From 4f533a5256afda6c7c234be65d010abd63b0bc1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ryan Gonzalez <>
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2022 17:49:03 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] creating-a-canterbury-agent: Remove legacy document

Canterbury is no longer used, and the concept of "agents" no longer

Signed-off-by: Ryan Gonzalez <>
 content/architecture/    |   7 +-
 content/                           |   7 -
 content/guides/ | 251 ------------------
 3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 263 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 content/guides/

diff --git a/content/architecture/ b/content/architecture/
index 6b5d1f1de..8212202fe 100644
--- a/content/architecture/
+++ b/content/architecture/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ aliases = [
 date = "2016-12-12"
+lastmod = "2022-02-01"
 status = "Deprecated"
 statusDescription = "This document covers frameworks that have been removed in v2022dev2."
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ It is likely that there will be times when access to the internet will be limite
 An Apertis **application bundle** is a set of resources installed as a single
 unit. The app bundle can include open source / proprietary libraries,
-[agents][Agent] and GUI programs.
+services, and GUI programs.
 See the [Application Bundle Specification]( {{< ref "" >}} )
 for a more formal specification of the contents of application bundles.
@@ -103,10 +104,6 @@ For example, the `net.example.ShoppingList` application bundle might contain
 a main entry point named `net.example.ShoppingList` and an [agent] named
-<!-- Local link definitions -->
-[Agent]: {{< ref "" >}}
 <!-- External link definitions -->
 [Reversed domain name notation]:
diff --git a/content/ b/content/
index c194b5493..583ef9688 100644
--- a/content/
+++ b/content/
@@ -10,13 +10,6 @@ aliases = [
-{{< glossary-term agent >}}
-A persistent non-GUI process launched automatically at boot time, immediately
-after application installation or by D-Bus activation.
-See: [Creating a Canterbury agent]({{< ref "" >}})
-{{< /glossary-term >}}
 {{< glossary-term "application bundle" "app bundle" "bundle" >}}
 A group of functionally related components (be they services, data, or
 programs), installed as a unit. This matches the sense with which "app" is
diff --git a/content/guides/ b/content/guides/
deleted file mode 100644
index 299032426..000000000
--- a/content/guides/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-title = "Creating a Canterbury agent"
-weight = 100
-toc = true
-aliases = [
-    "/old-developer/latest/appdev-agents.html",
-    "/old-developer/v2019/appdev-agents.html",
-    "/old-developer/v2020/appdev-agents.html",
-    "/old-developer/v2021pre/appdev-agents.html",
-    "/old-developer/v2022dev0/appdev-agents.html",
-date = "2016-12-09"
-lastmod = "2017-07-01"
-{{% notice warning %}}
-This guide describes creating an agent using the
-[Centerbury legacy application framework]({{< ref "" >}}).
-This framework has been removed in `v2022dev2` and therefore not recommended
-for new development.
-{{% /notice %}}
-An agent is a non graphical program which runs in the background. Agents can be used for playing music or computing expensive operations like indexing large databases, for example.
-Following is a step-by-step guide for creating an agent.  This guide is based on the [agent sample application]( available in the Apertis repos.  It will be handy to have the sample application code open while reading through this guide.
-Our sample application is composed of two classes which will be explained in more detail below:
- - `HlwAgent`: A wrapper class that manages the process itself and the D-Bus object
- - `HlwTickBoard`: A child class that implements the D-Bus interface
-Let's get started!
-# Agents are GApplications
-The [`GApplication`]( is the recommended base class for agents, just as it is for graphical applications.
-One of the advantages of being derived from `GApplication` is that most of the work of registering with D-Bus is handled by the class, so you need only override a few virtual functions in order to get a running agent.
-The `HlwAgent` class is the entry point for running the agent.  This class is defined as:
-Create and launch an `HlwAgent`:
-  app = G_APPLICATION (g_object_new (HLW_TYPE_AGENT,
-      "application-id", "org.apertis.HelloWorld.Agent",
-      NULL));
-  g_application_run (app, argc, argv);
-The `application_id` property of the GApplication is used to provide the D-Bus bus name.  This id should be unique so it is recommend that you use `@BUDNLE_ID@.Agent`.  `GApplicationFlags` should be set to `G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE`.  See [the description]( of flags for more information.
-In the `HlwAgent` class, the `dbus_register` and `dbus_unregister` virtual functions should be overridden to catch whether the requested D-Bus name is available to use, and`activate` should be overridden as well, which is a mandatory virtual function for all applications and agents.
-static void
-hlw_agent_class_init (HlwAgentClass *klass)
-  GApplicationClass *app_class = G_APPLICATION_CLASS (klass);
-  ...
-  app_class->activate = hlw_agent_activate;
-  app_class->dbus_register = hlw_agent_dbus_register;
-  app_class->dbus_unregister = hlw_agent_dbus_unregister;
-  ...
-To cause `HlwAgent` to run in the background and prevent termination by the ending of the main function, the reference count should be held and released properly. In a graphical application, it's clear that `g_application_hold ()` should be called when the window appears and `g_application_release ()` when the window disappears, but unlike a graphical program, it's a bit less clear when to manage reference count in an agent.  Fortunately, in the `dbus_register` function, we can assume that the agent is ready to export extra objects on the bus, making it a good place to take the reference with `g_application_hold ()`, and in `dbus_unregister` we can release the reference count with `g_application_release ()`.
-static gboolean
-hlw_agent_dbus_register (GApplication    *app,
-                         GDBusConnection *connection,
-                         const gchar     *object_path,
-                         GError         **error)
-  ...
-  g_application_hold (app);
-  ...
-static void
-hlw_agent_dbus_unregister (GApplication    *app,
-                           GDBusConnection *connection,
-                           const gchar     *object_path)
-  ...
-  g_application_release (app);
-  ...
-Once the `activate` virtual function is overridden, we will have a runnable agent skeleton.
-# D-Bus Interface
-Using the `GApplication` class allows our agent to run as stand-alone non-graphical program, but it isn't yet able to interact with the outside world.  It is recommended that D-Bus be used to communicate with other processes on the system. D-Bus code and documentation can be easily created by `gdbus-codegen`.  For more details of the usages of the generator, refer to [gdbus-codegen](
-## D-Bus XML Schema
-To make our agent application D-Bus aware, let's introduce a simple XML D-Bus interface.
-Our interface will contain the following:
- - method: ToggleTick
- - property: CurrentTick
-By calling `ToggleTick`, an auto-incremented tick count function is enabled or disabled.  Once the function is enabled, the property, `CurrentTick`, is increased by 1 every second.
-<node name="/org/apertis/helloworld/agent/tickboard">
-  <interface name="org.apertis.HelloWorld.Agent.TickBoard">
-    <method name="ToggleTick"/>
-    <property name="CurrentTick" type="i" access="read"/>
-  </interface>
-To generate the D-Bus code at make time, we introduce a simple rule to the Automake ``.
-helloworld-agent/%.c: helloworld-agent/%.xml Makefile
-		--c-namespace=HlwDBus \
-		--interface-prefix=org.apertis.HelloWorld.Agent \
-		--generate-c-code helloworld-agent/$* $<
-Note that `--interface-prefix` should be the same as the `application-id` of the agent.
-## D-Bus function implementation
-The D-Bus skeleton is generated by `gdbus-codegen` according to the XML schema.  Now we need to create actual behaviors for when the D-Bus APIs are called.  In our example, the `HlwDBusTickBoardSkeleton` object and the `HlwDBusTickBoard` interface are created.  Although there are various approaches to implementing this interface, being a child of the D-Bus skeleton object will help show how the generated virtual functions should be filled in.
-G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (HlwTickBoard, hlw_tick_board,
-                         HLW_DBUS_TYPE_TICK_BOARD_SKELETON,
-                                                hlw_tick_board_tick_board_iface_init))
-Next, `handle_toggle_tick` of `HlwDbusTickBoardIface` should be overridden.
-static gboolean
-hlw_tick_board_handle_toggle_tick (HlwDBusTickBoard *object,
-                                   GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
-  ...
-  hlw_dbus_tick_board_complete_toggle_tick (object, invocation);
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-hlw_tick_board_tick_board_iface_init (HlwDBusTickBoardIface *iface)
-  iface->handle_toggle_tick = hlw_tick_board_handle_toggle_tick;
-## Exporting the interface to D-Bus
-Once the implementation of the D-Bus interface is completed, it needs to be exported on the bus.  `HlwAgent` is already registered on the bus so the `HlwTickBoard`, which is a child object of the D-Bus skeleton, can be easily exported in the `dbus_register` function.
-static gboolean
-hlw_agent_dbus_register (GApplication    *app,
-                         GDBusConnection *connection,
-                         const gchar     *object_path,
-                         GError         **error)
-  gboolean ret;
-  ...
-  /* chain up */
-  ret = G_APPLICATION_CLASS (hlw_agent_parent_class)->dbus_register (
-      app,
-      connection,
-      object_path,
-      error);
-  if (ret &&
-      !g_dbus_interface_skeleton_export (
-          G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (self->tick_board),
-          connection,
-          "/org/apertis/HelloWorld/Agent/TickBoard",
-          error))
-    {
-      g_warning ("Failed to export TickBoard D-Bus interface (reason: %s)",
-          (*error)->message);
-    }
-  return ret;
-Note that it is recommended that an application registers as above before exporting any other interfaces to D-Bus.
-# Apparmor profile
-An agent must be granted different Apparmor permissions than those granted to standard [application bundles]( {{< ref "" >}} ).  Several additional rules are required to allow an agent to access the bus.
-/Applications/@BUNDLE_ID@/** {
-  #include <abstractions/chaiwala-base>
-  #include <abstractions/dbus-session-strict>
-  /Applications/@BUNDLE_ID@/{bin,libexec}/* pix,
-  /Applications/@BUNDLE_ID@/{bin,lib,libexec}/{,**} mr,
-  /Applications/@BUNDLE_ID@/share/{,**} r,
-  owner /var/Applications/@BUNDLE_ID@/users/** rwk,
-  dbus send
-       bus=session
-       path=/org/freedesktop/DBus
-       interface=org.freedesktop.DBus
-       member="RequestName"
-       peer=(name=org.freedesktop.DBus),
-  dbus bind
-       bus=session
-       name="@BUNDLE_ID@",
-  dbus bind
-       bus=session
-       name="@BUNDLE_ID@.Agent",
-  dbus (send, receive)
-       bus=session
-       peer=(label=/Applications/@BUNDLE_ID@/**),
-  signal receive peer=/usr/bin/canterbury,