diff --git a/apertis-ospack-sysroot.yaml b/apertis-ospack-sysroot.yaml
index 72303cd33a5e04f93aad10be012160f6c308d3fd..17253ab4eb0bafd335524a2053be13ef2b61a501 100644
--- a/apertis-ospack-sysroot.yaml
+++ b/apertis-ospack-sysroot.yaml
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 {{- $timestamp := or .timestamp "" -}}
 {{- $ospack := or .ospack (printf "ospack_%s-%s-%s" $suite $architecture $type) -}}
 {{- $ivitools := or .ivitools "enabled" -}}
-{{- $lxc := or .lxc "enabled" -}}
 architecture: {{ $architecture }}
@@ -46,179 +45,8 @@ actions:
   - action: apt
     description: "Core packages"
-      - sudo
       - apt-transport-https
       #- apertis-customizations
-      - initramfs-tools
-  - action: apt
-    description: "Base packages"
-    packages:
-      - busybox
-      - dbus-user-session
-  - action: apt
-    description: "Networking packages"
-    packages:
-      - connman
-      - wpasupplicant
-  - action: apt
-    description: "AppArmor packages"
-    packages:
-      - apparmor
-      #- chaiwala-apparmor-profiles
-  {{ if eq $ivitools "enabled" }}
-  - action: apt
-    description: "Application framework packages"
-    packages:
-      - canterbury-core
-      - newport
-      - ribchester-core
-  {{ end }}
-  - action: apt
-    description: "Test environment packages"
-    packages:
-      - net-tools
-      - openssh-client
-      - openssh-server
-      - vim.tiny
-  {{ if eq $ivitools "enabled" }}
-  - action: apt
-    description: "HMI packages"
-    packages:
-      #- eye
-      #- frampton
-      #- mildenhall
-      #- mildenhall-compositor
-      #- mildenhall-launcher
-      #- mildenhall-popup-layer
-      #- mildenhall-settings
-      #- mildenhall-statusbar
-      - xwayland
-  {{ end }}
-#  - action: apt
-#    description: "Target user session packages"
-#    packages:
-#      - chaiwala-user-session-wayland
-  - action: apt
-    description: "Target packages"
-    packages:
-      - adduser
-      - apertis-archive-keyring
-      #- apertis-customizations
-      - apparmor
-      - apparmor-profiles
-      - apt
-      - apt-transport-https
-      - apt-utils
-      - auditd
-      - avahi-daemon
-      - bluez
-      - bluez-obexd
-      - btrfs-tools
-      - bzip2
-      - ca-certificates
-      #- chaiwala-apparmor-profiles
-      - connman
-      - debconf-i18n
-      - evolution-data-server
-      - file
-      - fonts-dejavu-extra
-      - gnupg
-      - gstreamer1.0-clutter-3.0
-      - gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
-      - gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio
-      - gvfs
-      - initramfs-tools
-      - iproute2
-      - iptables
-      - kmod
-      - libgupnp-1.0-4
-      - liblockfile-bin
-      - libnss-myhostname
-      #- libproxy1-pacrunner
-      - libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37
-      #- linux-firmware
-      - locales
-      - lsb-base
-      - lzma
-      - mawk
-      - mobile-broadband-provider-info
-      #- mutter
-      - net-tools
-      - netbase
-      - openssh-client
-      - openssh-server
-      #- pacrunner
-      - plymouth
-      - plymouth-themes
-      - policykit-1
-      - pulseaudio
-      - pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
-      - pulseaudio-utils
-      - sudo
-      - systemd-sysv
-      #- tcmmd
-      - tracker
-      - tracker-miner-fs
-      - tumbler
-      - tumbler-plugins-extra
-      - udev
-      - usb-modeswitch
-      - vim-tiny
-      - whiptail
-      - wpasupplicant
-      - xauth
-      - xdg-user-dirs
-      - xwayland
-  {{ if eq $ivitools "enabled" }}
-  - action: apt
-    description: "Target packages (CM)"
-    packages:
-      #- barkway
-      #- beckfoot
-      - canterbury
-      #- didcot
-      - dlt-daemon
-      #- frome
-      - geoclue-2.0
-      - grilo-plugins-0.3
-      - newport
-      - ofono
-      #- prestwood
-      #- rhosydd
-      - ribchester
-      - shapwick
-      - syncevolution
-      - tinwell
-  {{ end }}
-  {{ if eq $lxc "enabled" }}
-#  - action: apt
-#    description: "LXC packages"
-    packages:
-#      - libpam-cgfs
-#      - lxc
-#      - lxc-templates
-#      - uidmap
-#  - action: overlay
-#    description: "Install the Apertis template to LXC"
-#    source: lxc/lxc-apertis-ostree
-#    destination: /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-apertis-ostree
-#  - action: run
-#    description: "Set executable bit on Apertis LXC template"
-#    chroot: true
-#    command: chmod a+x /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-apertis-ostree
-  {{ end }}
   {{ if eq $ivitools "enabled" }}
 #  - action: apt
@@ -230,36 +58,16 @@ actions:
   - action: apt
     description: "Development packages"
-      - apparmor-utils
       - automake
       - autopoint
       - autotools-dev
-      - bash
-      - bison
-      - build-essential
-      - chrpath
-      - clutter-1.0-tests
       - cmake
       - cmake-data
       #- connman-tests
-      - d-feet
-      - debhelper
-      - dosfstools
       - evolution-data-server-dbgsym
       - evolution-data-server-dev
       - fakeroot
-      - flex
-      - gawk
-      - gcc
-      - gdb
-      - gdbserver
       - gir1.2-secret-1
-      - git
-      - gperf
-      - gstreamer1.0-tools
-      - gtk-doc-tools
-      - iputils-ping
-      - less
       - libasound2-dev
       - libbluetooth-dev
       - libclutter-1.0-0-dbgsym
@@ -282,7 +90,6 @@ actions:
       - libhyphen-dev
       - libicu-dev
       - libjpeg-dev
-      - libjsoncpp1
       #- libmutter-dev
       #- libmx-2.0-0-dev
       - libnotify-dev
@@ -293,7 +100,6 @@ actions:
       - libpulse-dev
       - libsecret-1-0
       - libsecret-1-dev
-      - libsecret-common
       - libsoup2.4-dev
       - libsqlite3-dev
       - libtool
@@ -312,13 +118,8 @@ actions:
   {{ end }}
       - lsb-release
       - pkg-config
-      - python-pkg-resources
-      - python-ply
-      - ruby
       - symlinks
       - syncevolution-dbgsym
-      - wget
-      - xinput
   {{ if eq $ivitools "enabled" }}
   - action: apt
@@ -327,7 +128,6 @@ actions:
       #- barkway-dev
       #- beckfoot-dev
       - canterbury-dev
-      - folks-tools
       #- frome
       - geoclue-2.0
       - libchamplain-0.12-dev
@@ -362,47 +162,6 @@ actions:
   - action: overlay
     source: overlays/hostname
-  - action: overlay
-    source: overlays/default-locale-c-utf8
-  - action: run
-    chroot: true
-    script: scripts/add-xdg-user-metadata.sh
-  - action: run
-    chroot: true
-    script: scripts/create-mtab-symlink.hook.sh
-  - action: run
-    chroot: true
-    script: scripts/setup_user.sh
-  - action: run
-    chroot: true
-    description: "Creating mount point /Applications"
-    command: install -d -m 0755 /Applications
-  - action: run
-    chroot: true
-    script: scripts/add_user_to_groups.sh
-  - action: run
-    chroot: true
-    script: scripts/check_sudoers_for_admin.sh
-  - action: run
-    chroot: true
-    script: scripts/generate_openssh_keys.sh
-  - action: run
-    chroot: true
-    script: scripts/add-initramfs-modules.sh
-  - action: run
-    description: "Generate locales"
-    chroot: true
-    script: scripts/generate_locales.sh
   - action: run
     description: "Save installed package status"
     chroot: false