1.45, std::str::strip_prefix
++        } else if c.eq(&POSITIVE) && !next_char_numeric {
++            let mut v: Vec<&str> = a.split(c).collect();
++            let x = v.split_off(1);
++            r = x.join("");
++            break;
++        // If no further processing needed to be done, return the line as-is to be sorted
++        } else {
++            r = a.to_owned();
++        }
++    }
++    r
++fn get_months_dedup(a: &str) -> String {
++    let pattern = if a.trim().len().ge(&3) {
++        // Split at 3rd char and get first element of tuple ".0"
++        a.split_at(3).0
+     } else {
+-        // Prepare lines for comparison of only the numerical leading numbers
+-        return get_leading_number(a);
++        ""
+     };
++    let month = match pattern.to_uppercase().as_ref() {
++        "JAN" => Month::January,
++        "FEB" => Month::February,
++        "MAR" => Month::March,
++        "APR" => Month::April,
++        "MAY" => Month::May,
++        "JUN" => Month::June,
++        "JUL" => Month::July,
++        "AUG" => Month::August,
++        "SEP" => Month::September,
++        "OCT" => Month::October,
++        "NOV" => Month::November,
++        "DEC" => Month::December,
++        _ => Month::Unknown,
++    };
++    if month == Month::Unknown {
++        "".to_owned()
++    } else {
++        pattern.to_uppercase()
++    }
++// *For all dedups/uniques we must compare leading numbers*
++// Also note numeric compare and unique output is specifically *not* the same as a "sort | uniq"
++// See: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/sort-invocation.html
++fn get_nums_dedup(a: &str) -> &str {
++    // Trim and remove any leading zeros
++    let s = a.trim().trim_start_matches('0');
++    // Get first char
++    let c = s.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or('\0');
++    // Empty lines and non-number lines are treated as the same for dedup
++    if s.is_empty() {
++        ""
++    } else if !c.eq(&NEGATIVE) && !c.is_numeric() {
++        ""
++    // Prepare lines for comparison of only the numerical leading numbers
++    } else {
++        get_leading_num(s)
++    }
+ }
+ /// Parse the beginning string into an f64, returning -inf instead of NaN on errors.
+ fn permissive_f64_parse(a: &str) -> f64 {
++    // Remove thousands seperators
++    let a = a.replace(THOUSANDS_SEP, "");
+     // GNU sort treats "NaN" as non-number in numeric, so it needs special care.
+-    match a.parse::<f64>() {
++    // *Keep this trim before parse* despite what POSIX may say about -b and -n
++    // because GNU and BSD both seem to require it to match their behavior
++    match a.trim().parse::<f64>() {
+         Ok(a) if a.is_nan() => std::f64::NEG_INFINITY,
+         Ok(a) => a,
+         Err(_) => std::f64::NEG_INFINITY,
+     }
+ }
+-/// Compares two floats, with errors and non-numerics assumed to be -inf.
+-/// Stops coercing at the first non-numeric char.
+ fn numeric_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
+     #![allow(clippy::comparison_chain)]
+-    let sa = get_leading_number(a);
+-    let sb = get_leading_number(b);
++    let sa = get_leading_num(a);
++    let sb = get_leading_num(b);
+     let fa = permissive_f64_parse(sa);
+     let fb = permissive_f64_parse(sb);
+@@ -534,19 +772,50 @@ fn numeric_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
+     }
+ }
++/// Compares two floats, with errors and non-numerics assumed to be -inf.
++/// Stops coercing at the first non-numeric char.
++fn general_numeric_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
++    #![allow(clippy::comparison_chain)]
++    let sa = get_leading_gen(a);
++    let sb = get_leading_gen(b);
++    let fa = permissive_f64_parse(&sa);
++    let fb = permissive_f64_parse(&sb);
++    // f64::cmp isn't implemented (due to NaN issues); implement directly instead
++    if fa > fb {
++        Ordering::Greater
++    } else if fa < fb {
++        Ordering::Less
++    } else {
++        Ordering::Equal
++    }
++// GNU/BSD does not handle converting numbers to an equal scale
++// properly.  GNU/BSD simply recognize that there is a human scale and sorts
++// those numbers ahead of other number inputs. There are perhaps limits
++// to the type of behavior we should emulate, and this might be such a limit.
++// Properly handling these units seems like a value add to me. And when sorting
++// these types of numbers, we rarely care about pure performance.
+ fn human_numeric_convert(a: &str) -> f64 {
+-    let int_str = get_leading_number(a);
+-    let (_, s) = a.split_at(int_str.len());
+-    let int_part = permissive_f64_parse(int_str);
+-    let suffix: f64 = match s.parse().unwrap_or('\0') {
+-        'K' => 1000f64,
++    let num_str = get_leading_num(a);
++    let suffix = a.trim_start_matches(num_str);
++    let num_part = permissive_f64_parse(num_str);
++    let suffix: f64 = match suffix.parse().unwrap_or('\0') {
++        // SI Units
++        'K' => 1E3,
+         'M' => 1E6,
+         'G' => 1E9,
+         'T' => 1E12,
+         'P' => 1E15,
+-        _ => 1f64,
++        'E' => 1E18,
++        'Z' => 1E21,
++        'Y' => 1E24,
++         _ => 1f64,
+     };
+-    int_part * suffix
++    num_part * suffix
+ }
+ /// Compare two strings as if they are human readable sizes.
+@@ -555,6 +824,7 @@ fn human_numeric_size_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
+     #![allow(clippy::comparison_chain)]
+     let fa = human_numeric_convert(a);
+     let fb = human_numeric_convert(b);
+     // f64::cmp isn't implemented (due to NaN issues); implement directly instead
+     if fa > fb {
+         Ordering::Greater
+@@ -565,16 +835,6 @@ fn human_numeric_size_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
+     }
+ }
+-fn random_shuffle(a: &str, b: &str, salt: String) -> Ordering {
+-    #![allow(clippy::comparison_chain)]
+-    let salt_slice = salt.as_str();
+-    let da = hash(&[a, salt_slice].concat());
+-    let db = hash(&[b, salt_slice].concat());
+-    da.cmp(&db)
+ fn get_rand_string() -> String {
+     thread_rng()
+         .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric)
+@@ -583,12 +843,22 @@ fn get_rand_string() -> String {
+         .collect::<String>()
+ }
+-fn hash<T: Hash>(t: &T) -> u64 {
+-    let mut s: XxHash64 = Default::default();
++fn get_hash<T: Hash>(t: &T) -> u64 {
++    let mut s: FnvHasher = Default::default();
+     t.hash(&mut s);
+     s.finish()
+ }
++fn random_shuffle(a: &str, b: &str, x: String) -> Ordering {
++    #![allow(clippy::comparison_chain)]
++    let salt_slice = x.as_str();
++    let da = get_hash(&[a, salt_slice].concat());
++    let db = get_hash(&[b, salt_slice].concat());
++    da.cmp(&db)
+ #[derive(Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
+ enum Month {
+     Unknown,
+@@ -608,13 +878,15 @@ enum Month {
+ /// Parse the beginning string into a Month, returning Month::Unknown on errors.
+ fn month_parse(line: &str) -> Month {
+-    match line
+-        .split_whitespace()
+-        .next()
+-        .unwrap()
+-        .to_uppercase()
+-        .as_ref()
+-    {
++    // GNU splits at any 3 letter match "JUNNNN" is JUN
++    let pattern = if line.trim().len().ge(&3) {
++        // Split a 3 and get first element of tuple ".0"
++        line.split_at(3).0
++    } else {
++        ""
++    };
++    match pattern.to_uppercase().as_ref() {
+         "JAN" => Month::January,
+         "FEB" => Month::February,
+         "MAR" => Month::March,
+@@ -632,7 +904,16 @@ fn month_parse(line: &str) -> Month {
+ }
+ fn month_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
+-    month_parse(a).cmp(&month_parse(b))
++    let ma = month_parse(a);
++    let mb = month_parse(b);
++    if ma > mb {
++        Ordering::Greater
++    } else if ma < mb {
++        Ordering::Less
++    } else {
++        Ordering::Equal
++    }
+ }
+ fn version_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
+@@ -650,19 +931,26 @@ fn version_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
+ }
+ fn remove_nondictionary_chars(s: &str) -> String {
+-    // Using 'is_ascii_whitespace()' instead of 'is_whitespace()', because it
+-    // uses only symbols compatible with UNIX sort (space, tab, newline).
+-    // 'is_whitespace()' uses more symbols as whitespace (e.g. vertical tab).
++    // According to GNU, dictionary chars are those of ASCII
++    // and a blank is a space or a tab
++    s.chars()
++        .filter(|c| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c.is_ascii_whitespace())
++        .collect::<String>()
++fn remove_nonprinting_chars(s: &str) -> String {
++    // However, GNU says nonprinting chars are more permissive.
++    // All of ASCII except control chars ie, escape, newline
+     s.chars()
+-        .filter(|c| c.is_alphanumeric() || c.is_ascii_whitespace())
++        .filter(|c| c.is_ascii() && !c.is_ascii_control())
+         .collect::<String>()
+ }
+-fn print_sorted<S, T: Iterator<Item = S>>(iter: T, outfile: &Option<String>)
++fn print_sorted<S, T: Iterator<Item = S>>(iter: T, settings: &Settings)
+ where
+     S: std::fmt::Display,
+ {
+-    let mut file: Box<dyn Write> = match *outfile {
++    let mut file: Box<dyn Write> = match settings.outfile {
+         Some(ref filename) => match File::create(Path::new(&filename)) {
+             Ok(f) => Box::new(BufWriter::new(f)) as Box<dyn Write>,
+             Err(e) => {
+@@ -673,9 +961,16 @@ where
+         None => Box::new(stdout()) as Box<dyn Write>,
+     };
+-    for line in iter {
+-        let str = format!("{}\n", line);
+-        crash_if_err!(1, file.write_all(str.as_bytes()))
++    if settings.zero_terminated {
++        for line in iter {
++            let str = format!("{}\0", line);
++            crash_if_err!(1, file.write_all(str.as_bytes()));
++        }
++    } else {
++        for line in iter {
++            let str = format!("{}\n", line);
++            crash_if_err!(1, file.write_all(str.as_bytes()));
++        }
+     }
+ }
+@@ -700,6 +995,22 @@ mod tests {
+     use super::*;
++    #[test]
++    fn test_get_hash() {
++        let a = "Ted".to_string();
++        assert_eq!(2646829031758483623, get_hash(&a));
++    }
++    #[test]
++    fn test_random_shuffle() {
++        let a = "Ted";
++        let b = "Ted";
++        let c = get_rand_string();
++        assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, random_shuffle(a, b, c));
++    }
+     #[test]
+     fn test_default_compare() {
+         let a = "your own";
+@@ -746,13 +1057,4 @@ mod tests {
+         assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, version_compare(a, b));
+     }
+-    #[test]
+-    fn test_random_compare() {
+-        let a = "9";
+-        let b = "9";
+-        let c = get_rand_string();
+-        assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, random_shuffle(a, b, c));
+-    }
+ }
+diff --git a/tests/by-util/test_sort.rs b/tests/by-util/test_sort.rs
+index 2bac71d..43aaf1d 100644
+--- a/tests/by-util/test_sort.rs
++++ b/tests/by-util/test_sort.rs
+@@ -1,58 +1,228 @@
+ use crate::common::util::*;
++fn test_check_zero_terminated_failure() {
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .arg("-z")
++        .arg("-c")
++        .arg("zero-terminated.txt")
++        .fails()
++        .stdout_is("sort: disorder in line 0\n");
++fn test_check_zero_terminated_success() {
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .arg("-z")
++        .arg("-c")
++        .arg("zero-terminated.expected")
++        .succeeds();
++fn test_random_shuffle_len() {
++    // check whether output is the same length as the input
++    const FILE: &'static str = "default_unsorted_ints.expected";
++    let (at, _ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!();
++    let result = new_ucmd!().arg("-R").arg(FILE).run().stdout;
++    let expected = at.read(FILE);
++    assert_ne!(result, expected);
++    assert_eq!(result.len(), expected.len());
++fn test_random_shuffle_contains_all_lines() {
++    // check whether lines of input are all in output
++    const FILE: &'static str = "default_unsorted_ints.expected";
++    let (at, _ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!();
++    let result = new_ucmd!().arg("-R").arg(FILE).run().stdout;
++    let expected = at.read(FILE);
++    let result_sorted = new_ucmd!().pipe_in(result.clone()).run().stdout;
++    assert_ne!(result, expected);
++    assert_eq!(result_sorted, expected);
++fn test_random_shuffle_contains_two_runs_not_the_same() {
++    // check to verify that two random shuffles are not equal; this has the
++    // potential to fail in the unlikely event that random order is the same
++    // as the starting order, or if both random sorts end up having the same order.
++    const FILE: &'static str = "default_unsorted_ints.expected";
++    let (at, _ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!();
++    let result = new_ucmd!().arg("-R").arg(FILE).run().stdout;
++    let expected = at.read(FILE);
++    let unexpected = new_ucmd!().arg("-R").arg(FILE).run().stdout;
++    assert_ne!(result, expected);
++    assert_ne!(result, unexpected);
+ #[test]
+ fn test_numeric_floats_and_ints() {
+-    for numeric_sort_param in vec!["-n", "--numeric-sort"] {
+-        let input = "1.444\n8.013\n1\n-8\n1.04\n-1";
++    test_helper("numeric_floats_and_ints", "-n");
++fn test_numeric_floats() {
++    test_helper("numeric_floats", "-n");
++fn test_numeric_floats_with_nan() {
++    test_helper("numeric_floats_with_nan", "-n");
++fn test_numeric_unfixed_floats() {
++    test_helper("numeric_unfixed_floats", "-n");
++fn test_numeric_fixed_floats() {
++    test_helper("numeric_fixed_floats", "-n");
++fn test_numeric_unsorted_ints() {
++    test_helper("numeric_unsorted_ints", "-n");
++fn test_human_block_sizes() {
++    test_helper("human_block_sizes", "-h");
++fn test_month_default() {
++    test_helper("month_default", "-M");
++fn test_month_stable() {
++    test_helper("month_stable", "-Ms");
++fn test_default_unsorted_ints() {
++    test_helper("default_unsorted_ints", "");
++fn test_numeric_unique_ints() {
++    test_helper("numeric_unsorted_ints_unique", "-nu");
++fn test_version() {
++    test_helper("version", "-V");
++fn test_ignore_case() {
++    test_helper("ignore_case", "-f");
++fn test_dictionary_order() {
++    test_helper("dictionary_order", "-d");
++fn test_dictionary_order2() {
++    for non_dictionary_order2_param in vec!["-d"] {
+         new_ucmd!()
+-            .arg(numeric_sort_param)
+-            .pipe_in(input)
++            .pipe_in("a👦🏻aa	b\naaaa	b")
++            .arg(non_dictionary_order2_param)
+             .succeeds()
+-            .stdout_only("-8\n-1\n1\n1.04\n1.444\n8.013\n");
++            .stdout_only("a👦🏻aa	b\naaaa	b\n");
+     }
+ }
+ #[test]
+-fn test_numeric_floats() {
+-    for numeric_sort_param in vec!["-n", "--numeric-sort"] {
+-        let input = "1.444\n8.013\n1.58590\n-8.90880\n1.040000000\n-.05";
++fn test_non_printing_chars() {
++    for non_printing_chars_param in vec!["-i"] {
+         new_ucmd!()
+-            .arg(numeric_sort_param)
+-            .pipe_in(input)
++            .pipe_in("a👦🏻aa	b\naaaa	b")
++            .arg(non_printing_chars_param)
+             .succeeds()
+-            .stdout_only("-8.90880\n-.05\n1.040000000\n1.444\n1.58590\n8.013\n");
++            .stdout_only("aaaa	b\na👦🏻aa	b\n");
+     }
+ }
+ #[test]
+-fn test_numeric_floats_with_nan() {
+-    for numeric_sort_param in vec!["-n", "--numeric-sort"] {
+-        let input = "1.444\n1.0/0.0\n1.58590\n-8.90880\n1.040000000\n-.05";
++fn test_exponents_positive_general_fixed() {
++    for exponents_positive_general_param in vec!["-g"] {
+         new_ucmd!()
+-            .arg(numeric_sort_param)
+-            .pipe_in(input)
++            .pipe_in("100E6\n\n50e10\n+100000\n\n10000K78\n10E\n\n\n1000EDKLD\n\n\n100E6\n\n50e10\n+100000\n\n")
++            .arg(exponents_positive_general_param)
+             .succeeds()
+-            .stdout_only("-8.90880\n-.05\n1.0/0.0\n1.040000000\n1.444\n1.58590\n");
++            .stdout_only("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n10000K78\n1000EDKLD\n10E\n+100000\n+100000\n100E6\n100E6\n50e10\n50e10\n");
+     }
+ }
+ #[test]
+-fn test_numeric_unfixed_floats() {
+-    test_helper("numeric_fixed_floats", "-n");
++fn test_exponents_positive_numeric() {
++    test_helper("exponents-positive-numeric", "-n");
+ }
+ #[test]
+-fn test_numeric_fixed_floats() {
+-    test_helper("numeric_fixed_floats", "-n");
++fn test_months_dedup() {
++    test_helper("months-dedup", "-Mu");
+ }
+ #[test]
+-fn test_numeric_unsorted_ints() {
+-    test_helper("numeric_unsorted_ints", "-n");
++fn test_mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric() {
++    test_helper("mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric", "-n");
+ }
+ #[test]
+-fn test_human_block_sizes() {
++fn test_mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique() {
++    test_helper("mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique", "-nu");
++fn test_mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse() {
++    test_helper("mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse", "-nur");
++fn test_mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_stable() {
++    test_helper("mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_stable", "-ns");
++fn test_numeric_floats_and_ints2() {
++    for numeric_sort_param in vec!["-n", "--numeric-sort"] {
++        let input = "1.444\n8.013\n1\n-8\n1.04\n-1";
++        new_ucmd!()
++            .arg(numeric_sort_param)
++            .pipe_in(input)
++            .succeeds()
++            .stdout_only("-8\n-1\n1\n1.04\n1.444\n8.013\n");
++    }
++fn test_numeric_floats2() {
++    for numeric_sort_param in vec!["-n", "--numeric-sort"] {
++        let input = "1.444\n8.013\n1.58590\n-8.90880\n1.040000000\n-.05";
++        new_ucmd!()
++            .arg(numeric_sort_param)
++            .pipe_in(input)
++            .succeeds()
++            .stdout_only("-8.90880\n-.05\n1.040000000\n1.444\n1.58590\n8.013\n");
++    }
++fn test_numeric_floats_with_nan2() {
++    test_helper("numeric-floats-with-nan2", "-n");
++fn test_human_block_sizes2() {
+     for human_numeric_sort_param in vec!["-h", "--human-numeric-sort"] {
+         let input = "8981K\n909991M\n-8T\n21G\n0.8M";
+         new_ucmd!()
+@@ -64,7 +234,7 @@ fn test_human_block_sizes() {
+ }
+ #[test]
+-fn test_month_default() {
++fn test_month_default2() {
+     for month_sort_param in vec!["-M", "--month-sort"] {
+         let input = "JAn\nMAY\n000may\nJun\nFeb";
+         new_ucmd!()
+@@ -76,12 +246,7 @@ fn test_month_default() {
+ }
+ #[test]
+-fn test_month_stable() {
+-    test_helper("month_stable", "-Ms");
+-fn test_default_unsorted_ints() {
++fn test_default_unsorted_ints2() {
+     let input = "9\n1909888\n000\n1\n2";
+     new_ucmd!()
+         .pipe_in(input)
+@@ -90,7 +255,7 @@ fn test_default_unsorted_ints() {
+ }
+ #[test]
+-fn test_numeric_unique_ints() {
++fn test_numeric_unique_ints2() {
+     for numeric_unique_sort_param in vec!["-nu"] {
+         let input = "9\n9\n8\n1\n";
+         new_ucmd!()
+@@ -102,18 +267,8 @@ fn test_numeric_unique_ints() {
+ }
+ #[test]
+-fn test_version() {
+-    test_helper("version", "-V");
+-fn test_ignore_case() {
+-    test_helper("ignore_case", "-f");
+-fn test_dictionary_order() {
+-    test_helper("dictionary_order", "-d");
++fn test_zero_terminated() {
++    test_helper("zero-terminated", "-z");
+ }
+ #[test]
+@@ -192,6 +347,15 @@ fn test_check() {
+         .stdout_is("");
+ }
++fn test_check_silent() {
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .arg("-C")
++        .arg("check_fail.txt")
++        .fails()
++        .stdout_is("");
+ fn test_helper(file_name: &str, args: &str) {
+     new_ucmd!()
+         .arg(args)
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-general.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-general.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3dbc92f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-general.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-general.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-general.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..23ea527
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-general.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-numeric.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-numeric.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..174088f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-numeric.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-numeric.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-numeric.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..23ea527
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/exponents-positive-numeric.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-reverse.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-reverse.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37e1762
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-reverse.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++789----009999   90-0   90-0
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-reverse.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-reverse.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d8b5124
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-reverse.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++789----009999   90-0   90-0
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-stable.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-stable.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0fcdcdb
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-stable.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++789----009999   90-0   90-0
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-stable.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-stable.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d8b5124
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-stable.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++789----009999   90-0   90-0
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-unique.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-unique.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..50f53b6
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-unique.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
++789----009999   90-0   90-0
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-unique.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-unique.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d8b5124
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs-unique.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++789----009999   90-0   90-0
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1f900a8
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++789----009999   90-0   90-0
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..cfd8a9d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/human-mixed-inputs.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
++789----009999   90-0   90-0
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a781a36
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++               4567.
++				37800
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a5813ea
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++               4567.
++				37800
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6b02421
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++				37800
++               4567.
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse_stable.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse_stable.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..cb1028f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse_stable.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++				37800
++               4567.
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse_stable.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse_stable.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a5813ea
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_reverse_stable.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++               4567.
++				37800
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_stable.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_stable.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..63a3e64
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_stable.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++               4567.
++				37800
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_stable.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_stable.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a5813ea
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_stable.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++               4567.
++				37800
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..cb27c66
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
++               4567.
++				37800
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a5813ea
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++               4567.
++				37800
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..bbce169
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
++				37800
++               4567.
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a5813ea
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++               4567.
++				37800
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_stable.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_stable.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..bbce169
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_stable.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
++				37800
++               4567.
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_stable.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_stable.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a5813ea
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_stable.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++               4567.
++				37800
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/months-dedup.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/months-dedup.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a2821f2
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/months-dedup.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/months-dedup.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/months-dedup.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d8b5124
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/months-dedup.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++789----009999   90-0   90-0
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/numeric-floats-with-nan2.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/numeric-floats-with-nan2.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..51c9985
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/numeric-floats-with-nan2.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/numeric-floats-with-nan2.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/numeric-floats-with-nan2.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9b78741
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/numeric-floats-with-nan2.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/zero-terminated.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/zero-terminated.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4e53b30
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/zero-terminated.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/zero-terminated.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/zero-terminated.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..5c547c8
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/zero-terminated.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/patches/Sort-Various-fixes-and-performance-improvements.patch b/debian/patches/Sort-Various-fixes-and-performance-improvements.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6023dbe737879129cbcfb102072386a773f05ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/Sort-Various-fixes-and-performance-improvements.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+From: electricboogie <32370782+electricboogie@users.noreply.github.com>
+Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2021 04:56:20 -0500
+Subject: Sort: Various fixes and performance improvements (#2057)
+* Various fixes and performance improvements
+* fix a typo
+Co-authored-by: Michael Debertol <michael.debertol@gmail.com>
+Co-authored-by: Sylvestre Ledru <sledru@mozilla.com>
+Co-authored-by: Michael Debertol <michael.debertol@gmail.com>
+Origin: upstream, https://github.com/uutils/coreutils/commit/e5113ad00ef76032cc15b0052877c23a48783d4a
+ src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs                            | 114 ++++++++++++++-------
+ tests/.DS_Store                                    | Bin 0 -> 6160 bytes
+ tests/by-util/test_sort.rs                         |  49 +++++++--
+ tests/fixtures/.DS_Store                           |   1 +
+ ...ts_chars_numeric_unique_reverse_stable.expected |  20 ++++
+ tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals.expected     |  33 ++++++
+ tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals_general.txt  |  35 +++++++
+ tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals_numeric.txt  |  35 +++++++
+ 8 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 tests/.DS_Store
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/.DS_Store
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse_stable.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals.expected
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals_general.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals_numeric.txt
+diff --git a/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs b/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs
+index cf6c258..88f7bc7 100644
+--- a/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs
++++ b/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
+ use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
+ use rayon::prelude::*;
+ use semver::Version;
++use std::borrow::Cow;
+ use std::cmp::Ordering;
+ use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
+ use std::env;
+@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+             Arg::with_name(OPT_CHECK_SILENT)
+                 .short("C")
+                 .long(OPT_CHECK_SILENT)
+-                .help("exit successfully if the given file is already sorted, and exit with status 1 otherwise. "),
++                .help("exit successfully if the given file is already sorted, and exit with status 1 otherwise."),
+         )
+         .arg(
+             Arg::with_name(OPT_IGNORE_CASE)
+@@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+                 if let Ok(n) = line {
+                     files.push(
+                         std::str::from_utf8(&n)
+-                            .expect("Could not parse zero terminated string from input.")
++                            .expect("Could not parse string from zero terminated input.")
+                             .to_string(),
+                     );
+                 }
+@@ -488,6 +489,8 @@ fn exec(files: Vec<String>, settings: &mut Settings) -> i32 {
+         } else {
+             print_sorted(file_merger, &settings)
+         }
++    } else if settings.mode == SortMode::Default && settings.unique {
++        print_sorted(lines.iter().dedup(), &settings)
+     } else if settings.mode == SortMode::Month && settings.unique {
+         print_sorted(
+             lines
+@@ -499,7 +502,7 @@ fn exec(files: Vec<String>, settings: &mut Settings) -> i32 {
+         print_sorted(
+             lines
+                 .iter()
+-                .dedup_by(|a, b| get_nums_dedup(a) == get_nums_dedup(b)),
++                .dedup_by(|a, b| get_num_dedup(a, &settings) == get_num_dedup(b, &settings)),
+             &settings,
+         )
+     } else {
+@@ -603,12 +606,13 @@ fn default_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn leading_num_common(a: &str) -> &str {
+     let mut s = "";
++    // check whether char is numeric, whitespace or decimal point or thousand separator
+     for (idx, c) in a.char_indices() {
+-        // check whether char is numeric, whitespace or decimal point or thousand seperator
+         if !c.is_numeric()
+             && !c.is_whitespace()
+-            && !c.eq(&DECIMAL_PT)
+             && !c.eq(&THOUSANDS_SEP)
++            && !c.eq(&DECIMAL_PT)
+             // check for e notation
+             && !c.eq(&'e')
+             && !c.eq(&'E')
+@@ -621,7 +625,7 @@ fn leading_num_common(a: &str) -> &str {
+             break;
+         }
+         // If line is not a number line, return the line as is
+-        s = a;
++        s = &a;
+     }
+     s
+ }
+@@ -633,16 +637,17 @@ fn leading_num_common(a: &str) -> &str {
+ // not recognize a positive sign or scientific/E notation so we strip those elements here.
+ fn get_leading_num(a: &str) -> &str {
+     let mut s = "";
+-    let b = leading_num_common(a);
+-    // GNU numeric sort doesn't recognize '+' or 'e' notation so we strip
+-    for (idx, c) in b.char_indices() {
+-        if c.eq(&'e') || c.eq(&'E') || b.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or('\0').eq(&POSITIVE) {
+-            s = &b[..idx];
++    let a = leading_num_common(a);
++    // GNU numeric sort doesn't recognize '+' or 'e' notation so we strip trailing chars
++    for (idx, c) in a.char_indices() {
++        if c.eq(&'e') || c.eq(&'E') || a.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or('\0').eq(&POSITIVE) {
++            s = &a[..idx];
+             break;
+         }
+         // If no further processing needed to be done, return the line as-is to be sorted
+-        s = b;
++        s = &a;
+     }
+     // And empty number or non-number lines are to be treated as ‘0’ but only for numeric sort
+@@ -657,30 +662,32 @@ fn get_leading_num(a: &str) -> &str {
+ // In contrast to numeric compare, GNU general numeric/FP sort *should* recognize positive signs and
+ // scientific notation, so we strip those lines only after the end of the following numeric string.
+ // For example, 5e10KFD would be 5e10 or 5x10^10 and +10000HFKJFK would become 10000.
+-fn get_leading_gen(a: &str) -> String {
++fn get_leading_gen(a: &str) -> &str {
+     // Make this iter peekable to see if next char is numeric
+-    let mut p_iter = leading_num_common(a).chars().peekable();
+-    let mut r = String::new();
++    let raw_leading_num = leading_num_common(a);
++    let mut p_iter = raw_leading_num.chars().peekable();
++    let mut result = "";
+     // Cleanup raw stripped strings
+     for c in p_iter.to_owned() {
+         let next_char_numeric = p_iter.peek().unwrap_or(&'\0').is_numeric();
+-        // Only general numeric recognizes e notation and, see block below, the '+' sign
+-        if (c.eq(&'e') && !next_char_numeric) || (c.eq(&'E') && !next_char_numeric) {
+-            r = a.split(c).next().unwrap_or("").to_owned();
++        // Only general numeric recognizes e notation and the '+' sign
++        if (c.eq(&'e') && !next_char_numeric)
++            || (c.eq(&'E') && !next_char_numeric)
++            // Only GNU (non-general) numeric recognize thousands seperators, takes only leading #
++            || c.eq(&THOUSANDS_SEP)
++        {
++            result = a.split(c).next().unwrap_or("");
+             break;
+         // If positive sign and next char is not numeric, split at postive sign at keep trailing numbers
+         // There is a more elegant way to do this in Rust 1.45, std::str::strip_prefix
+         } else if c.eq(&POSITIVE) && !next_char_numeric {
+-            let mut v: Vec<&str> = a.split(c).collect();
+-            let x = v.split_off(1);
+-            r = x.join("");
++            result = a.trim().trim_start_matches('+');
+             break;
+-        // If no further processing needed to be done, return the line as-is to be sorted
+-        } else {
+-            r = a.to_owned();
+         }
++        // If no further processing needed to be done, return the line as-is to be sorted
++        result = a;
+     }
+-    r
++    result
+ }
+ fn get_months_dedup(a: &str) -> String {
+@@ -714,10 +721,10 @@ fn get_months_dedup(a: &str) -> String {
+     }
+ }
+-// *For all dedups/uniques we must compare leading numbers*
++// *For all dedups/uniques expect default we must compare leading numbers*
+ // Also note numeric compare and unique output is specifically *not* the same as a "sort | uniq"
+ // See: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/sort-invocation.html
+-fn get_nums_dedup(a: &str) -> &str {
++fn get_num_dedup<'a>(a: &'a str, settings: &&mut Settings) -> &'a str {
+     // Trim and remove any leading zeros
+     let s = a.trim().trim_start_matches('0');
+@@ -731,20 +738,50 @@ fn get_nums_dedup(a: &str) -> &str {
+         ""
+     // Prepare lines for comparison of only the numerical leading numbers
+     } else {
+-        get_leading_num(s)
++        let result = match settings.mode {
++            SortMode::Numeric => get_leading_num(s),
++            SortMode::GeneralNumeric => get_leading_gen(s),
++            SortMode::HumanNumeric => get_leading_num(s),
++            SortMode::Version => get_leading_num(s),
++            _ => s,
++        };
++        result
++    }
++fn remove_thousands_sep<'a, S: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(input: S) -> Cow<'a, str> {
++    let input = input.into();
++    if input.contains(THOUSANDS_SEP) {
++        let output = input.replace(THOUSANDS_SEP, "");
++        Cow::Owned(output)
++    } else {
++        input
++    }
++fn remove_trailing_dec<'a, S: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(input: S) -> Cow<'a, str> {
++    let input = input.into();
++    if let Some(s) = input.find(DECIMAL_PT) {
++        let (leading, trailing) = input.split_at(s);
++        let output = [leading, ".", trailing.replace(DECIMAL_PT, "").as_str()].concat();
++        Cow::Owned(output)
++    } else {
++        input
+     }
+ }
+ /// Parse the beginning string into an f64, returning -inf instead of NaN on errors.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn permissive_f64_parse(a: &str) -> f64 {
+-    // Remove thousands seperators
+-    let a = a.replace(THOUSANDS_SEP, "");
+     // GNU sort treats "NaN" as non-number in numeric, so it needs special care.
+     // *Keep this trim before parse* despite what POSIX may say about -b and -n
+     // because GNU and BSD both seem to require it to match their behavior
+-    match a.trim().parse::<f64>() {
++    //
++    // Remove any trailing decimals, ie 4568..890... becomes 4568.890
++    // Then, we trim whitespace and parse
++    match remove_trailing_dec(a).trim().parse::<f64>() {
+         Ok(a) if a.is_nan() => std::f64::NEG_INFINITY,
+         Ok(a) => a,
+         Err(_) => std::f64::NEG_INFINITY,
+@@ -757,8 +794,13 @@ fn numeric_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
+     let sa = get_leading_num(a);
+     let sb = get_leading_num(b);
+-    let fa = permissive_f64_parse(sa);
+-    let fb = permissive_f64_parse(sb);
++    // Avoids a string alloc for every line to remove thousands seperators here
++    // instead of inside the get_leading_num function, which is a HUGE performance benefit
++    let ta = remove_thousands_sep(sa);
++    let tb = remove_thousands_sep(sb);
++    let fa = permissive_f64_parse(&ta);
++    let fb = permissive_f64_parse(&tb);
+     // f64::cmp isn't implemented (due to NaN issues); implement directly instead
+     if fa > fb {
+@@ -799,8 +841,8 @@ fn general_numeric_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
+ // these types of numbers, we rarely care about pure performance.
+ fn human_numeric_convert(a: &str) -> f64 {
+     let num_str = get_leading_num(a);
+-    let suffix = a.trim_start_matches(num_str);
+-    let num_part = permissive_f64_parse(num_str);
++    let suffix = a.trim_start_matches(&num_str);
++    let num_part = permissive_f64_parse(&num_str);
+     let suffix: f64 = match suffix.parse().unwrap_or('\0') {
+         // SI Units
+         'K' => 1E3,
+diff --git a/tests/.DS_Store b/tests/.DS_Store
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3cbbb78
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/.DS_Store
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
++���Bud1������������%���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������@���������������������������������������� ������@������������������������������������������ ������@������������������������������������������ ������@�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������E���%�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������DSDB�����������������������������`����������������������������������������������� 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+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/tests/by-util/test_sort.rs b/tests/by-util/test_sort.rs
+index 43aaf1d..6455d83 100644
+--- a/tests/by-util/test_sort.rs
++++ b/tests/by-util/test_sort.rs
+@@ -1,5 +1,31 @@
+ use crate::common::util::*;
++fn test_helper(file_name: &str, args: &str) {
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .arg(args)
++        .arg(format!("{}.txt", file_name))
++        .succeeds()
++        .stdout_is_fixture(format!("{}.expected", file_name));
++fn test_multiple_decimals_general() {
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .arg("-g")
++        .arg("multiple_decimals_general.txt")
++        .succeeds()
++        .stdout_is("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCARAvan\n-2028789030\n-896689\n-8.90880\n-1\n-.05\n000\n00000001\n1\n1.040000000\n1.444\n1.58590\n8.013\n45\n46.89\n576,446.88800000\n576,446.890\n               4567.\n4567.1\n4567.34\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t4567..457\n\t\t\t\t37800\n\t\t\t\t\t\t45670.89079.098\n\t\t\t\t\t\t45670.89079.1\n4798908.340000000000\n4798908.45\n4798908.8909800\n");
++fn test_multiple_decimals_numeric() {
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .arg("-n")
++        .arg("multiple_decimals_numeric.txt")
++        .succeeds()
++        .stdout_is("-2028789030\n-896689\n-8.90880\n-1\n-.05\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n000\nCARAvan\n00000001\n1\n1.040000000\n1.444\n1.58590\n8.013\n45\n46.89\n               4567.\n4567.1\n4567.34\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t4567..457\n\t\t\t\t37800\n\t\t\t\t\t\t45670.89079.098\n\t\t\t\t\t\t45670.89079.1\n576,446.88800000\n576,446.890\n4798908.340000000000\n4798908.45\n4798908.8909800\n");
+ #[test]
+ fn test_check_zero_terminated_failure() {
+     new_ucmd!()
+@@ -44,6 +70,21 @@ fn test_random_shuffle_contains_all_lines() {
+     assert_eq!(result_sorted, expected);
+ }
++fn test_random_shuffle_two_runs_not_the_same() {
++    // check to verify that two random shuffles are not equal; this has the
++    // potential to fail in the very unlikely event that the random order is the same
++    // as the starting order, or if both random sorts end up having the same order.
++    const FILE: &'static str = "default_unsorted_ints.expected";
++    let (at, _ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!();
++    let result = new_ucmd!().arg("-R").arg(FILE).run().stdout;
++    let expected = at.read(FILE);
++    let unexpected = new_ucmd!().arg("-R").arg(FILE).run().stdout;
++    assert_ne!(result, expected);
++    assert_ne!(result, unexpected);
+ #[test]
+ fn test_random_shuffle_contains_two_runs_not_the_same() {
+     // check to verify that two random shuffles are not equal; this has the
+@@ -355,11 +396,3 @@ fn test_check_silent() {
+         .fails()
+         .stdout_is("");
+ }
+-fn test_helper(file_name: &str, args: &str) {
+-    new_ucmd!()
+-        .arg(args)
+-        .arg(format!("{}{}", file_name, ".txt"))
+-        .succeeds()
+-        .stdout_is_fixture(format!("{}{}", file_name, ".expected"));
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/.DS_Store b/tests/fixtures/.DS_Store
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..05adc2c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/.DS_Store
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
++���Bud1�����������	����������������������������������������������������������bwspblob�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������s�o�r�tbwspblob����bplist00�
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse_stable.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse_stable.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..bbce169
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/mixed_floats_ints_chars_numeric_unique_reverse_stable.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
++				37800
++               4567.
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals.expected b/tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals.expected
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6afbdca
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals.expected
+@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
++										4567..457
++               4567.
++				37800
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals_general.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals_general.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4e65ecf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals_general.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
++										4567..457
++						45670.89079.1
++						45670.89079.098
++               4567.
++				37800
+diff --git a/tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals_numeric.txt b/tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals_numeric.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4e65ecf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/fixtures/sort/multiple_decimals_numeric.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
++										4567..457
++						45670.89079.1
++						45670.89079.098
++               4567.
++				37800
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 79e2c9884856054ddeda2f28120c4d69eb730f71..d0b7b0f47051c59334c85cc78304b6d5f8f4dd45 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -10,3 +10,9 @@ revert-file-diff-0.diff
+# Backported from upstream
diff --git a/debian/patches/sort-implement-k-and-t-support.patch b/debian/patches/sort-implement-k-and-t-support.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85f0d6d75f7185e54e7720c7f3a3356997bbb5fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/sort-implement-k-and-t-support.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1333 @@
+From: Michael Debertol <michael.debertol@gmail.com>
+Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2021 14:54:58 +0200
+Subject: sort: implement -k and -t support (#1996)
+* sort: implement basic -k and -t support
+This allows to specify keys after the -k flag and a custom field
+separator using -t.
+Support for options for specific keys is still missing, and the -b flag
+is not passed down correctly.
+* sort: implement support for key options
+* remove unstable feature use
+* don't pipe in input when we expect a failure
+* only tokenize when needed, remove a clone()
+* improve comments
+* fix clippy lints
+* re-add test
+* buffer writes to stdout
+* fix ignore_non_printing
+and make the test fail in case it is broken :)
+* move attribute to the right position
+* add more tests
+* add my name to the copyright section
+* disallow dead code
+* move a comment
+* re-add a loc
+* use smallvec for a perf improvement in the common case
+* add ignore_case to benchmarks
+Origin: upstream, https://github.com/uutils/coreutils/commit/49c9d8c9018eeeb2ae68a43f3763e087c44b1653
+ Cargo.lock                  |  10 +
+ src/uu/sort/BENCHMARKING.md |  33 +++
+ src/uu/sort/Cargo.toml      |   1 +
+ src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs     | 672 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
+ tests/by-util/test_sort.rs  | 164 ++++++++++-
+ 5 files changed, 741 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 src/uu/sort/BENCHMARKING.md
+diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
+index 53eb8b4..6c311d9 100644
+--- a/Cargo.lock
++++ b/Cargo.lock
+@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ # This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
+ # It is not intended for manual editing.
++version = 3
+ [[package]]
+ name = "advapi32-sys"
+ version = "0.2.0"
+@@ -994,6 +996,12 @@ dependencies = [
+  "maybe-uninit",
+ ]
++name = "smallvec"
++version = "1.6.1"
++source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
++checksum = "fe0f37c9e8f3c5a4a66ad655a93c74daac4ad00c441533bf5c6e7990bb42604e"
+ [[package]]
+ name = "strsim"
+ version = "0.8.0"
+@@ -1456,6 +1464,7 @@ checksum = "f5220db7016a5929da5cbb7eaca38a282ec1c98681c0a08cba3dfd8a83cd4053"
+ dependencies = [
+  "num-traits",
+  "rand 0.7.3",
++ "rand_chacha",
+  "smallvec",
+  "uucore",
+  "uucore_procs",
+@@ -2016,6 +2025,7 @@ dependencies = [
+  "rand 0.7.3",
+  "rayon",
+  "semver",
++ "smallvec 1.6.1",
+  "uucore",
+  "uucore_procs",
+ ]
+diff --git a/src/uu/sort/BENCHMARKING.md b/src/uu/sort/BENCHMARKING.md
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b20db01
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/uu/sort/BENCHMARKING.md
+@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
++# Benchmarking sort
++Most of the time when sorting is spent comparing lines. The comparison functions however differ based
++on which arguments are passed to `sort`, therefore it is important to always benchmark multiple scenarios.
++This is an overwiew over what was benchmarked, and if you make changes to `sort`, you are encouraged to check
++how performance was affected for the workloads listed below. Feel free to add other workloads to the
++list that we should improve / make sure not to regress.
++Run `cargo build --release` before benchmarking after you make a change!
++## Sorting a wordlist
++- Get a wordlist, for example with [words](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Words_(Unix)) on Linux. The exact wordlist
++  doesn't matter for performance comparisons. In this example I'm using `/usr/share/dict/american-english` as the wordlist.
++- Shuffle the wordlist by running `sort -R /usr/share/dict/american-english > shuffled_wordlist.txt`.
++- Benchmark sorting the wordlist with hyperfine: `hyperfine "target/release/coreutils sort shuffled_wordlist.txt -o output.txt"`.
++## Sorting a wordlist with ignore_case
++- Same wordlist as above
++- Benchmark sorting the wordlist ignoring the case with hyperfine: `hyperfine "target/release/coreutils sort shuffled_wordlist.txt -f -o output.txt"`.
++## Sorting numbers
++- Generate a list of numbers: `seq 0 100000 | sort -R > shuffled_numbers.txt`.
++- Benchmark numeric sorting with hyperfine: `hyperfine "target/release/coreutils sort shuffled_numbers.txt -n -o output.txt"`.
++## Stdout and stdin performance
++Try to run the above benchmarks by piping the input through stdin (standard input) and redirect the
++output through stdout (standard output):
++- Remove the input file from the arguments and add `cat [inputfile] | ` at the beginning.
++- Remove `-o output.txt` and add `> output.txt` at the end.
++Example: `hyperfine "target/release/coreutils sort shuffled_numbers.txt -n -o output.txt"` becomes
++`hyperfine "cat shuffled_numbers.txt | target/release/coreutils sort -n > output.txt`
++- Check that performance is similar to the original benchmark.
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/src/uu/sort/Cargo.toml b/src/uu/sort/Cargo.toml
+index cfcd74d..ddea900 100644
+--- a/src/uu/sort/Cargo.toml
++++ b/src/uu/sort/Cargo.toml
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ clap = "2.33"
+ fnv = "1.0.7"
+ itertools = "0.9"
+ semver = "0.9.0"
++smallvec = "1.6.1"
+ uucore = { version=">=0.0.8", package="uucore", path="../../uucore", features=["fs"] }
+ uucore_procs = { version=">=0.0.5", package="uucore_procs", path="../../uucore_procs" }
+diff --git a/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs b/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs
+index 88f7bc7..7b1fe07 100644
+--- a/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs
++++ b/src/uu/sort/src/sort.rs
+@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
+ //  *
+ //  * (c) Michael Yin <mikeyin@mikeyin.org>
+ //  * (c) Robert Swinford <robert.swinford..AT..gmail.com>
++//  * (c) Michael Debertol <michael.debertol..AT..gmail.com>
+ //  *
+ //  * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ //  * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ // Although these links don't always seem to describe reality, check out the POSIX and GNU specs:
+ // https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/sort.html
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
+ use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
+ use rayon::prelude::*;
+ use semver::Version;
++use smallvec::SmallVec;
+ use std::borrow::Cow;
+ use std::cmp::Ordering;
+ use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
+@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ use std::fs::File;
+ use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
+ use std::io::{stdin, stdout, BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Lines, Read, Write};
+ use std::mem::replace;
++use std::ops::{Range, RangeInclusive};
+ use std::path::Path;
+ use uucore::fs::is_stdin_interactive; // for Iterator::dedup()
+@@ -37,6 +39,16 @@ static NAME: &str = "sort";
+ static ABOUT: &str = "Display sorted concatenation of all FILE(s).";
+ static VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
++const LONG_HELP_KEYS: &str = "The key format is FIELD[.CHAR][OPTIONS][,FIELD[.CHAR]][OPTIONS].
++Fields by default are separated by the first whitespace after a non-whitespace character. Use -t to specify a custom separator.
++In the default case, whitespace is appended at the beginning of each field. Custom separators however are not included in fields.
++FIELD and CHAR both start at 1 (i.e. they are 1-indexed). If there is no end specified after a comma, the end will be the end of the line.
++If CHAR is set 0, it means the end of the field. CHAR defaults to 1 for the start position and to 0 for the end position.
++Valid options are: MbdfhnRrV. They override the global options for this key.";
+ static OPT_HUMAN_NUMERIC_SORT: &str = "human-numeric-sort";
+ static OPT_MONTH_SORT: &str = "month-sort";
+ static OPT_NUMERIC_SORT: &str = "numeric-sort";
+@@ -54,6 +66,8 @@ static OPT_OUTPUT: &str = "output";
+ static OPT_REVERSE: &str = "reverse";
+ static OPT_STABLE: &str = "stable";
+ static OPT_UNIQUE: &str = "unique";
++static OPT_KEY: &str = "key";
++static OPT_SEPARATOR: &str = "field-separator";
+ static OPT_RANDOM: &str = "random-sort";
+ static OPT_ZERO_TERMINATED: &str = "zero-terminated";
+ static OPT_PARALLEL: &str = "parallel";
+@@ -63,10 +77,11 @@ static ARG_FILES: &str = "files";
+ static DECIMAL_PT: char = '.';
+ static THOUSANDS_SEP: char = ',';
+ static NEGATIVE: char = '-';
+ static POSITIVE: char = '+';
+-#[derive(Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
++#[derive(Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Clone)]
+ enum SortMode {
+     Numeric,
+     HumanNumeric,
+@@ -76,8 +91,12 @@ enum SortMode {
+     Default,
+ }
+-struct Settings {
++struct GlobalSettings {
+     mode: SortMode,
++    ignore_blanks: bool,
++    ignore_case: bool,
++    dictionary_order: bool,
++    ignore_non_printing: bool,
+     merge: bool,
+     reverse: bool,
+     outfile: Option<String>,
+@@ -86,17 +105,21 @@ struct Settings {
+     check: bool,
+     check_silent: bool,
+     random: bool,
+-    compare_fn: fn(&str, &str) -> Ordering,
+-    transform_fns: Vec<fn(&str) -> String>,
+-    threads: String,
+     salt: String,
++    selectors: Vec<FieldSelector>,
++    separator: Option<char>,
++    threads: String,
+     zero_terminated: bool,
+ }
+-impl Default for Settings {
+-    fn default() -> Settings {
+-        Settings {
++impl Default for GlobalSettings {
++    fn default() -> GlobalSettings {
++        GlobalSettings {
+             mode: SortMode::Default,
++            ignore_blanks: false,
++            ignore_case: false,
++            dictionary_order: false,
++            ignore_non_printing: false,
+             merge: false,
+             reverse: false,
+             outfile: None,
+@@ -105,19 +128,330 @@ impl Default for Settings {
+             check: false,
+             check_silent: false,
+             random: false,
+-            compare_fn: default_compare,
+-            transform_fns: Vec::new(),
+-            threads: String::new(),
+             salt: String::new(),
++            selectors: vec![],
++            separator: None,
++            threads: String::new(),
+             zero_terminated: false,
+         }
+     }
+ }
++struct KeySettings {
++    mode: SortMode,
++    ignore_blanks: bool,
++    ignore_case: bool,
++    dictionary_order: bool,
++    ignore_non_printing: bool,
++    random: bool,
++    reverse: bool,
++impl From<&GlobalSettings> for KeySettings {
++    fn from(settings: &GlobalSettings) -> Self {
++        Self {
++            mode: settings.mode.clone(),
++            ignore_blanks: settings.ignore_blanks,
++            ignore_case: settings.ignore_case,
++            ignore_non_printing: settings.ignore_non_printing,
++            random: settings.random,
++            reverse: settings.reverse,
++            dictionary_order: settings.dictionary_order,
++        }
++    }
++/// Represents the string selected by a FieldSelector.
++enum Selection {
++    /// If we had to transform this selection, we have to store a new string.
++    String(String),
++    /// If there was no transformation, we can store an index into the line.
++    ByIndex(Range<usize>),
++impl Selection {
++    /// Gets the actual string slice represented by this Selection.
++    fn get_str<'a>(&'a self, line: &'a Line) -> &'a str {
++        match self {
++            Selection::String(string) => string.as_str(),
++            Selection::ByIndex(range) => &line.line[range.to_owned()],
++        }
++    }
++type Field = Range<usize>;
++struct Line {
++    line: String,
++    // The common case is not to specify fields. Let's make this fast.
++    selections: SmallVec<[Selection; 1]>,
++impl Line {
++    fn new(line: String, settings: &GlobalSettings) -> Self {
++        let fields = if settings
++            .selectors
++            .iter()
++            .any(|selector| selector.needs_tokens())
++        {
++            // Only tokenize if we will need tokens.
++            Some(tokenize(&line, settings.separator))
++        } else {
++            None
++        };
++        let selections = settings
++            .selectors
++            .iter()
++            .map(|selector| {
++                if let Some(range) = selector.get_selection(&line, fields.as_deref()) {
++                    if let Some(transformed) =
++                        transform(&line[range.to_owned()], &selector.settings)
++                    {
++                        Selection::String(transformed)
++                    } else {
++                        Selection::ByIndex(range.start().to_owned()..range.end() + 1)
++                    }
++                } else {
++                    // If there is no match, match the empty string.
++                    Selection::ByIndex(0..0)
++                }
++            })
++            .collect();
++        Self { line, selections }
++    }
++/// Transform this line. Returns None if there's no need to transform.
++fn transform(line: &str, settings: &KeySettings) -> Option<String> {
++    let mut transformed = None;
++    if settings.ignore_case {
++        transformed = Some(line.to_uppercase());
++    }
++    if settings.ignore_blanks {
++        transformed = Some(
++            transformed
++                .as_deref()
++                .unwrap_or(line)
++                .trim_start()
++                .to_string(),
++        );
++    }
++    if settings.dictionary_order {
++        transformed = Some(remove_nondictionary_chars(
++            transformed.as_deref().unwrap_or(line),
++        ));
++    }
++    if settings.ignore_non_printing {
++        transformed = Some(remove_nonprinting_chars(
++            transformed.as_deref().unwrap_or(line),
++        ));
++    }
++    transformed
++/// Tokenize a line into fields.
++fn tokenize(line: &str, separator: Option<char>) -> Vec<Field> {
++    if let Some(separator) = separator {
++        tokenize_with_separator(line, separator)
++    } else {
++        tokenize_default(line)
++    }
++/// By default fields are separated by the first whitespace after non-whitespace.
++/// Whitespace is included in fields at the start.
++fn tokenize_default(line: &str) -> Vec<Field> {
++    let mut tokens = vec![0..0];
++    // pretend that there was whitespace in front of the line
++    let mut previous_was_whitespace = true;
++    for (idx, char) in line.char_indices() {
++        if char.is_whitespace() {
++            if !previous_was_whitespace {
++                tokens.last_mut().unwrap().end = idx;
++                tokens.push(idx..0);
++            }
++            previous_was_whitespace = true;
++        } else {
++            previous_was_whitespace = false;
++        }
++    }
++    tokens.last_mut().unwrap().end = line.len();
++    tokens
++/// Split between separators. These separators are not included in fields.
++fn tokenize_with_separator(line: &str, separator: char) -> Vec<Field> {
++    let mut tokens = vec![0..0];
++    let mut previous_was_separator = false;
++    for (idx, char) in line.char_indices() {
++        if previous_was_separator {
++            tokens.push(idx..0);
++        }
++        if char == separator {
++            tokens.last_mut().unwrap().end = idx;
++            previous_was_separator = true;
++        } else {
++            previous_was_separator = false;
++        }
++    }
++    tokens.last_mut().unwrap().end = line.len();
++    tokens
++struct KeyPosition {
++    /// 1-indexed, 0 is invalid.
++    field: usize,
++    /// 1-indexed, 0 is end of field.
++    char: usize,
++    ignore_blanks: bool,
++impl KeyPosition {
++    fn parse(key: &str, default_char_index: usize, settings: &mut KeySettings) -> Self {
++        let mut field_and_char = key.split('.');
++        let mut field = field_and_char
++            .next()
++            .unwrap_or_else(|| crash!(1, "invalid key `{}`", key));
++        let mut char = field_and_char.next();
++        // If there is a char index, we expect options to appear after it. Otherwise we expect them after the field index.
++        let value_with_options = char.as_mut().unwrap_or(&mut field);
++        let mut ignore_blanks = settings.ignore_blanks;
++        if let Some(options_start) = value_with_options.chars().position(char::is_alphabetic) {
++            for option in value_with_options[options_start..].chars() {
++                // valid options: MbdfghinRrV
++                match option {
++                    'M' => settings.mode = SortMode::Month,
++                    'b' => ignore_blanks = true,
++                    'd' => settings.dictionary_order = true,
++                    'f' => settings.ignore_case = true,
++                    'g' => settings.mode = SortMode::GeneralNumeric,
++                    'h' => settings.mode = SortMode::HumanNumeric,
++                    'i' => settings.ignore_non_printing = true,
++                    'n' => settings.mode = SortMode::Numeric,
++                    'R' => settings.random = true,
++                    'r' => settings.reverse = true,
++                    'V' => settings.mode = SortMode::Version,
++                    c => {
++                        crash!(1, "invalid option for key: `{}`", c)
++                    }
++                }
++            }
++            // Strip away option characters from the original value so we can parse it later
++            *value_with_options = &value_with_options[..options_start];
++        }
++        let field = field
++            .parse()
++            .unwrap_or_else(|e| crash!(1, "failed to parse field index for key `{}`: {}", key, e));
++        if field == 0 {
++            crash!(1, "field index was 0");
++        }
++        let char = char.map_or(default_char_index, |char| {
++            char.parse().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
++                crash!(
++                    1,
++                    "failed to parse character index for key `{}`: {}",
++                    key,
++                    e
++                )
++            })
++        });
++        Self {
++            field,
++            char,
++            ignore_blanks,
++        }
++    }
++struct FieldSelector {
++    from: KeyPosition,
++    to: Option<KeyPosition>,
++    settings: KeySettings,
++impl FieldSelector {
++    fn needs_tokens(&self) -> bool {
++        self.from.field != 1 || self.from.char == 0 || self.to.is_some()
++    }
++    /// Look up the slice that corresponds to this selector for the given line.
++    /// If needs_fields returned false, fields may be None.
++    fn get_selection<'a>(
++        &self,
++        line: &'a str,
++        tokens: Option<&[Field]>,
++    ) -> Option<RangeInclusive<usize>> {
++        enum ResolutionErr {
++            TooLow,
++            TooHigh,
++        }
++        // Get the index for this line given the KeyPosition
++        fn resolve_index(
++            line: &str,
++            tokens: Option<&[Field]>,
++            position: &KeyPosition,
++        ) -> Result<usize, ResolutionErr> {
++            if tokens.map_or(false, |fields| fields.len() < position.field) {
++                Err(ResolutionErr::TooHigh)
++            } else if position.char == 0 {
++                let end = tokens.unwrap()[position.field - 1].end;
++                if end == 0 {
++                    Err(ResolutionErr::TooLow)
++                } else {
++                    Ok(end - 1)
++                }
++            } else {
++                let mut idx = if position.field == 1 {
++                    // The first field always starts at 0.
++                    // We don't need tokens for this case.
++                    0
++                } else {
++                    tokens.unwrap()[position.field - 1].start
++                } + position.char
++                    - 1;
++                if idx >= line.len() {
++                    Err(ResolutionErr::TooHigh)
++                } else {
++                    if position.ignore_blanks {
++                        if let Some(not_whitespace) =
++                            line[idx..].chars().position(|c| !c.is_whitespace())
++                        {
++                            idx += not_whitespace;
++                        } else {
++                            return Err(ResolutionErr::TooHigh);
++                        }
++                    }
++                    Ok(idx)
++                }
++            }
++        }
++        if let Ok(from) = resolve_index(line, tokens, &self.from) {
++            let to = self.to.as_ref().map(|to| resolve_index(line, tokens, &to));
++            match to {
++                Some(Ok(to)) => Some(from..=to),
++                // If `to` was not given or the match would be after the end of the line,
++                // match everything until the end of the line.
++                None | Some(Err(ResolutionErr::TooHigh)) => Some(from..=line.len() - 1),
++                // If `to` is before the start of the line, report no match.
++                // This can happen if the line starts with a separator.
++                Some(Err(ResolutionErr::TooLow)) => None,
++            }
++        } else {
++            None
++        }
++    }
+ struct MergeableFile<'a> {
+     lines: Lines<BufReader<Box<dyn Read>>>,
+-    current_line: String,
+-    settings: &'a Settings,
++    current_line: Line,
++    settings: &'a GlobalSettings,
+ }
+ // BinaryHeap depends on `Ord`. Note that we want to pop smallest items
+@@ -125,7 +459,7 @@ struct MergeableFile<'a> {
+ // trick it into the right order by calling reverse() here.
+ impl<'a> Ord for MergeableFile<'a> {
+     fn cmp(&self, other: &MergeableFile) -> Ordering {
+-        compare_by(&self.current_line, &other.current_line, &self.settings).reverse()
++        compare_by(&self.current_line, &other.current_line, self.settings).reverse()
+     }
+ }
+@@ -137,7 +471,7 @@ impl<'a> PartialOrd for MergeableFile<'a> {
+ impl<'a> PartialEq for MergeableFile<'a> {
+     fn eq(&self, other: &MergeableFile) -> bool {
+-        Ordering::Equal == compare_by(&self.current_line, &other.current_line, &self.settings)
++        Ordering::Equal == compare_by(&self.current_line, &other.current_line, self.settings)
+     }
+ }
+@@ -145,11 +479,11 @@ impl<'a> Eq for MergeableFile<'a> {}
+ struct FileMerger<'a> {
+     heap: BinaryHeap<MergeableFile<'a>>,
+-    settings: &'a Settings,
++    settings: &'a GlobalSettings,
+ }
+ impl<'a> FileMerger<'a> {
+-    fn new(settings: &'a Settings) -> FileMerger<'a> {
++    fn new(settings: &'a GlobalSettings) -> FileMerger<'a> {
+         FileMerger {
+             heap: BinaryHeap::new(),
+             settings,
+@@ -159,7 +493,7 @@ impl<'a> FileMerger<'a> {
+         if let Some(Ok(next_line)) = lines.next() {
+             let mergeable_file = MergeableFile {
+                 lines,
+-                current_line: next_line,
++                current_line: Line::new(next_line, &self.settings),
+                 settings: &self.settings,
+             };
+             self.heap.push(mergeable_file);
+@@ -174,14 +508,17 @@ impl<'a> Iterator for FileMerger<'a> {
+             Some(mut current) => {
+                 match current.lines.next() {
+                     Some(Ok(next_line)) => {
+-                        let ret = replace(&mut current.current_line, next_line);
++                        let ret = replace(
++                            &mut current.current_line,
++                            Line::new(next_line, &self.settings),
++                        );
+                         self.heap.push(current);
+-                        Some(ret)
++                        Some(ret.line)
+                     }
+                     _ => {
+                         // Don't put it back in the heap (it's empty/erroring)
+                         // but its first line is still valid.
+-                        Some(current.current_line)
++                        Some(current.current_line.line)
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+@@ -205,7 +542,7 @@ With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.",
+ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+     let args = args.collect_str();
+     let usage = get_usage();
+-    let mut settings: Settings = Default::default();
++    let mut settings: GlobalSettings = Default::default();
+     let matches = App::new(executable!())
+         .version(VERSION)
+@@ -316,7 +653,21 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+                 .help("output only the first of an equal run"),
+         )
+         .arg(
+-            Arg::with_name(OPT_ZERO_TERMINATED)
++            Arg::with_name(OPT_KEY)
++                .short("k")
++                .long(OPT_KEY)
++                .help("sort by a key")
++                .long_help(LONG_HELP_KEYS)
++                .multiple(true)
++                .takes_value(true),
++        )
++        .arg(
++            Arg::with_name(OPT_SEPARATOR)
++                .short("t")
++                .long(OPT_SEPARATOR)
++                .help("custom separator for -k")
++                .takes_value(true))
++            .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_ZERO_TERMINATED)
+                 .short("z")
+                 .long(OPT_ZERO_TERMINATED)
+                 .help("line delimiter is NUL, not newline"),
+@@ -350,14 +701,12 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+         for path in &files0_from {
+             let (reader, _) = open(path.as_str()).expect("Could not read from file specified.");
+             let buf_reader = BufReader::new(reader);
+-            for line in buf_reader.split(b'\0') {
+-                if let Ok(n) = line {
+-                    files.push(
+-                        std::str::from_utf8(&n)
+-                            .expect("Could not parse string from zero terminated input.")
+-                            .to_string(),
+-                    );
+-                }
++            for line in buf_reader.split(b'\0').flatten() {
++                files.push(
++                    std::str::from_utf8(&line)
++                        .expect("Could not parse string from zero terminated input.")
++                        .to_string(),
++                );
+             }
+         }
+         files
+@@ -382,21 +731,17 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+         SortMode::Default
+     };
++    settings.dictionary_order = matches.is_present(OPT_DICTIONARY_ORDER);
++    settings.ignore_non_printing = matches.is_present(OPT_IGNORE_NONPRINTING);
+     if matches.is_present(OPT_PARALLEL) {
+         // "0" is default - threads = num of cores
+         settings.threads = matches
+             .value_of(OPT_PARALLEL)
+             .map(String::from)
+-            .unwrap_or("0".to_string());
++            .unwrap_or_else(|| "0".to_string());
+         env::set_var("RAYON_NUM_THREADS", &settings.threads);
+     }
+-    if matches.is_present(OPT_DICTIONARY_ORDER) {
+-        settings.transform_fns.push(remove_nondictionary_chars);
+-    } else if matches.is_present(OPT_IGNORE_NONPRINTING) {
+-        settings.transform_fns.push(remove_nonprinting_chars);
+-    }
+     settings.zero_terminated = matches.is_present(OPT_ZERO_TERMINATED);
+     settings.merge = matches.is_present(OPT_MERGE);
+@@ -406,13 +751,9 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+         settings.check = true;
+     };
+-    if matches.is_present(OPT_IGNORE_CASE) {
+-        settings.transform_fns.push(|s| s.to_uppercase());
+-    }
++    settings.ignore_case = matches.is_present(OPT_IGNORE_CASE);
+-    if matches.is_present(OPT_IGNORE_BLANKS) {
+-        settings.transform_fns.push(|s| s.trim_start().to_string());
+-    }
++    settings.ignore_blanks = matches.is_present(OPT_IGNORE_BLANKS);
+     settings.outfile = matches.value_of(OPT_OUTPUT).map(String::from);
+     settings.reverse = matches.is_present(OPT_REVERSE);
+@@ -424,27 +765,64 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
+         settings.salt = get_rand_string();
+     }
+-    //let mut files = matches.free;
+     if files.is_empty() {
+         /* if no file, default to stdin */
+         files.push("-".to_owned());
+     } else if settings.check && files.len() != 1 {
+-        crash!(1, "sort: extra operand `{}' not allowed with -c", files[1])
++        crash!(1, "extra operand `{}' not allowed with -c", files[1])
+     }
+-    settings.compare_fn = match settings.mode {
+-        SortMode::Numeric => numeric_compare,
+-        SortMode::GeneralNumeric => general_numeric_compare,
+-        SortMode::HumanNumeric => human_numeric_size_compare,
+-        SortMode::Month => month_compare,
+-        SortMode::Version => version_compare,
+-        SortMode::Default => default_compare,
+-    };
++    if let Some(arg) = matches.args.get(OPT_SEPARATOR) {
++        let separator = arg.vals[0].to_string_lossy();
++        let separator = separator;
++        if separator.len() != 1 {
++            crash!(1, "separator must be exactly one character long");
++        }
++        settings.separator = Some(separator.chars().next().unwrap())
++    }
+-    exec(files, &mut settings)
++    if matches.is_present(OPT_KEY) {
++        for key in &matches.args[OPT_KEY].vals {
++            let key = key.to_string_lossy();
++            let mut from_to = key.split(',');
++            let mut key_settings = KeySettings::from(&settings);
++            let from = KeyPosition::parse(
++                from_to
++                    .next()
++                    .unwrap_or_else(|| crash!(1, "invalid key `{}`", key)),
++                1,
++                &mut key_settings,
++            );
++            let to = from_to
++                .next()
++                .map(|to| KeyPosition::parse(to, 0, &mut key_settings));
++            let field_selector = FieldSelector {
++                from,
++                to,
++                settings: key_settings,
++            };
++            settings.selectors.push(field_selector);
++        }
++    }
++    if !settings.stable || !matches.is_present(OPT_KEY) {
++        // add a default selector matching the whole line
++        let key_settings = KeySettings::from(&settings);
++        settings.selectors.push(FieldSelector {
++            from: KeyPosition {
++                field: 1,
++                char: 1,
++                ignore_blanks: key_settings.ignore_blanks,
++            },
++            to: None,
++            settings: key_settings,
++        });
++    }
++    exec(files, &settings)
+ }
+-fn exec(files: Vec<String>, settings: &mut Settings) -> i32 {
++fn exec(files: Vec<String>, settings: &GlobalSettings) -> i32 {
+     let mut lines = Vec::new();
+     let mut file_merger = FileMerger::new(&settings);
+@@ -459,26 +837,27 @@ fn exec(files: Vec<String>, settings: &mut Settings) -> i32 {
+         if settings.merge {
+             file_merger.push_file(buf_reader.lines());
+         } else if settings.zero_terminated {
+-            for line in buf_reader.split(b'\0') {
+-                if let Ok(n) = line {
+-                    lines.push(
+-                        std::str::from_utf8(&n)
+-                            .expect("Could not parse string from zero terminated input.")
+-                            .to_string(),
+-                    );
+-                }
++            for line in buf_reader.split(b'\0').flatten() {
++                lines.push(Line::new(
++                    std::str::from_utf8(&line)
++                        .expect("Could not parse string from zero terminated input.")
++                        .to_string(),
++                    &settings,
++                ));
+             }
+         } else {
+             for line in buf_reader.lines() {
+                 if let Ok(n) = line {
+-                    lines.push(n);
++                    lines.push(Line::new(n, &settings));
++                } else {
++                    break;
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     if settings.check {
+-        return exec_check_file(lines, &settings);
++        return exec_check_file(&lines, &settings);
+     } else {
+         sort_by(&mut lines, &settings);
+     }
+@@ -490,29 +869,31 @@ fn exec(files: Vec<String>, settings: &mut Settings) -> i32 {
+             print_sorted(file_merger, &settings)
+         }
+     } else if settings.mode == SortMode::Default && settings.unique {
+-        print_sorted(lines.iter().dedup(), &settings)
++        print_sorted(lines.into_iter().map(|line| line.line).dedup(), &settings)
+     } else if settings.mode == SortMode::Month && settings.unique {
+         print_sorted(
+             lines
+-                .iter()
++                .into_iter()
++                .map(|line| line.line)
+                 .dedup_by(|a, b| get_months_dedup(a) == get_months_dedup(b)),
+             &settings,
+         )
+     } else if settings.unique {
+         print_sorted(
+             lines
+-                .iter()
+-                .dedup_by(|a, b| get_num_dedup(a, &settings) == get_num_dedup(b, &settings)),
++                .into_iter()
++                .map(|line| line.line)
++                .dedup_by(|a, b| get_num_dedup(a, settings) == get_num_dedup(b, settings)),
+             &settings,
+         )
+     } else {
+-        print_sorted(lines.iter(), &settings)
++        print_sorted(lines.into_iter().map(|line| line.line), &settings)
+     }
+     0
+ }
+-fn exec_check_file(unwrapped_lines: Vec<String>, settings: &Settings) -> i32 {
++fn exec_check_file(unwrapped_lines: &[Line], settings: &GlobalSettings) -> i32 {
+     // errors yields the line before each disorder,
+     // plus the last line (quirk of .coalesce())
+     let mut errors =
+@@ -544,51 +925,45 @@ fn exec_check_file(unwrapped_lines: Vec<String>, settings: &Settings) -> i32 {
+     }
+ }
+-fn transform(line: &str, settings: &Settings) -> String {
+-    let mut transformed = line.to_owned();
+-    for transform_fn in &settings.transform_fns {
+-        transformed = transform_fn(&transformed);
+-    }
+-    transformed
+-fn sort_by(lines: &mut Vec<String>, settings: &Settings) {
++fn sort_by(lines: &mut Vec<Line>, settings: &GlobalSettings) {
+     lines.par_sort_by(|a, b| compare_by(a, b, &settings))
+ }
+-fn compare_by(a: &str, b: &str, settings: &Settings) -> Ordering {
+-    let (a_transformed, b_transformed): (String, String);
+-    let (a, b) = if !settings.transform_fns.is_empty() {
+-        a_transformed = transform(&a, &settings);
+-        b_transformed = transform(&b, &settings);
+-        (a_transformed.as_str(), b_transformed.as_str())
+-    } else {
+-        (a, b)
+-    };
+-    // 1st Compare
+-    let mut cmp: Ordering = if settings.random {
+-        random_shuffle(a, b, settings.salt.clone())
+-    } else {
+-        (settings.compare_fn)(a, b)
+-    };
++fn compare_by(a: &Line, b: &Line, global_settings: &GlobalSettings) -> Ordering {
++    for (idx, selector) in global_settings.selectors.iter().enumerate() {
++        let a = a.selections[idx].get_str(a);
++        let b = b.selections[idx].get_str(b);
++        let settings = &selector.settings;
+-    // Call "last resort compare" on any equal
+-    if cmp == Ordering::Equal {
+-        if settings.random || settings.stable || settings.unique {
+-            cmp = Ordering::Equal
++        let cmp: Ordering = if settings.random {
++            random_shuffle(a, b, global_settings.salt.clone())
+         } else {
+-            cmp = default_compare(a, b)
++            (match settings.mode {
++                SortMode::Numeric => numeric_compare,
++                SortMode::GeneralNumeric => general_numeric_compare,
++                SortMode::HumanNumeric => human_numeric_size_compare,
++                SortMode::Month => month_compare,
++                SortMode::Version => version_compare,
++                SortMode::Default => default_compare,
++            })(a, b)
+         };
++        if cmp != Ordering::Equal {
++            return if settings.reverse { cmp.reverse() } else { cmp };
++        }
++    }
++    // Call "last resort compare" if all selectors returned Equal
++    let cmp = if global_settings.random || global_settings.stable || global_settings.unique {
++        Ordering::Equal
++    } else {
++        default_compare(&a.line, &b.line)
+     };
+-    if settings.reverse {
+-        return cmp.reverse();
++    if global_settings.reverse {
++        cmp.reverse()
+     } else {
+-        return cmp;
++        cmp
+     }
+ }
+@@ -617,8 +992,8 @@ fn leading_num_common(a: &str) -> &str {
+             && !c.eq(&'e')
+             && !c.eq(&'E')
+             // check whether first char is + or -
+-            && !a.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or('\0').eq(&POSITIVE)
+-            && !a.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or('\0').eq(&NEGATIVE)
++            && !a.chars().next().unwrap_or('\0').eq(&POSITIVE)
++            && !a.chars().next().unwrap_or('\0').eq(&NEGATIVE)
+         {
+             // Strip string of non-numeric trailing chars
+             s = &a[..idx];
+@@ -640,9 +1015,9 @@ fn get_leading_num(a: &str) -> &str {
+     let a = leading_num_common(a);
+-    // GNU numeric sort doesn't recognize '+' or 'e' notation so we strip trailing chars
++    // GNU numeric sort doesn't recognize '+' or 'e' notation so we strip
+     for (idx, c) in a.char_indices() {
+-        if c.eq(&'e') || c.eq(&'E') || a.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or('\0').eq(&POSITIVE) {
++        if c.eq(&'e') || c.eq(&'E') || a.chars().next().unwrap_or('\0').eq(&POSITIVE) {
+             s = &a[..idx];
+             break;
+         }
+@@ -670,12 +1045,9 @@ fn get_leading_gen(a: &str) -> &str {
+     // Cleanup raw stripped strings
+     for c in p_iter.to_owned() {
+         let next_char_numeric = p_iter.peek().unwrap_or(&'\0').is_numeric();
+-        // Only general numeric recognizes e notation and the '+' sign
+-        if (c.eq(&'e') && !next_char_numeric)
+-            || (c.eq(&'E') && !next_char_numeric)
+-            // Only GNU (non-general) numeric recognize thousands seperators, takes only leading #
+-            || c.eq(&THOUSANDS_SEP)
+-        {
++        // Only general numeric recognizes e notation and, see block below, the '+' sign
++        // Only GNU (non-general) numeric recognize thousands seperators, takes only leading #
++        if (c.eq(&'e') || c.eq(&'E')) && !next_char_numeric || c.eq(&THOUSANDS_SEP) {
+             result = a.split(c).next().unwrap_or("");
+             break;
+         // If positive sign and next char is not numeric, split at postive sign at keep trailing numbers
+@@ -724,19 +1096,17 @@ fn get_months_dedup(a: &str) -> String {
+ // *For all dedups/uniques expect default we must compare leading numbers*
+ // Also note numeric compare and unique output is specifically *not* the same as a "sort | uniq"
+ // See: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/sort-invocation.html
+-fn get_num_dedup<'a>(a: &'a str, settings: &&mut Settings) -> &'a str {
++fn get_num_dedup<'a>(a: &'a str, settings: &GlobalSettings) -> &'a str {
+     // Trim and remove any leading zeros
+     let s = a.trim().trim_start_matches('0');
+     // Get first char
+-    let c = s.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or('\0');
++    let c = s.chars().next().unwrap_or('\0');
+     // Empty lines and non-number lines are treated as the same for dedup
+-    if s.is_empty() {
+-        ""
+-    } else if !c.eq(&NEGATIVE) && !c.is_numeric() {
+-        ""
+     // Prepare lines for comparison of only the numerical leading numbers
++    if s.is_empty() || (!c.eq(&NEGATIVE) && !c.is_numeric()) {
++        ""
+     } else {
+         let result = match settings.mode {
+             SortMode::Numeric => get_leading_num(s),
+@@ -944,6 +1314,7 @@ fn month_parse(line: &str) -> Month {
+ }
+ fn month_compare(a: &str, b: &str) -> Ordering {
++    #![allow(clippy::comparison_chain)]
+     let ma = month_parse(a);
+     let mb = month_parse(b);
+@@ -986,32 +1357,29 @@ fn remove_nonprinting_chars(s: &str) -> String {
+         .collect::<String>()
+ }
+-fn print_sorted<S, T: Iterator<Item = S>>(iter: T, settings: &Settings)
+-    S: std::fmt::Display,
++fn print_sorted<T: Iterator<Item = String>>(iter: T, settings: &GlobalSettings) {
+     let mut file: Box<dyn Write> = match settings.outfile {
+         Some(ref filename) => match File::create(Path::new(&filename)) {
+             Ok(f) => Box::new(BufWriter::new(f)) as Box<dyn Write>,
+             Err(e) => {
+-                show_error!("sort: {0}: {1}", filename, e.to_string());
++                show_error!("{0}: {1}", filename, e.to_string());
+                 panic!("Could not open output file");
+             }
+         },
+-        None => Box::new(stdout()) as Box<dyn Write>,
++        None => Box::new(BufWriter::new(stdout())) as Box<dyn Write>,
+     };
+     if settings.zero_terminated {
+         for line in iter {
+-            let str = format!("{}\0", line);
+-            crash_if_err!(1, file.write_all(str.as_bytes()));
++            crash_if_err!(1, file.write_all(line.as_bytes()));
++            crash_if_err!(1, file.write_all("\0".as_bytes()));
+         }
+     } else {
+         for line in iter {
+-            let str = format!("{}\n", line);
+-            crash_if_err!(1, file.write_all(str.as_bytes()));
++            crash_if_err!(1, file.write_all(line.as_bytes()));
++            crash_if_err!(1, file.write_all("\n".as_bytes()));
+         }
+     }
++    crash_if_err!(1, file.flush());
+ }
+ // from cat.rs
+@@ -1024,7 +1392,7 @@ fn open(path: &str) -> Option<(Box<dyn Read>, bool)> {
+     match File::open(Path::new(path)) {
+         Ok(f) => Some((Box::new(f) as Box<dyn Read>, false)),
+         Err(e) => {
+-            show_error!("sort: {0}: {1}", path, e.to_string());
++            show_error!("{0}: {1}", path, e.to_string());
+             None
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1097,4 +1465,34 @@ mod tests {
+         assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, version_compare(a, b));
+     }
++    #[test]
++    fn test_random_compare() {
++        let a = "9";
++        let b = "9";
++        let c = get_rand_string();
++        assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, random_shuffle(a, b, c));
++    }
++    #[test]
++    fn test_tokenize_fields() {
++        let line = "foo bar b    x";
++        assert_eq!(tokenize(line, None), vec![0..3, 3..7, 7..9, 9..14,],);
++    }
++    #[test]
++    fn test_tokenize_fields_leading_whitespace() {
++        let line = "    foo bar b    x";
++        assert_eq!(tokenize(line, None), vec![0..7, 7..11, 11..13, 13..18,]);
++    }
++    #[test]
++    fn test_tokenize_fields_custom_separator() {
++        let line = "aaa foo bar b    x";
++        assert_eq!(
++            tokenize(line, Some('a')),
++            vec![0..0, 1..1, 2..2, 3..9, 10..18,]
++        );
++    }
+ }
+diff --git a/tests/by-util/test_sort.rs b/tests/by-util/test_sort.rs
+index 6455d83..668e783 100644
+--- a/tests/by-util/test_sort.rs
++++ b/tests/by-util/test_sort.rs
+@@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ fn test_dictionary_order2() {
+ fn test_non_printing_chars() {
+     for non_printing_chars_param in vec!["-i"] {
+         new_ucmd!()
+-            .pipe_in("a👦🏻aa	b\naaaa	b")
++            .pipe_in("a👦🏻aa\naaaa")
+             .arg(non_printing_chars_param)
+             .succeeds()
+-            .stdout_only("aaaa	b\na👦🏻aa	b\n");
++            .stdout_only("a👦🏻aa\naaaa\n");
+     }
+ }
+@@ -307,6 +307,166 @@ fn test_numeric_unique_ints2() {
+     }
+ }
++fn test_keys_open_ended() {
++    let input = "aa bb cc\ndd aa ff\ngg aa cc\n";
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .args(&["-k", "2.2"])
++        .pipe_in(input)
++        .succeeds()
++        .stdout_only("gg aa cc\ndd aa ff\naa bb cc\n");
++fn test_keys_closed_range() {
++    let input = "aa bb cc\ndd aa ff\ngg aa cc\n";
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .args(&["-k", "2.2,2.2"])
++        .pipe_in(input)
++        .succeeds()
++        .stdout_only("dd aa ff\ngg aa cc\naa bb cc\n");
++fn test_keys_multiple_ranges() {
++    let input = "aa bb cc\ndd aa ff\ngg aa cc\n";
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .args(&["-k", "2,2", "-k", "3,3"])
++        .pipe_in(input)
++        .succeeds()
++        .stdout_only("gg aa cc\ndd aa ff\naa bb cc\n");
++fn test_keys_no_field_match() {
++    let input = "aa aa aa aa\naa bb cc\ndd aa ff\n";
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .args(&["-k", "4,4"])
++        .pipe_in(input)
++        .succeeds()
++        .stdout_only("aa bb cc\ndd aa ff\naa aa aa aa\n");
++fn test_keys_no_char_match() {
++    let input = "aaa\nba\nc\n";
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .args(&["-k", "1.2"])
++        .pipe_in(input)
++        .succeeds()
++        .stdout_only("c\nba\naaa\n");
++fn test_keys_custom_separator() {
++    let input = "aaxbbxcc\nddxaaxff\nggxaaxcc\n";
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .args(&["-k", "2.2,2.2", "-t", "x"])
++        .pipe_in(input)
++        .succeeds()
++        .stdout_only("ddxaaxff\nggxaaxcc\naaxbbxcc\n");
++fn test_keys_invalid_field() {
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .args(&["-k", "1."])
++        .fails()
++        .stderr_only("sort: error: failed to parse character index for key `1.`: cannot parse integer from empty string");
++fn test_keys_invalid_field_option() {
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .args(&["-k", "1.1x"])
++        .fails()
++        .stderr_only("sort: error: invalid option for key: `x`");
++fn test_keys_invalid_field_zero() {
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .args(&["-k", "0.1"])
++        .fails()
++        .stderr_only("sort: error: field index was 0");
++fn test_keys_with_options() {
++    let input = "aa 3 cc\ndd 1 ff\ngg 2 cc\n";
++    for param in &[
++        &["-k", "2,2n"][..],
++        &["-k", "2n,2"][..],
++        &["-k", "2,2", "-n"][..],
++    ] {
++        new_ucmd!()
++            .args(param)
++            .pipe_in(input)
++            .succeeds()
++            .stdout_only("dd 1 ff\ngg 2 cc\naa 3 cc\n");
++    }
++fn test_keys_with_options_blanks_start() {
++    let input = "aa   3 cc\ndd  1 ff\ngg         2 cc\n";
++    for param in &[&["-k", "2b,2"][..], &["-k", "2,2", "-b"][..]] {
++        new_ucmd!()
++            .args(param)
++            .pipe_in(input)
++            .succeeds()
++            .stdout_only("dd  1 ff\ngg         2 cc\naa   3 cc\n");
++    }
++fn test_keys_with_options_blanks_end() {
++    let input = "a  b
++a b
++a   b
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .args(&["-k", "1,2.1b", "-s"])
++        .pipe_in(input)
++        .succeeds()
++        .stdout_only(
++            "a   b
++a  b
++a b
++        );
++fn test_keys_stable() {
++    let input = "a  b
++a b
++a   b
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .args(&["-k", "1,2.1", "-s"])
++        .pipe_in(input)
++        .succeeds()
++        .stdout_only(
++            "a  b
++a b
++a   b
++        );
++fn test_keys_empty_match() {
++    let input = "a a a a
++    new_ucmd!()
++        .args(&["-k", "1,1", "-t", "a"])
++        .pipe_in(input)
++        .succeeds()
++        .stdout_only(input);
+ #[test]
+ fn test_zero_terminated() {
+     test_helper("zero-terminated", "-z");