diff --git a/content/guides/apertis_packaging_guide.md b/content/guides/apertis_packaging_guide.md
index 785de83c6b7c0329dc035b7312aeb6a001d4b01c..f081435e60240e3a827edea1b1afdb036d0265df 100644
--- a/content/guides/apertis_packaging_guide.md
+++ b/content/guides/apertis_packaging_guide.md
@@ -209,6 +209,11 @@ This is the process to import a new package from Debian to Apertis:
   * don't use `import-debian-package` on existing repositories, it does not
     attempt to merge `apertis/*` branches and instead it re-sets them to new
     branches based on the freshly imported Debian package
+* Add a `debian/apertis/component` file reflecting the repository component it is part of (for instance, `target`)
+  * check out the apertis repository: `git checkout apertis/v2021dev0`
+  * add the component file: `echo target > debian/apertis/component`
+  * add the component file to git: `git add debian/apertis/component`
+  * commit the file: `git commit -m "Add d/apertis/component file pointing to target" debian/apertis/component`
 * create an empty project on GitLab under the `pkg/*` namespaces (for instance, `pkg/target/hello`)
 * configure the origin remote on your local git: `git remote add origin git@gitlab.apertis.org:pkg/target/hello`
 * push your local git contents to the newly created GitLab project: `git push --all --follow-tags origin`