diff --git a/content/guides/apertis_release_process.md b/content/guides/apertis_release_process.md
index f46462f4f7140a7301684cb6a3686fda9d22dbe4..76c6cca69bc659b51e89d848bb5fc707a833438a 100644
--- a/content/guides/apertis_release_process.md
+++ b/content/guides/apertis_release_process.md
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Some notes about the `Archive Rebuild` task
 * Rebuilds are usually not required to be triggered manually.
 * Archive wide rebuild of packages should never be triggered on the main repositories. Use separate rebuild repositories and delete them once the rebuilds complete:
- * Create the rebuild repositories. Use automation script `clone-rebuilds.sh` from the [apertis-infrastructure](https://gitlab.apertis.org/infrastructure/apertis-infrastructure/-/blob/apertis/v2021dev2/release-scripts/clone-rebuilds.sh) repository.
+ * Create the rebuild repositories. Use automation script `clone-rebuilds.sh` from the [apertis-infrastructure](https://gitlab.apertis.org/infrastructure/apertis-infrastructure/-/blob/main/release-scripts/clone-rebuilds.sh) repository.
  * Ensure that all rebuild repositories have ` rebuild="local" block="never"` in the project meta configuraiton. This is an important step needed to ensure that packages don't get into cyclic rebuilds everytime a relevant library is built.
       <repository name="rebuild" rebuild="local" block="never">
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ A Stable Point Release includes:
 ## Stable Point Release Preparation
 * Increment the *Build Suffix* in the Project configuration for each repository relevant to the release. See section **Build Suffix** for more details
-* Run the [`fold-security-update-branches`](https://gitlab.apertis.org/infrastructure/apertis-infrastructure/-/blob/apertis/v2022dev0/release-scripts/gitlab/fold-security-update-branches) script to:
+* Run the [`fold-security-update-branches`](https://gitlab.apertis.org/infrastructure/apertis-infrastructure/-/blob/main/release-scripts/gitlab/fold-security-update-branches) script to:
   * List the packages in the `:security`, `:updates` and other similar repositories
   * Fast Forward Merge `--ff-only` the respective security and updates branches on Git. For example, `apertis/v2019-security` and `apertis/v2019-updates` should be merged back to `apertis/v2019`. Note: Not able to perform a fast forward merge means something got broken and needs to be investigated and fixed.
   * Poke the pipeline and ensure that all the new packages (from the merged back changes to `apertis/v2019`) get built on OBS and land into the main repository.